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Female Twi Lek Model Needs Skinners


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I've built a female TwiLek model (Aayla Secura from Episode 2) and I'm looking for skinners for her. Its a chance you people to do a custom skin and be creative.








I will be doing a skin of Aayla thats why I'm looking for other skinners to interpret the model in their own. Make a sith skin for her, or simply a female Twi Lek dancing girl, what ever takes your fancy.


If your interested contact me bdimonkey(at)hotmail.com

I'd like to see some examples of your previous, but as only as proof that I wont be dealing with people who are trying to waste my time. I will provide the skinners with the model and skin maps.

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good luck with that.....id suggest asking for examples of work tho, otherwise you might end up with a mediocre skin on a great model. A great skin can make a decent model great, but a great model can't make a decent skin great.




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skins and models arent the same thing....models are the actual polygons, and skins are the textures that go over them. so if you're asking me what i use to to skin...its Photoshop 6


i would assume spacermonkey models with 3d Studio Max 4...could be wrong tho.




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How are the other alternate skins coming for this wonderful model,... I know BradFu showed off his jedi master skin a bit And I think that's really looking good. While he decided to go for an older more experienced looking character, I decided to just go for the hot young female Twi-Lek look.




So,... Are there any other skins out there?

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In part,... After I got the model and finished a base skin for it I just started coming up with ideas for all sorts of different colored twi-leks.


I did think of making Oola at one time, but the facial stucture of the model was all wrong. So I decided to make something partailly based off Oola.


Other than this green skin, I also started on a red, a white, and a blue skin as well.

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Hap how do you find the time for all of this!!!! I'm struggling with one Twilek and you are doing 4!!! Hehehe, I know, it's a matter of skin and bikini;) ;) ... but still!!! (hoth soldiers, farscape skins, who knows what else...)


Anyway, I posted a link in the modeling forum to my alternate. It's very WIP, and I'm behind schedule... but still you can understand where I am going. (I don't even know! Where I am going!)

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guys interested in skinning contact me at my email ! I never check in this forum so the ppl that posted their emails have been contacted.

Anyone else interested let me know asap.


yes I use Max 4 for modelling and Adobe's Photoshop 6 for texturing.

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Hapslash, High quality as usual. But one thing bothers me a little, she is very very very green! I mean, vegetable green! Oola was much darke..............*Wait*.......... *concentrates on the force* ......................... you are thinking that she is not finished................................. and that she is not Oola ............................... *nods in silence*

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First off I'd like to thank every one for their comments. It really helps motivate you when you know someone is watching.


I know that I said I was working on a total of 4 different skins, but after seeing the other ones people have been working on I've decided not to continue with them.


I'm still working on the green one, but the red, blue, and white ones I had started will be put off indefinitely. These colors had already been started on by other skinners and from what I've seen they're looking really good. I was able to alter the color of the blue one and turn it into a normal colored Twi-Lek, so I'll probably continue on that one, and I might turn the other two into Lyn Me and Shakka, but not right now. I've ben neglecting my other skins and probably should get back to them.



Very nice skin BradFu! I'll admit I do like this one a lot better than the first, but the first one was also pretty good. I happened to like the older jedi idea. it might look a littlle better though if you bring down the shadow under the lips a bit, just a thought,...



I also thought that I'd take this oppertunity to show off the progress I've made with the skin I was working on. Still not done yet but it is a lot closer,...








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