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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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I really think it's impossible to capture a charecter this unique without having a face with a redicliously high polycount and custom facial animations. All of the faces look fantastic :D


If we can get rid of some of the unused single player sounds that would be great. I'm not too worried about file size though, the Mandalorian pack was like 12 megs I think which isnt too bad considering all that was in it. Right now with three skins and a heapload of sounds the pk3 clocks in at a little over 5 megs. The more sounds the better, brings the charecter alive :)


More to come


Toonces: Powered with Sith Energy :lightning:D


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Oooooh, Sith The noze looks perfect in game. The shots in Modview are a little deceiving because there is really no lighting source. The noze texture is perfect (I'll try to snap a screenie quick so you all can see)


About the eyes, If you want I can try messing around with shading that area to make the eyes stand out a bit more, to make it appear more realalistic. It's hard to pull off really good eyes without using a good shader.


About the weighting, yeah, I'm going to pull the back of the robe out a little bit, it will give it more of a flowing appearance, also I'm going to change the weights on the front a bit more as an experement to make it look more natural. Custom animations would be so nice here, but for now I'll try as hard as I can work around ravens restrictions


Oh, smirk/no smirk, that's up to you, we could do that shader trick Arco was talking about too if you wanted to do both. Your call though :)


edit: heh, forgot something. Arco hasn't had alot of time to work on the skin yet, he's been really busy recently. I'll mention the robe to him Sith, perhaps he wouldnt mind taking that nice robe he sent me last week and alter the colors on it a bit, I'll suggest that to him. I'll send him an e-mail about that


Toonces: Powered with Sith Energy :lightning


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Hi toonces, great model and all the skins that are being done for it look fantastic, how are we ever going to decide which one to use?


By the way do you have any really old shots of the models you could post so we can see how far you've progressed since you first posted?

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Hey sithlord, having just seen the return of the jedi again, I noticed something. You see how you made around his eyes yellow? Well actually the area around his eyes is reddish. And I agree that the skin needs to be more white. It also sounds like a good idea for you to do the shadow thing with the nose, since you can't otherwise alter it.


edit: Oh, and an evil smirk might be nice.

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1.developers, please, do something with your model, it's too uncooked still!

2.Please, modify it's hood (your model's hood looks like just the woman's long hair), make it's shape more complicated (more pleats), and, of course, more volumetric (wider and deeper). And about it's face - it doesn't seem to be an old man's one, for me it looks like the chimp's one. If you remake the lower part of his face according to the original pics, you will manage with this work.

3.do not hurry with the date of it's release. It's better to get the original palp, than the chimp with woman's hair. Making this model using just one pic, is your rude mistake.

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I'm a really nice person 99% of the time, but Mister ONE post, sorry I have to do this


Flame mode on:


Seeing as how you are new to the boards, I suggest you do your homework before ripping my model. Check out the rest of the thread. Read, and see pictures of how much time I spent on that hood making it look perfect. I love the fact that you assume that I used one single pic for this model. I almost feel sorry that your so ignorant. The hood may look like hair to you, the face may be too fat for you, by all means, please make your own model, if you need refrence pics, just take a look at this entire thread :D I love critisim, it makes me a better artist, but please remember to plop your brain in when you wake up in the morning, and come see me when you have more then ONE post under your belt


Flame mode off:


To all the regular people who read this thread, thank you for your support :D This model has been a joy to work on thus far




Powered with Sith :lightning

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Originally posted by Toonces

I'm a really nice person 99% of the time, but Mister ONE post, sorry I have to do this


Flame mode on:


Seeing as how you are new to the boards, I suggest you do your homework before ripping my model. Check out the rest of the thread. Read, and see pictures of how much time I spent on that hood making it look perfect. I love the fact that you assume that I used one single pic for this model. I almost feel sorry that your so ignorant. The hood may look like hair to you, the face may be too fat for you, by all means, please make your own model, if you need refrence pics, just take a look at this entire thread :D I love critisim, it makes me a better artist, but please remember to plop your brain in when you wake up in the morning, and come see me when you have more then ONE post under your belt



Well, that's really civilized compared to what I would have said.

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It's people like you that give newbies a bad name.


Out of the 3 skins in the latest picture, I think the one on the far right looks the best. The others look a bit....starved and a bit too decayed for lack of a better word.


Great model though.

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Originally posted by Palpatine II

1.developers, please, do something with your model, it's too uncooked still!

2.Please, modify it's hood (your model's hood looks like just the woman's long hair), make it's shape more complicated (more pleats), and, of course, more volumetric (wider and deeper). And about it's face - it doesn't seem to be an old man's one, for me it looks like the chimp's one. If you remake the lower part of his face according to the original pics, you will manage with this work.

3.do not hurry with the date of it's release. It's better to get the original palp, than the chimp with woman's hair. Making this model using just one pic, is your rude mistake.


LOL, if that looks like a woman it is a REALLY ugly woman!!! really really ugly :D

the model is really nice, don't know what he means... well at one point he's right... don't hurry, (but i think it is too late for this as you're nearly finished)

the skins look great!!!!

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heh, thanks for the kind words guys :)


GraFox, I just got your updated skin, looks great :D I'll check it out ingame asap.


§ith Lord, I'll pack up a pk3 for you right now, I thought I sent you one a few days ago but I bet I forgot, oops


keo718, I still havent figured how to write the shader that mirrors the texture on the inside of the hood. I'm going to post over on the skining forum to get some assistance. I get the wrong effect everytime I try (completely transparent hood, looks wierd)


Luuke, If I ran into a woman who looked like that it would be time to run and hide ;)




Powered by Sith :lightning

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ouch does my cloth look ****. Expect an update SOON! Anyway yeah I have some serious personal issues taht may or may not be sorted so it may be a while before you get a young palpy skin from me... and on the holo front I am buggered if i can do it. i can get see thru with some noise but it looks like a kaks arse so screw that.



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LOL! That's one old lady that I wouldn't help across the street.


"Darn Kids! Playin' in my yard!!" :lightning "Take that sonny boy!"


Arco, what is it that you don't like about your cloth? I think it looks great, although it doesn't quite match the texture of the actual robe. I posted about that on the previous page. I have to admit, though, that it looks really nice when I've checked it out in-game. I look forward to your update, but most importantly I hope everything clears up for you :)
























:lightning "Take a bite of this apple and then make a wish, little girly"

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Well, spyzer


Toonces is basically finished with the modelling (maybe a few minor tweeks here and there) and There are three skin artists still working on making their final products to their absolute liking. When those skins are finished, everything will be packed up, tested and should be ready for release.

No one is sure when everything will be finished. Everyone is just taking the time to make everything as good as they can, and it sure looks as though the final product will be extremely satisfying.

Heh, I'll tell you this, I think that this model looks tremendous in motion, and that it shall live up to it's Sith Master billing.


You never know what kind of snags you may run into (In Real Life and with the PC) so Toonces isn't going to announce a hard release date or anything like that. Not untill it's completely done.

Also, Arco, Grafox and §ithlord deserve what ever time they need, so I don't think he's going to put a time crunch on them or anything like that. Their talents are very much worth the wait :)




"Everything that has transpired has done so according to my designs."


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