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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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BLUE STEEL!! Great icon Klorel :D


Thanks guys, that was my only real gripe with the model, that the torso didnt seem to flow enough to me, and yes nomad, the sleeves are still nice and long. :D I'll have to tweak them once I get them in game to ensure a nice effect :)


One thing I'll add to the height issue, when (crosses fingers) Sith/Kinja/K-man, or one of the great coders in the community discovers how to shrink our little green friend Yoda, I'll be able to shrink him (I'm invisioning sith-II raising Vader a foot also, that would rock)


I'm gonna uv map him tonight, and perhaps get a basic skin on him tommorow :)


CT :lightning


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I suggested it once before and I'll suggest it again:

Couldn't you just create a simple head over the actual skull as a separate surface(to be turned off), move the REAL head(the one we would see) down and forward to make a more accurate hunch, and do some creative weighting of the visible head to the skull/upper spine area to at least give the appearance that he is shorter? It would be work, but it would solve your height problem for the most part.

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Originally posted by inbredyokel

I suggested it once before and I'll suggest it again:

Couldn't you just create a simple head over the actual skull as a separate surface(to be turned off), move the REAL head(the one we would see) down and forward to make a more accurate hunch, and do some creative weighting of the visible head to the skull/upper spine area to at least give the appearance that he is shorter? It would be work, but it would solve your height problem for the most part.

If the game thinks that the invisible head is the "head" then it will not work correctly. It will be misaligned and his head will just sit there and possibly even some nasty stretching and unalignment will happen. Not a pretty site.

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is that face skin the final one? something looks really off about it to me. the mouth may be too large or the eyes too small, im not sure, it just looks strange to me. i think its the mouth, looks way too wide. its about twice as wide as his eyes are. also, id make him a little more pissed off looking. like the look when he is shooting the force lightning. thatd be cool.

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It's kinda hard to see in most of the shots, but his head is definatly bowed forward a bit, I also have his shoulders rounded quite a bit in the back. When I'm weighting him I may experement with moving his head a little more forward. I've watched the RotJ Emperor scenes quite a few times over the past few weeks, and I've noticed that he's got much less of a hunchback then I initially thought. Ian McDiarmid has a build very similar to my own, same rounded shoulders for the most part. (alough I'm signifigantly taller) He pretty much just leaned over a bit (for the cane scenes) Twards the end, when he's walking down the stairs, he's pretty much standing straight up. He gets the "hunchback" effect from tilting his head forward, and pointing his chin up and out (kinda uncomfortable)


I'm fairly confident that I'll be able to get an in-game effect that you guys will like :) I really wish I could use a custom skeleton and animations, I beleive I understand enough about how the Emperor moves that I could animate him very convincingly


IPHDTD: The face is definatly not final, I think it's the angle of the screen shots that makes his mouth look so prominant, that and I have it shaded in such a way that It sticks out and really makes it noticable. That will definatly be changed for the final :D


CT :lightning


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Man, I am so excited after reading the update on the Yoda Model!

Toonces, Glad to hear about the sleeves. I figured, but I just had to ask. Your model is really looking great. Even without seeing it in game or anything, it just seems to capture something about the Emperor's essence. I figure that you must have some kind of tap into his soul or something. :lightning


So, the news of the scaling coding is great. I wonder how long it'll be before it can be fully implemented.

LOL You may have even more work cut out for you now.

Regardless, the height of the Emperor in game is not a huge factor for me. With the right sounds and the right dark look, wonderful immerssion is extremely possible.


I'm tired, I've been working on some new sounds for Bespin-Luke for many many hours. Now I've got to make all the files a little louder, test it out some more, and it should be ready for distribution.

I want to try to do some 3D modeling. I have Gmax.

Toonces, Do you think you could give me a few pointers to get started? I can't even look at the root.xsi yet.

Anyway, if I could ask a few questions elsewhere, maybe you could give me a few answers. I just can't learn from Tutorials alone, and I need to be able to get things running before I can learn via the usual trial and error.



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THANK YOU for working on an Emperor Palpatine model! You are now officially the coolest guy on the JKII forums! You see, I'm a huge Palpatine fan. In fact, he's my favorite fictional character of all time. As you probably know, I'm in desparate need of an Emperor skin for multiplayer. Unfortunately, there just isn't an abundance of Palpatine skins on the Net (unlike all the Darth Mauls.) Sure, there's Dark DNA's, but that's just a black Reborn. Then, there's Rob H.'s, but the Tyrion model just doesn't work for the dark Emperor.


I am seriously looking forward to the completed product. May the Force be with you. Oh, and best taunt is probably, "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side."



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Originally posted by Vindicator

Also, not to change the subject, but did I hear that Kinja's Yoda team fixed the height issue in MP?!


you heard correctly. go check out a thread by sithlord-ii in the coding section. tchouky (sp?) figured it all out, and there are a couple of incredible screenies of yoda VS luke. made me speechless.

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Toonces, I noticed some things you need to look at on your model from the flat shaded pic. Anyways, I have some questions, and a ref pic to show you what Im talking about.


Anyways, did you model the cloak around another model? I ask because it looks like you have a sinlgle layer of polys wrapped around another model in a thin layer. If so this could be a real pain because the cloak will clip into the model. The cloak should probably be part of a solid model.


Also I noticed the polyflow. It appears to be a bit messy, and there aren't any "rows" such as how the verts are set up.


Anyways, here's a pic of Maul with Edged Faces so you can see what I'm talking about.




He's not the best ref pic to show off arms, but the rest is pretty solid. Notice the rows of verts and teh polyflow more than anything. You need to keep these in mind to get the best deformation.


Hope this helps.


And sorry if my bandwidth is hosed..........................

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heh, Shadow Angel and I think alike, that one tops my list for possible taunts :D I was also thinking about using the "Strike me down with all of your hatred" line, I'll have to put some serious thought into it.


Chesire, would you like to see a wireframe of the model? I'll PM you one if you'd like. I did innitially model the cloak over another model (a majorly adjusted root.xsi) but the torso and the hips have since been replaced by a much thinner "chunk" in the middle to give the illusion of having an inside layer to the robe (to save polys) The robe itself is segmented into the torso and hips. I'd like to know how BloodRiot pulled it off, I'm not sure if he still lurks around here, I'll have to try and get in touch with him.


There are some set rows, mostly on the hood, and the head. For the robe itself I pushed some verts around to get a wrinkly look, peraps I went too far. I'll send you a wireframe if you'd like to see it? I'd be intrested on your oppinion. :)


adilion & Vindy, yeah, I read about it yesterday and I must say, tchouy (sp) is a coding genious :D I can't wait for the code to be done, I will definatly scale the emperor down a bit as long as he doesnt mind :)


nomad (yes, I didnt forget about you :D) I'll send you a pm, I have like a million great links that can help you get started, and of cource I'll give you some tips :) I'm definatly no modeling guru (Chesire is much much better than I), but I'd be happy to share what I've learned in the last month or so :D


More to come guys, I'm working for the perfect texture for the robe, I hope I can do the Dark Lord justice :)


CT :lightning


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Here's what I want to do in JKII...


Emperor Palpatine is walking along, hunched over on his cane, and out pops a flechette wielding stormtrooper. Palpatine raises one hand and zaps the stormtrooper with a pulse of Level 10 Force Lightning. (Seriously, even the level 4/9 Force lightning that Desann uses doesn't do Palpatine justice. I do hope that you can contact a coder or something to include a mod only for Palpatine, or something to that effect.)


Perhaps a Level 5/10 (5 or 10, since 4-9 are all the same strength) Force Lightning could be in pulses that knock the enemy to the floor and do tremendous damage (unlike the slow drain for level 3. A pulse that pushes the enemy hard would also make it less cheap.)


I don't know, but I want to see this Palpatine as realistic as possible.


Speaking of which, I'd love to see a scene in Ep. III of some powerful Jedi in Palpatine's room suddenly discover that he is a Sith. Palpatine lifts a finger, and the Jedi are smashed against the wall--instantly killing them. He then goes back to gazing out his window. :lightning:

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Right on cheshire, I was going to say the same thing. I just posted somthing along those lines in that thread of Skaters asking me to help him. Anyway, toonces, what cheshire was talking about is the key to making good clean models. The cool part about this is that once you get a grasp on this it just makes modeling so much easier:) Good luck man! Keep it up.

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Thanks Kinja, I'm going to work on cleaning him up. It's a learning process alright. I think the artist in me is getting a little too anxious to get into photoshop :D I'm a much better 2d artist than a modeler, but then again, I've spent most of my 23 years designing on a flat canvas. Thanks for the tips, I'm gonna do my best to get his verts into a uniform pattern


CT :lightning


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OK Toonces, Im not the best at explaining stuff, but check out this sketch. I just kind of show how the arm should be built. You'll have to work it out for deformation and create a sort of elbow in the back, but this is your basic polyflow you want.


What you have now, is going to be trouble when it's weighted, and you dont want to get that far before you realise it, so I hope it helps. If you don't quite catch on to what Im trying to show you just yell, and I'll try to get more detailed about it.

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Think I fixed the link. May as well have, since I'd already put the pic up. I'll leave it there for a few days if you like. Take the entire polyflow thing into consideration for the entire model as a whole, and ripp some pk3 files so you can see them im Modview too. I personally did that to see how people where overcoming some of the deformations of JK2.


Keep it up!



EDIT/ The white lines are just to show the skeleton, but I didn't draw in the double bones for the shoulder and forearm. You probably know what I mean.... Hopefully anyways.

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Cool, thanks, that's actually really helpful :D I studied Exar Kun (Thanks again Sith) a little bit and began to reconstruct the lower half of the model. What took me hours to do before I was able to finish in about 20 mins.


One thing I'm concerned with are the sleeves, I have a theroy that they are going to deform badly no matter what I do to them.


From what you've seen of the torso, should I reconstruct that part as well?


more to come :D


CT :lightning


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[kicking myself]

WHYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! i wish i heard about this earlier. not only did i give my model's sleeves a baggy look, i also had to twist them with a space warp cause they would be hanging incorrectly in game......... i hope this doesnt totally screw me over. its your model that brought the sleeves issue to my attention though... thanks by the way. I too I think was too anxious to get into photoshop, i dont even know how many model tweeks i've done since skinning began. atleast the bones are being weighted by "experienced model boners" and not me. lol, sorry :p


btw. i'm gonna have to stick with blue steel for a while, Magnum is still a WIP, gotta tame the bull before you let it out of its cage.


great model toonces, its come a long way. as for the height issue, i know you can shrink him like yoda, but i was referring to proportion as was bradfu i believe. good luck.

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Just a quick update, I've reconstructed most of the model. Thanks again Chesire :D Your sketch clicked with my brain. I have a bunch of things still left to do, finish the sleeves, turn some edges, make some caps, ect...




Klorel, I'm glad I could help in some small way ;) I've been folowing your Windu thread for quite some time. His face is dead on, incredible! I cant wait to see him in action :D


As for Sidious, I'm attempting to get the proportions just right. I have his shoulders rounded quite signifigantly behind his head, I think it's just really difficult to see with that big hood covering his shoulders. I think what I'll do is pull the bottem of the hood in a little bit, and slope it over his neck and around his shoulders, perhaps that will show off his posture better.


Oh, one last thing, Cheshire, I noticed how strait your Maul model was in the wireframes you had posted on your website, but I've noticed that in game it appears that mauls chin is pointed down and strait out. (looks incredible, and makes him look like an even bigger badass than he is) My question is, how did you weigh his head to get an effect like that?


CT :lightning


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