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I love the view...


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Uhh, actually I can't explain it myself really. I think it's a bug in the map. The thing is that you can climb up (these are really small surfaces), and there are 2 of them. The one I'm at is hard to get to. There is an easy one which is also near by. These are really good places if you wanna save your flag from the band of other teammers. Me and my friend today did that, we were both in the blue team, and he had the flag. So I climbed onto the easier one, and he climbed to the harder one (the one I'm at on the picture), so the WHOLE red team started jumping up, however we just force pushed them down hehe.

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Originally posted by Demolisher

I tell you, it'd be nice if someday they make a game engine where that is actually there, instead of it just being a texture. It'd be cool to go out into the forest and keep going and going without the level changing or anything.


Operation Flashpoint.... ;)


but, SWG is going to be 16 km squared... (each planet that is)




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Originally posted by digl

there is a crosshair there


btw how do you enable the bandwidth thing? is that the lagometer?


I think you type something to the effect of gs_lagometer 1 or gf_lagometer 1 or something like that. Don't remember, been a long time ago :p. It's pretty neat since it tells me when and actually WHY I am getting the lag. That way I know if it will stop or when it will stop. Good thing if I have lag in the middle of the game, and I know it will stop, so I retreat until it calms down heh.

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