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New Project by BloodRiot and Absath


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The File hasnt been posted up yet. I tried last night but to no avail. The mail just didnt went through.


I'll try again now.


Leagle: Uptight my @ss! We spent 2 nights selecting names and performing name and word combos to come up with a name. Personally i only know enough from warhammer to say that i dont like it. I never played it...and i certainly dont know no character named tyrion. It's just sad we spent a whole heap of time trying to come up with a decent product and someone labels it as a total rippoff.


One thing is saying that it's the same name as a character in warhammer.. the other is saying that it's a total ripoff.

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Leagle, you're not allowed to talk to me until you are no longer a Gungan. At that point we'll discuss your misuse of the word uptight in this situation.



iTeM, I did read your post, and saying "its not a bad thing" doesnt make up for the fact that you called it a rip-off, thus implying that we arent creative enough to make up our own name. As if we spend a couple of weeks creating an entirely original character with a backstory and history, and then resort to theft when we need to choose a name =P


I came up with the name by combining two previous names i liked, but didnt quite fit the character- Trystan and Zion. with some creative rearranging i came up with Tyrion, but not before passing through Tyros, Tryzio,Trysz, Trioyn and a number of other failed combinations =P




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Originally posted by BloodRiot

Leagle: Uptight my @ss! We spent 2 nights


People spend their whole lives being uptight. I said his snappy response was uptight, so is yours. It is YOU who needs to think before opening your mouths.


I never said you nicked a name. All I said was that it was known from somewhere.

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Of course I thought it to be a total rip-off when I first heard (read) his name! The chance that you guys made up the EXACT same name as Games Workshop did is, after all, kinda small. I don't regret what I said, but I'll excuse for my choice of words since you got so bitchy about it, Absath.


Your problem is that you always seem to be in a "defend" position. All I said was that it was a rip-off, which I thought i to be.

Do you really think that is strange?


So stop crying about it and get that model uploaded!

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Leagle and Item you are both a waste or air. Why don't you shut up and flame somone else. These guys go though all this work, and time on their own and all you can do is scream rip-off and bull****.


You guys did a great job, ignore them they are just jealous that they can't come up with an amazing model and name.




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I really don't want to take up any more space, but absath and bloodriot should know that I'm not saying anything bad about their model/skin. And I really don't think Leagle is either (he hasn't even said anything like that, has he?). So you can plz shut the *insert bad word here* up!

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Geez, why are you guys arguing with Absath and Bloodriot on the name? You may not see it, but your posts about that have been not-quite-civil. Take a moment and think about the way someone might feel in response to your words. By calling the name a ripoff, you just virtually spit in their faces. The chance that they made up the same name is actually really good. I highly doubt Games Workshop was the first to use that name, either.


We all should try to post with a cool head (or sober, as the case may be :) )



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If we were getting paid for any of this, I could let every snide comment roll right off my back. But we aren't. We're doing this for free, investing our time and effort in this for no other reason than we enjoy it.


In my opinion, we shouldn't have to hear anything aside from constructive critisicm (good or bad) or praise. Any other comments made with malicious intent or under the impressions that we owe the community something i will either ignore or defend or occasionally lash out at. thats just me. Bloodriot often laughs because he knows my temper and my sarcasm over things like that. im not uptight, im defensive of the investment i make in these projects.


To be truthful, i would be just as happy to create the characters and keep them for personal use on my LAN to play with amongst my friends etc as i am to release them to the public. I am an artist, and my enjoyment comes from the creation, not from fame or praise.


but i want these models to hit the public, because not everyone can create their own characters etc and i feel it would be damned selfish to keep these models from providing enjoyment to the public. but that does not mean we have to put up with certain types of comments. we do for the community, without asking anything from the community in return, except to be civil and thought out with your comments.


i have spoked with James btw....since jkii.net is swapping file servers, Tyrion will be delayed in posting =P he assured me that this model will be the very first file posted to the new boards, so you can all DL it as soon as possible. He is also forwarding the model to Massassi and Polycount (tho we sent them our Mandalorian models and they have yet to post those...) so hopefully you'll get your hands on these models soon.




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Originally posted by iTeM

Of course I thought it to be a total rip-off when I first heard (read) his name! The chance that you guys made up the EXACT same name as Games Workshop did is, after all, kinda small.


It's funny that Games Workshop apparently made it up. I've seen it in a book of names for newborns for ages man. Maybe GW just took the name from elsewhere's themselves?

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Tyrion - Tirion. It's Tolkien!(and its the name of a city that he took somewhere else prob) Games workshop never and can't invent anything. They are just good at taking ideas from others and crapping them together. In any case I can't understand the name thing. If you don't like it, just reskin it and call it John Doe if you like! Absath, you don't even need to justify to these buck-toothed troglodytes your choices! (Especialy when I think they are just tying to spark your temper on purpose).

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Um...to Mr. Bloodriot & Absath


You guys never mentioned me, so I'm not sure if you guys are pissed at me or not. But I would just like to say I had no intention to piss you guys off (if I even did) because I was just replying to someone who said the name sounded familiar and I just told him what it reminded me off. I never said I was a rip off or unoriginal.


Anyhoo, since you guys only want constructive criticism or praise:

I think Tyrion looks very kickarse! I hope jkii.net can have it up within a couple days! :D


Data :aobi::saberb:

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Originally posted by Absath

comments made with malicious intent or under the impressions that we owe the community something i will either ignore or defend or occasionally lash out at. thats just me.


I'm not giving you stick. You're making it. You are being uptight, it's the perfect description. It is not "occasionally", at least, not here. You need to control your anger, 'cause while I know there are cases where you may unleash it, but when one guy says the name fits, and gives an honest description of part of you is not the time to lose it.

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What's in a name, that which we call a Montague. What's a Montague, it is nor hand, nor foot...by an other name would smell as sweet.- Romeo and Juliet


This sounds like Romeo and Juliet, fighting over a name. I like the name and I think Absath and Bloodriot have the right to be mad. If someone called something I did a rip off I would be angry too. So I think you guys owe them an apology. Oh and great model guys, hope JK2.net gets it up soon.

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Hey Leagle and Item (are you an item together?)

Anyway, if you meant nothing by it, why don't you shut up and let it pass. Do you have to argue over a point that you have obviously failed in making? You are backpedaling now!

Lay off the guys for their great work!

I wait until you create a model (and skin) of this quality and name it. I want to be first in line to tell you that its a rip-off.


Until then (which I doubt will come (I said 'of this quality'))



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