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New Project by BloodRiot and Absath


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Looks good! One suggestion I have for you is to shrink the head a touch, looks a bit large. Possibly just narrow the head and neck a bit that way the chin will be a little better proportioned. Very cool to see an original character! :)



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Yo guys, do all the humans you want, and don't worry about doing original charachters unless you want too. I'm going to do a charachter of my own design next. It might be an alien though, but the point is as long as were making star wars related charachters, no one should complain. Anyway, just my 3 cents...

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Damn thats a sweet model. The only thing that caught my eyes was the belt maybe try useing the Craquline (hope i spelled it right) filter in photoshop on it, That might give it a more used look and add some shadows to it. Great model. What model are you guys planning on doing next ? I would like to see you do the Gyver as your next model.




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you guys are doing a great job at teasing us. and believe me when i say i'm NOT complaining. he looks *bleep* incredible!


when can we expect the next installment of teasers, especially WHO this bad@$$ is?


as always, giddy with anticipation.

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Looking great you guys... keep up the excellent work....


may i make a suggestion.... i love everything you have done so far... i think it woul look cool though to have a test subject for the face...


like actually take digital pictures of someone and then photoshop them so they look like something you would see in game.... im not sure if it would make a difference but i think that an altered human image might give a better result.... look at the padme model WIP this method worked wonders...


either way i will download it... its your guys work and you guys have the final say...



this looks badAZZ


thanks for keeping this community alive blood and absath

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The Rel)ee(V)eR

thats sounds too close to Jacques De Molay the martyr of the Knights of Templar. Actually named a fraternity after him which was a junior organization to the Masons.

I know i was in DeMolay in a Louisiana chapter and was a Junior Councilor and a Chaplain.


Going off subject .... ugh..... looks good abs and br what's his name?


very good on the clothing textures :D

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Keep in mind that they mentioned that they aren't going to do anything but original characters from now on.


Really, that's a shame.:(


I was sure this model was gonna be Obi-Wan from EP.2 to go along with your Jango model, but oh well, it still looks good. :)


Too bad I'm always gonna think of Kevin Sorbo every time I see it now.:D j/k

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It does look like him!!!

I HATE KEVIN SORBO! did he actually think his TV show was any good? and then there was Andramada (or whatever!) MY GOD! that was a discrase to all science fiction! HURCULES! what was he thinking! BAH! GAH! AH!


sorry, i really hate Kevin Sorbo... grrrrr!

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I must say this model looks impressive. Very impressive. Just like your other work. :)


However, I hope you guys don't totally give up on movie characters. I thought I was looking at an Episode II Obi-Wan when I clicked the link... but then I immediately thought Kevin Sorbo. :p


Though I got to mention... you guys wouldn't happen to have an Obi-Wan up in the works? I've yet to see a good Kenobi skin. :(


I was working on one actually, but I ran into major problems trying to load it in game. I was skinning over the regular Jedi skin and at the character selection screen my Obi picture was up... however when I started playing, I was playing with the Jedi skin. Really frustrating stuff.


Why can't skinning be as easy as it was in the Sims. :D

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Originally posted by omses


It does look like him!!!

I HATE KEVIN SORBO! did he actually think his TV show was any good? and then there was Andramada (or whatever!) MY GOD! that was a discrase to all science fiction! HURCULES! what was he thinking! BAH! GAH! AH!


sorry, i really hate Kevin Sorbo... grrrrr!



Wow. 3 posts from you in this thread alone making rude comments or just plain laughing for no reason. And what do you know, all 3 posts have misspellings up the wazoo...


If you don't like him, fine, keep it to yourself. But don't waste bandwidth on bull****...


If we could remove half of the posts around here, I bet we could actually view lucasforums.com from time to time...



Anyways, this guy is looking better everyday you two. Keep up the good work. And on the subject of doing original characters: Is it just me, or isn't Kyle a made up character? And all the lame ass dark jedi that have been in the DF games? I was sure they were all made up.


Last I recall, the movies only had a few Jedi...


So, make up all the bleedin' characters you guys want. If nobody wants them, oh well. Not like they're being forced to download, eh? ;)

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