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Female Twi Lek Model Needs Skinners


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I actually thought of that, and was my original plan, but the image editor I'm using (micrografx) can't create the alpha channel, at least to my knowledge. I can't find any info on it. If anyone knows how to do it let me know,...

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This is the tricky part and you won't be able to see anything in modview. So you will need to launch the game one or two times for testing.


Once you have your 32bit tga files with the alpha channel where you want transparencies, you will need to create a shader file(very simple one) that adds the transparencies effect. Transparency effect is pretty simple and you can find a script for that almost all over the web, same for quake3. (grates usualy use this effect). If you can't find it, I can post the script here and you will only need to cut and paste.


I hope you will be able to add that little effect, it adds that little extra touch that makes a skin stand out.

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It's a shader manual for Quake3


Anyway this should be the script





cull none

// An opaque texture with see-through holes knocked in it


map textures/base_floor/pjgrate1.tga


alphaFunc GT0


rgbGen identity



map $lightmap

rgbGen identity


depthFunc equal



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I tried adding the shader and the texture for the skirt won't even show up,.... Something's still wrong, but I'm not sure what. I flipped up the command screen while in game and there were a few errors,.. I fixed one or two, but it says that the tga file is missing or something,... can't quite remember exactly what it said, guess I should have written it down.

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This is a quick answer, eh? :)


JK2 must have a few differences with Q3. I will go browse the jk2 shaders to find a grate and I will past you the shader. Make sure you don't have both a drape.jpg and a drape.tga in your pk3




try this, if this does not work, my skill with shaders, is lacking... again




qer_editorimage models/players/twilek/drape

surfaceparm metalsteps


map models/players/twilek/drape

alphaFunc LT128


rgbGen identity



map $lightmap






I AM NOT sure about some of the errors that the shader editor gives, but some of them may be due to the fact that you didn't extract all the textures from the assets0-pk3 file. Remember the models and modview?

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Whoah I didnt know that shaders were text files also. Could you set up a generic one for something that is shiny for me?:)


If you would I want it for a test skin with the path models/players/jantest/accesories




About the shiny level of the vader models helmet would be great. I should be able to figure out the alpha stuff on my own. It would need to be set up that stuff is either shiny, or not. Not holes like he needs on his.:D



I might be able to figure it out if I look through the vader one long enough.

Might need help changing the shader a bit to work the way I need it though


Great skin Hapslash, You easily one of the best skinners around.:)


-edit2 woohoo! I thought this shader stuff was hard. But I need to figure out how to get onnly parts of the certain pics not shiny now.


Im going to make my own thread about this SO I dont get this one off tracked.:D

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Darkhold, I am not that good with shaders. I learned a little by extracting all the assets0.pk3(yes, all of it) and then opening the scripts with notepad and shadered.exe. I plan on improving since I think it adds great possibilites that few people take advantage of.


Hapslash, did you make it? Is the texture transparent? I guess not, I wasn't very clear. (and it's not clear to me either :)).

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Originally posted by HapSlash

The skin isn't the final version in this pic, but that's not really my concern right now. It's "HOW THE *BEEP* DO I GET THIS *BEEP*ITY *BEEP*ING SHADER TO *BEEP*ING WORK PROPERLY!!!!!"


ugh,.... I feel so much better now.

lol I know how you feel. I am having some shader problems myself. Stupid things.:mad:
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Hehehe, I know how you feel! Believe me. Anyway I think you are almost there, the fact that the drape glows means you have a messed up lightmap. (don't believe all the errors that shadered gives). Try adding these lines2 (* minus the * :)) like this...




qer_editorimage blablabla and the rest











That should make your drape invisible...


Then you can't see the drape texture so either your alpha channel covers the whole drape making it invisible, or either one of the 2 stages uses the wrong map. One stage is the drape, the other stage is the transparency (don't remember order). In the third(I think) tab of shadered you have your maps those are the ones that need to be tweaked for the right stage. I am on a laptop now so I don't know, but has soon has I get home I will try too. You *beeped* and *beeped* so you can't quit, you need to make it work :)


You can also post a thread in the Mapping or Modelling or General editing that goes like this.






Someone pastes me the shader script to make this thing work

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I also posted on the other forun.


I have tryied this and it works... just change the names and make sure you have yout TGA correct. don't use shadered for now.




qer_editorimage models/players/sirrya/sirrya_drape




map models/players/sirrya/sirrya_drape

alphaFunc LT128





MAKE sure you have your tga correct! The first time I did this photoshop dind't save the alpha channel correct. Make sure all of your channel are visible when you save, including the ALPHA channel. I don't remember wath is transparent, black or white. I black (shaded red in photoshop) ingame, but could be the opposite.

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