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1 tactic? Yawn...


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I hate people who run around with absorb all day and all they do is force pull then backslash.:rolleyes:


Im usually in the top 3 everytime in score and I use alot of ways to kill people.

Guns,force powers,saber, ect...

I dont just do the same damn thing over the whole time.


Funny thing is that the people who use this tactic (absorb-force pull-backslash) think that they are awsome players with skillz. LOL

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Personally I don't see the problem with backstab/backswing, its easy to pull off, yet better players can do it more skillfully and at lower risk to themselves.


I use it quite a lot, but as soon as I realize that its not going to be as effective anymore I'll tone down my usage. The point is, its easy to counter, it leaves you open to attack.


Maybe making it harder to pull of would be better, or perhaps if they made it use force power to use, ie so it can't be used in a NF Duel.

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absorb is so important now, a little too important. it is impossible to play the game and win without having absorb on during combat (assuming u are fighting a skilled person). I cant walk around without being hit with constant push/pull spam. so my absorb is always on. i am FORCED to use absorb at all times or its off the cliff i go.


the sad fact about the pull + backstab technique is that its 1 of the 2 reliable ways to kill someone with a saber. the other way being throwing your saber and pulling them just before they are hit (not even absorb stops this). ALL normal blue and yellow stance attacks can be blocked by simply standing and facing your oppenent. Translation: the chances of you hitting someone in light or medium stance are slim.


Soooo, that leaves everyone using the heavy stance. which is a problem cuz heavy stance is extremely slow. thats why people use the backstab, it works and its really the only thing that works. thanks to the 1.03 patch.

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Backstab is a silly move... In the game, if you get cornered (so you can't dodge, jump away, etc.), you'll be more easily killed by an opponent who thrusts his ass on your face.


Because backstab can't be blocked! In actual combat situation (don't even think about giving me the crap about this being a game, ok?), you'd easily slay anyone who turns their back at you, but no, not in JK2.

You get killed in JK2, because someone who made the move didn't think too hard (No offense, Raven people).


That's just silly.

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Originally posted by Hateplow

Anyone ever notice how everyone who complains about whores still wins? Anyone?


I swear everytime someone moans about something they follow it up with "I usally always get in the top X, blah blah".



Thats was mearly an example that there are various ways to play this game and still be at the top with out being such of a loser and using 1 tactic the whole game.

Seems you didnt catch that. Maybe next time ill have to be more clear or maybe type it in a bigger font.


*You took offense to my statement, Im guesing that you do what i described?;)

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ok Teclar! let's talk about realism since you tried to base your agruement on that.


1) Realism? All hits are 1 hit kills. Get hit in the head once? you're dead, get sliced in the shoulder? can't use that arm, hit anywhere on the body? you're dead.


2) how about running slower when going backwards? ah.yes..some people think this si good..but CTF would suck with gun users, which is part of this game also, can't be too close to realism there.


This IS a game, I am a competitive player, and many have commented on my taking this game too seriously, so I am on your side ina sense...


But this game can't be super realistic, why? Because the game would be no fun. Each game has it's unrealistic quirks, which keep it balanced.

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Originally posted by cjais

Hateplow, almost every post i see from you consists of some snide negative comment. How about posting something constructive for a change?


Do I look constructive to you? Besides, he is right, there are a lot of ways to counter the pull/backstab. I just found one, which is annoying every backstabber hehehe. They end up calling me gay :D

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