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For all you who tell us to stop complaining..

Dark Begger

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ahem...for all of you who tell us to stop complaining..*cough*Vader*cough* let me ask you something.


In 1.02, people complained.


DFA is too strong...

Heavy is too strong...

force powers are unbalanced..blah blah...


and Raven answered with 1.03


DFA is nerfed...

Heavy (well all saber combat..) is toned down..

force powers were screwed over...in efforts to make you guys happy.


SO, guess what? We want it back like 1.02. Therefore, learning from you guys who are ever so good and smart, we will complain so we will get some changes BACK. It's a sad fact taht this has to happen, but that's how it goes. sorry.

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taht's me..with a pathetic life...oh well, maybe with this pathetic life, I can get some changes back, and some more people will be happy. I would end up taking no recognition for it, although it was my complaining that made it happen, but the satisfaction of watching the game get better would pay off my no lifeness.

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just learn to use 1.03 a little better.

loads screamed about how ****e 1.02 was so they changed it. now you want it back. WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU WANT!


ok, the backstab thing is a joke i will admit that. it always makes me laugh when i see someones arse comming for me with the saber wildly swinging, but its so easy to get around and i always have the last laugh when they get my saber right up their ring.


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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

your life is pathetic dude,






to paraphrase "this thread is pathetic dude"




what people never understand is that if you dont like 1.03: DONT PLAY THE DAMN THING!!!


no one is forcing you to use it....


"We want it back like 1.02."


do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? go and PLAY 1.02 then....:rolleyes:


btw this is the 85003rd post is the valley... cant type fast engough for 85000;):D

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hmm..well then how come you didn't say the same thing during 1.02, when people were complaining about that? Why didn't you tell them to 'stop playing if they don't like it'. fact is when people want to complain, its okay, but when they see it and don't want the change to happen they deny it and tell everyone else to stop complaining. I'm sorry, this thread may be pathetic but all of the complaint threads asking for more of a 1.02 feel are not. Because as Raven did for 1.02, they listened to these whining threads and made 1.03. So I feel that I will complain to get it back. You can think what you want, if you don't like me complaining, don't come to these forums.

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Can anyone play this game without whining? I really wonder sometimes.


Maybe if Raven just put a big fat "win" button on your screen and when you press it... you win! Maybe that would make everyone happy.


Or maybe instead, Pacifist Jedi Outcast! No force powers, no guns, no lightsabres, no kick... just people walking around, jumping, and talking.


Sounds like fun to me.

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I'm glad the man with a spoon, with his wise witicisms before directed at me was able to put a meaningless gif on the forum. good job, I see now that instead of talking about the facts at hand you wasted half of your posts on pointless and obviously personal attacking posts like that. good job. no really. good job.

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simeon, I am on your side, but if I don't whine, then Raven will continue to cater to those who want everything taken out and reduce the game to a stare off where no moves can be pulled off since everyone complained about every move.


1.03 was a step towards limiting saber combat, and now they want to take out the specials. Ok, so no more backstab/sweep...great...next what's going to happen? people swing too fast? should they take light out next? Heavy too strong? so heavy is taken out now? aawww..complaining about medium now? take that out??


This topic though, was addressed in my sarcastic thread named: Big Mod suggestion!


It's quite funny, you should look back a page or two and take a look.

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I post facts and they are rarely ignored. I never made a personal attack at you on this post, and yet you thrive on attacking me. Maybe if you did not make your factual posts sound so hostile, that everyone would consider your facts and response calmly. The only reason I see to flame is if I am being attacked. Please Agen, if you're bored with posting useful information..then don't come and post.

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I am not attacking u at all, i'm saying it's a useless thread and that's what i think of it, There's a bout 5 threads with this sort of stuff in it.

And the same could go to you, if you don't like 1.03 then stop playing it.

Also i post facts where there is no big thread with lots of people pouring through who do not know what they are talking about and as soon as their opinion is challenged will post false information jsut to make their point sound better.

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The thing about the post you just made is that it makes you sound like you KNOW you're always right. I find that it is hard for you to handle any criticism about your facts. There are no other posts stating the reason why we won't stop complaining, when you find one, tell me. Many on actual COMPLAINING about 1.03 or 1.02..but none on WHY. So I don't see those 5 other threads. please show me.


And how do you know people do not know what they are talking about? I guess you are referring to my pull/backstab arguement I had with you? Well I don't know if you are playing a different game or if one of us is lagging, but I never get pulled down if I am a distance outside of an outstretched saber. I don't see how you get pulled down, because I never do, ArtifeX's guide also, states that pull doesn't pull down unless you're closer then saber length, and I thought that was already known? Maybe you are getting pull-kicked down and you think it's just pull? I don't know, but my information is not false, and i do not see how your information has ANY priority or more truth than MY information. I don't see how you can brand some piece of information false when your information could be just AS FALSE.

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actually, Raven seemed to care what people had to complain about in 1.02, so I have no reason to believe that they will NOT care for complaints about 1.03.


Give em another month, if they don't change things, then I guess you've proved me wrong, but for now, please don't make snide remarks like that.

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Believe me, 1.03 is very far from perfect, i jsut find whining stupid, whing more than people already have is just a waste of space on a forum that is already overloaded.

If people you (not you personally)do not have any constructive suggestions or ideas to make it better you are merely wasting your time time.


I've never mentioned pull either and my info is not false, also i never said anything about your info. People who are replying to this are either your are dead right or u suck or something similar. i did not say you make stuff up. i wasn't talknig about this thread, And when i said stupid thread, it's stupid because all the people make it stupid. You may mean to make a point but other people are going to talk gibberish. That's why it's a waste of time with these thread, all people do is turn threads into a who has the best smart remark.

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You people are jumping all down Beggers throat because he likes the game as it was!! Who are you idiots to tell him what he can or should want! Fact is he's right v1.03 is garbage.


Ask Artifex what he thinks of the fighting in v1.03? Oh thats right he retired because he said the fighting was dull!!!


You people can go back and enjoy v1.03 for as long as you have it. Hopefully it won't be too much longer.


Relying on slow speeds, magic blocking, and weak hits to survive is pathetic.

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now now..don't go flaming them up..thansk for the support, but it doesn't help to yell at people, because they will just yell back. And as for Agen, Im' sorry..I just remember getting in a small arguement in the past with you..and thought it was the pull/backstab thing..guess it was someone else who i was fighting with...anyways..I thought all the comments you made were directed at my one post, that's why I got defensive. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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