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*SIGH* just letting out my frustration....


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I know this thread has probably been made like 7657546 times, but I feel better when people listen to me whine :ewok:


Push & Pull make me want to... hell... words won't describe what I want to do... :deathstar


I'm in game and people either push me serveral hundred times until I fall, or they: pull ---> chop ---> pull --->chop, and it goes on and on till I die! It bugs the :swear: out of me when they don't even fight you! Give me a real :lsduel: before you call me a "n00b" and "whiner"!


Ya sure, I can counter it.... but why should I have to change the entire way I play, just because they abuse it?

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For the record that everyone seems to give to everyone who has something to say about 1.03...





Now.. to tell you the truth, I heartily agree with you. Ever since the changes in 1.03 to make saber fighting more 'movie like', there has been an increased abuse to a kiddie pool of particular moves. Normally the special attacks of each stance, and the backstab.


You don't see Jedi pulling off special moves all the time... in other words, Raven failed in their goal to make fighting more movie like. It is impossible for an average human to effectively fight against the game when he doesn't have reflexes of a Jedi. Thats why Jedi are able to fight so well.

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You know what would fix all these one hit kill moves? Keep em around, but have them drain alot from your force power...like the whole entire thing. Meaning if you just used a bit of your force already, then forget using this move because you'll need the whole meter. That way they're still there and possible, but they can't quite be spammed as repeatedly.

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Originally posted by Elegy

You know what would fix all these one hit kill moves? Keep em around, but have them drain alot from your force power...like the whole entire thing. Meaning if you just used a bit of your force already, then forget using this move because you'll need the whole meter. That way they're still there and possible, but they can't quite be spammed as repeatedly.

This has been mentioned a few times before, and I agree with it totally.
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I would add personnal comments to this thread but since I'm an administrator I will not.


here's my .... censored version:


Keep looking for a server that is filled with "respectful" people or people with a similar fighting style.











The END. :D:max::manny::thumbsup::horn::3headed:

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Is it so damn hard to put on absorb?


- Menilus


Agree absorb is the bestest most l37t force power on da face of da erf and all... but yes it can actually be very challenging to turn on absorb if your a dark side force user...


One night I spent about 18 hours mashing the absorb button... till I gave up and figured everyone else must be cheating...


Moral of this story?


It's sad that now in order to reliably counter spam and lameness you need to be a light side Jedi...


It used to be far different...


But oh well heheh.


No offense Menilus, but please try to remember some of us use red sabers for a reason...

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Menilus: I don't think you read the last line of my post.



Elegy: Thats exactly what the should do, and I sure hope they don't take their sweet time doing it.


To the admin guy: Honestly, have you ever been in a server without a Push/Pull/Grip spammer? Its impossible! There is always at least one rotten ****er in the bunch.

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