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Keep in mind...(Jedi related thread)

Alec Uban

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As stated..The path of the jedi will be very difficult, and very time consumeing. I am actually intriqued to how they will truely keep the Jedi to a low rate, but yet i am glad that they are. In games like Jedi knight: dark forces 2 and Jedi Outcast, a high percent of players claim to be jedi or Dark jedi, because it is a game where everyone has a light saber :) But what is it that really makes a jedi a jedi? It is only a term, as well as a titlement, but what upholds it? heart and patience. It will take more than to know how to swing your light saber to trust you will keep the title. It will take knowledge to know WHEN to swing your lightsaber. If you do plan to become a jedi, its perfectly fine to hold faith and a interest in the ways, but do not seek to gain fame or glory with the title, although you may anyway, however,dont let the facts and dissapointments of becoming aware you won't be able to become a jedi destroy you. Just enjoy the game and continue learning as much as you can about the game untill it becomes available to us.

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Welcome to the forums, hope u enjoy your stay here!




a handy tip:



make sure u read through the faq and the stickys. Some people have tendencies on calling the less informed one n00bs simply because they read something the other guy didnt.



:band: :band: :band: :band:

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WELCOME TO THE FORUMS! Give my $50, and I'll shut up!


I liked the thread, interesting, yet I think everyone here knows that. Interesting, still...


Here's a tip: Read a few of the posts from like the past week so relating to topic, before posting...this Jedi stuff is getting old!

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Watch out Alec....here comes the flame.


Some of these guys will trash you if you post something they think they covered all ready or post it where they dont want it.


I wouldnt even waste my time here we are all stuck up. Stick to the official forums, you will get more respect there.


Before any one flames me for that last comment...


so whats your point? , you do know there is a sticky for jedi topics....use it


This is starting to become the norm for anyone wanting to talk about Jedi's. This may have once been a forum, but now its nothing more then a "pick on the new guys because we are so cool" session.


In fact, Id delete your post...trust me, these morons are only going to give you grief for it. They aint worth it.

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hmmm.... why do i think you eccidentaly pressed the new thread button instead of the reply button :D... never mind tho... maybe ill get it to go after the Jedi thread we have.



welcome to the jed...... ER........ SWGALAXIES.NET... sorry.. been talking a bit much about jedi's these last days.. it is almost like this entire game will depend on them.... i sure hope not.,...


well hope you will stick around some more.


C ya :D


-Wraith 8-





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What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

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Originally posted by Koffin

I wouldnt even waste my time here we are all stuck up. Stick to the official forums, you will get more respect there.


I'm sorry to say this, Koffin, but you shouldn't be given the kid bad advice. I've been to those forums, and I've nick-named it Flame Central becuase ANYTHING you post you get flamed. Besides no one overthere knows about the Off Topic Forum and 3/4 of the threads there are OT!!!


This place is SO much better than the Official Forums.


Besides those people that do act like that are arses and the mods should ban them, but then again if it's n00b question then they deserve the flame.

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yeah i agree, this forum is better, but ever since the Dev's told us how difficult it would be to become a Jedi, these folks are venting there frustrations on the new guys.


just scroll through the forums look at all the one post nicks out there.


people are joining up, getting trashed, and never coming back.


sad part is, its the old timers who are throwing the punches.


its easy to ignore a flame coming from another new guy, but the old timers are suppose to represent this place and their attitude is turning it into something its not.


It may not be as bad as the official forums yet, but it has definitly gone down hill in the last few months.


Allthough, after I launched my last tirade, there have been a few post by newcomers expressing their intent to become a jedi. Thes post havent been flamed yet, so mayby the guys are finaly letting up.


We will just have to see.

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Originally posted by Koffin

Watch out Alec....here comes the flame.


Some of these guys will trash you if you post something they think they covered all ready or post it where they dont want it.


I wouldnt even waste my time here we are all stuck up. Stick to the official forums, you will get more respect there.


Before any one flames me for that last comment...




This is starting to become the norm for anyone wanting to talk about Jedi's. This may have once been a forum, but now its nothing more then a "pick on the new guys because we are so cool" session.


In fact, Id delete your post...trust me, these morons are only going to give you grief for it. They aint worth it.

If you so hate it here... why do you stick around?


will you please let it go?




sorry if im pushing... but you are starting more flame that we do.

sorry if insulted you


-Wraith 8-

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Im flaming by asking yall to have a little respect for the new additions to the forums?



Uhh standing up for folks doesnt consitute flaming.


And Im still here because this place would be interesting if the maturity level of some of these guys increased.


Oh, and apology accepted...

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