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Admin-tool For Jk2


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Hi @ll,

are there any "Administration-Tools" for a Jedi Knight 2 Server? Perhaps only for Dedicated Server. Please tell me URLs to WebSite of these tools. I mean: Tools like AdminMod or ClanMod for Counter-Strike!!! .. thx BeLzEbUb

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2. Make it in such a fashion that the only typing an admin does is the rcon password, and ip:port.

3. Allow me to have a list of my servers, so I don't have to keep tyiping in the ip:port, and rcon.

4. All regular rcon functions should be point and click. For example to ban someone allow me to right click on a list of players then choose whether I want to vote them off, ban them, kick them, etc..



5. Give us a seperate window for just seeing chat messages.

6. Realtime statistics window



Ideally, I"d like to see this admin tool be a complete front end for the game. So that I could setup my servers and the commandlines and whatnot in the program, then to launch servers just doubeclick on it or something. Then have the program give me access to all the commands I'd have at the console.

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I agree with Dilvish I used that for my tfc server and it was great to be able to control server with. If it even have the most common features lik the persons name, ip, score. Then the ability to chat with the players and also a command line for changeing maps and other things. It also made it easier for hosting matches for clans because you could control server and not be in server.

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Originally posted by Aerys

Ability to kick people who attack others with saber down repeatedly (yes, I"m dreaming) [/b]


so, if I join your server and it's on CTF or teambased something...


after I dispatch an opponent in a hard fought match, I can just lower my saber so I can go get health and recharge?


how bout if I got the flag,,, I can lower my saber,,,, then no one should be allowed to attack me?


So what you are going to say now that it isn't a "constant" rule, it depends....


While I agree everyone has a right to their opinion, I just don't see why you are so adament (sp?) about this, since it is subject to interpretation and can easily be misused.


That translates into perceived admin abuse. Just seems like bad mojo, but if they people there love you for it, more power to you.

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Originally posted by MatrixCPA

I guess I'm just old-school. I'm quite used to server admin via the server console via telnet--technically ssh, but anyway. I know that doesn't quite work for the windows crowd, but that's one more reason I don't run windows.


Heh. My "play the game" box is Windows but my servers and my workstation at work is Linux. But that's neither here nor there.


I can live with a "basic" admin tool package. Hell, I can live with an admin tool package that just produces logs with useful info in them. HalfD does this in that it spits out a log parallel to the HalfLife dedicated server log. In HalfD's parallel log, it has the "status" display printed on a regular basis. This would be useful for JKII as (to repeat myself) the JKII native logs are useless for any administrative use other than generating stats for kills, deaths, etc.


I remembered the venerable KKrcon:




It can be useful for crontab-ing announcements, e.g.


$ kkrcon.pl -a -p 28070 -t old rconpassword say "Good morning!"


will print "Good morning!" to all the players. This can be modified in a shell script, e.g.



kkrcon.pl -a -p 28070 -t old rconpassword say "See your miserable stats at http://myserver.luser.org" >/dev/null


that could be run every so many minutes.


But for getting the status of the server, it truncates the results:


$ kkrcon.pl -a -p 28070 -t old rconpassword status



map: duel_temple


AND the "suckiness" factor of JKII logging hits home when one sees that rcon commands are not logged. Otherwise I could have crontab-ed a 'status' command to run every two minutes and at least have that printed in the native JKII logs. But no. . .


-Begin rant-


I dont' know what Raven was thinking when they handed us the JKII dedicated server in the form it's in other than it was an after-thought. As proven by the Valve folks with HalfLife/CounterStrike, a shop can live quite well for a few years on the sales revenue of an MP game that is maintained/managed by unpaid volunteers (us server operators and administrators). But to do this, the shop has to listen to and respond to the needs of these unpaid volunteers. Valve has a history of doing this. It may be too soon to pass judgement on Raven but I'm not particularly hopeful given the lousy dedicated server product we have now (from a server administration perspective).


-End rant-

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Originally posted by JediStone

OK.. there's already a tool available called "Jedi Runner" that's similar to what I'm working on, and it looks pretty good:




Hope this helps.




Thanks for the reminder of Jedi Runner. AFAIK, it's a "server setup utility." and from the screen shots, that's what it does. It demystifies some of the arcane settings that go into the server.cfg.


What I need is a server administration utility. If Raven isn't forthcoming with a patch that would produce useful logs, the server administration utility might fulfill that function.


I've outlined this scenario in another post in this forum: You get an Email from a regular on your server. He/she writes:


"I was on the server last night and some guy named Yoda or something like that comes on. He says, 'You guys SUCK! I'm gonna crash the server!' The server crashed. When I rejoined he was there and said, 'Ha ha ha! I'm gonna do this every day. See if you can catch me!' Thought you'd like to know so you can get rid of him."


Now, those of you familiar with the JKII logs, what do you do with them to help you get this guy and make sure he can't come back and crash your server? :p

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Originally posted by JediStone

I'm currently working on one... I'll keep you posted.


In the meantime, how about if people contribute ideas on what they would like to see, featurewise.





Great initiative creating an admin mod JediStone.

Well, most things that I'd like in it seems to be here already but one VITAL thing is missing. The ability so slap =)


Like in admin mod for CS I would like to be able to slap stupid players all over the place, inflicting small amounts of damage doing it.

It would be nice to have combos too like:

slap (all over the place), message and kick/ban.

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