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SDK this century?


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The longer it is until we see the SDK the longer it is until we see a game of multiplayer that is worthwhile.


Multiplayer is a joke. No patch is going to fix it. Developers need to learn that only the players know how to make decent multiplayer mods.

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It will finally allow players to make mods. Its the source code tools they promised a long long time ago.

Well this is great news.

Maybe now we will finally see some multiplayer team mods that are worthwhile and involve some real strategy like in cs, tf and wolf.

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Up to now we've only been able to make new "resources," like new textures, models, maps, bots, etc. Now we can edit the code, the way the game uses those resources. This is a requirement for any mod that tries to change the basic gameplay. You can have all the maps and models you need for a mod, but if you want to make any major changes to the gameplay you will need to edit the code.

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woot, now we can have RTCW MP in jkii.... *gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh*:D


even just the map from the MPdemo of RTCW would be insane in jkii..... perhaps the classes would be enough by them self...


ohh.... a real Jedi VS Merc mode, with classes... oh i think i am going to sprain something thinking about this:D


jedi classes:


jedi knight


jedi master


jedi healer(sp?)


mercs would have:


reg. solders(light weaps, but move the fastest)


heavy solders(flip side of ^^^, also can use demoltion items)





perhaps a engineer(that doesent look right...) for both sides, with powers held by none... hmm...


or perhaps a jedi vs sith game type.... or both :explode::D

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how about jedi that have guns? you got to think that there must be force capable people i the star wars universe who never learned to use a lightsaber.


i just want my force and guns and saber. i want everything.



but on the first note, wouldnt it be weird if there was another order of force capable warriors/people. i think there was in a book or something...


not sith, not jedi, but... whatever. that'd be cool to incorperate.


i sound like a "what george lucas wants" looser.


*holds head down in shame*


but seriously, i want guns and force. any prospective modders out there, realize that guns + force equal fun too. not just sabers. ff oasis in jk1 was awesome.

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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

how about jedi that have guns? you got to think that there must be force capable people i the star wars universe who never learned to use a lightsaber.


i just want my force and guns and saber. i want everything.



but on the first note, wouldnt it be weird if there was another order of force capable warriors/people. i think there was in a book or something...


not sith, not jedi, but... whatever. that'd be cool to incorperate.


i sound like a "what george lucas wants" looser.


*holds head down in shame*


but seriously, i want guns and force. any prospective modders out there, realize that guns + force equal fun too. not just sabers. ff oasis in jk1 was awesome.


interresting, but dont we have that now? somewhat i mean...


maybe you mean guns with all the acro that saberers have...?


but thats the point, the flood gates are open, the skys the limit right?:D

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