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How Will you know if you...

Revik Val`Shek

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Yeah, I can see it now:


Imp. Officer: What's your name? Something-bacca...I can't breath...*gasps* *dies*


But seriously, Revik, you'll get a big sign in front of you that says, RUN AND HIDE THE IMPERIALS ARE COMING!


I just came from a wedding reception!


No one knows, the Devs refuse to comment on that!

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well from what ive read... all species will be able to become Jedi's.. there is no specie that will have a lesser chance.


and you will know when your force sensitive,... when yu begin feeling the force.. like you know what they are thinking :D


i think it is just like in the movie. :D


C ya


-Wraith 8-

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I haven't seen anything yet on how you will know you are force sensitive.


We have lots of non human Jedi in EP1 and EP2. We see Twi'liek (sp? - I'm not going to take the time to check that right now) and many other species as Jedi.


There are lots of EU sources as well for non-human Jedi. There is in fact a wookiee Jedi in the books.

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