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Shield Tactics

Guest Tie Guy

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Guest Tie Guy

Ok, shields are obviously a new aspect to the AOK engine, and along with that will come many new tactics.


Feel free to post your own tactics or questions here.


Here's mine: We've all (or at least I) have built castles inside the enemies base to complement my inading army. Will this work with shields too? I think it would, you could send in an army, and follow it up with a bunch of workers to build a shield and a power gen. Bang, you have a shield in your opponents base, and your attack is bound to succeed, even if you are outnumbered. And, you can send troops/mechs into the shield to be healed, or at least regain shields.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

Ok, shields are obviously a new aspect to the AOK engine, and along with that will come many new tactics.


Feel free to post your own tactics or questions here.


Here's mine: We've all (or at least I) have built castles inside the enemies base to complement my inading army. Will this work with shields too? I think it would, you could send in an army, and follow it up with a bunch of workers to build a shield and a power gen. Bang, you have a shield in your opponents base, and your attack is bound to succeed, even if you are outnumbered. And, you can send troops/mechs into the shield to be healed, or at least regain shields.


Better then, you build a Fortress inside the shield!!!

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i think thats a great idea with the 2 power cores! Then theres the gungans with their moble sheilds. that will surly put a twist on it. i wonder if they will have a sheild bounes or some enhanced sheild.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I will find resources get a group to protect them. Then build a shield generator to protect the guarding units and workers.


Now for the attack I will build three to four shield gens. Then take siege weapons and place them within the radius of the Shield Generator. Once a hole is open in comes my army.

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you could tdo the early rush a little latter and use a sheild to protect your buildings that are close to the enemy base and place towers to protect the sheild like a forward base

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I think you overestimate the potential power of shields... with sufficient firepower, someone can actually destroy a shield while the power generator is still active..

and simply putting troops inside the shield (remember EP 1?) is an effective way to stop it as well...

it's not that solid a defence in my opinion..

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Guest xwing guy

Yes, but the sheild generator is not going to create a bubble its just going to give all units and probably buildings too within its raduis as many shield HPs as the unit as regular HPs, so basically doubling the units HPs.

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Guest Tie Guy

But your guys will double their HP and destroy the enemy before they can get close. Remember, a certain amount of troops can overwhelm anything, not just a shield gen, so i think that you underestimate the power of shields.

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all nice and well, but we really don't know enough, much less have seen enough, of them to make these kinds of judgment. the double HP sounds feasible; i would take small groups of units with fambaas (Gungans) and wreac havoc on several places at once while building my REAL army safely in my base..

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Any one knows what kind of shielding they will be using? I.e. Particle shielding and/or ray shielding or is it not going to get so technical?

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Originally posted by Lord JayVizIon

even if you could, that wouldn't allow for quadrupling of your HP. the max HP acquired from shields is 2X. no more, no less....

Yeah but doesn't Gungans regenerate health when in a shield? So having more then one shield will make it harder for enemies to take them down.

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Guest ZeroXcape

It actually is sort of technical. Depending on how quickly you can raise your sheilds, it'll help stop any sort of rush. You'd only need a little more then half the number of units that your opponent sends over.


In that same respect, you can't really rely on them too heavily. If you spend your resources towards sheilding and it goes out, you may end up out of the game quicker then you'd like to be.

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Originally posted by ZeroXcape

It actually is sort of technical. Depending on how quickly you can raise your sheilds, it'll help stop any sort of rush. You'd only need a little more then half the number of units that your opponent sends over.


In that same respect, you can't really rely on them too heavily. If you spend your resources towards sheilding and it goes out, you may end up out of the game quicker then you'd like to be.

Well of course you don't want to rely on any one thing too heavly because if it fails your screwed! Thats why I usually have at least two real good tactics on hand (one to use and one to fall back on) :)

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