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Unbann Me From Irc!!!


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this is sooo rediculus .... i mentioned that i burn cd's in the #jediknight irc channel and there was a discussion about it and i got banned for a year for no reason ....... there was no warning and there was nothing saying that mentioning of these would lead to banning ..... i find this really frustrating, immature and annoying. So could some mature person with ops in that channel please unbann me .... i don't want to get into a discussion taht games should or should not be burnned lalalalala cuz in the end it's all personal prefernce and oppinion ... i don't know what my name was on irc it think it was murphy or trip or mazzic. so could i be unbanned cuz i really like getting ip's and what not off of that channel. ty





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Originally posted by NerfYoda



If you want to get anywhere in the legit IRC channels you don't go around advertising how you burn ISO's for people. :)


Oh please, burning ISO's does not automatically target it as not legit. *nix distributions are often distributed as ISOs. And by many other purposes of legit value.

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Originally posted by normal


Oh please, burning ISO's does not automatically target it as not legit. *nix distributions are often distributed as ISOs. And by many other purposes of legit value.


I was referring to ISO's of copyrighted software (such as Jedi Outcast :)).

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