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GHOUL 2 and anti Push/Pull + Backstab server config demo


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Lately I have been messing around with different server variables in order to create multiplayer duels that are much more like singleplayer, and that offers some protection against the Push/Pull + Backstab combination that some of us know all too well. The major component was enabling GHOUL 2, Jedi Outcast's animation and hit detection system. Now in singleplayer, GHOUL 2 collisions (poly-to-poly) are already enabled, however they are not in multiplayer. Enabling this creates much more intense duels, and it's much harder to do the Push/Pull + Backstab combo and actually win with it. This also enables much more accurate blocking.


Since people still can use the Push/Pull + Backstab combo with these settings, no Force is the best with these following settings. Hopefully in the next patch, plus the following settings will be the ultimate in multiplayer saber dueling...


Here are the variables and their commands in which I used in my demo (which you can download below):


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 1 <--- This command is enabled by default, but enter it just in case.


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1 <--- This is the big one. It enables GHOUL 2 hit detection for lightsabers in multiplayer. While this will increase network traffic, it won't be very noticeable (if at all) for low ping users such as cable and DSL users. Don't be discouraged to use this because of slightly increased network traffic, because it's not a lot!


seta g_dismember 300 <--- This is purely cosmetic. It enables dismemberment, nothing else. Most servers have this already.



And to demonstrate these settings in multiplayer with a few bots on the Jedi Master skill level (still fairly stupid), download the following demo. To install it, extract it to your Jedi Outcast\GameData\base\demos folder. If you don't have one, make one. Then go into multiplayer, select Play Demo from the Play screen and watch the demo (don't press any keys during the demo, it will abort it).


Here is the URL to the download: http://www23.brinkster.com/emon1337/GHOUL2_Test.zip



I hope more server admins start using this! Enjoy!




I know this won't solve ALL backstabbing problems,

but it should help to make saber combat more

realistic and fun, especially on servers with no

Push/Pull, like limited Force or no Force.

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I just tested them out, and they work great!


For the first time I actually had fun fightin' a bot.


The saber blocking is alot more accurate with these commands, it looks more real. And yes, i noticed a difference with the backsweep/stab, it is no longer unblockable as long as you are facing the swinging blade.



I'll see if the server i regular will put in these commands, they friggin' rocks!

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Yeah I just tried it too, and it's totally awesome...from what I gathered it's harder to pull off the backstab/sweep because I think they have to be directly behind you...


But the saberfighting rules...

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We really do need servers running those settings.


Hey but how about a rule?


Such as in MOH:AA you had to put CKR or CPR depending on the sever-side mod.


So how about 3 letters that signify the 3 settings:


1 - if one setting

2 - if two of em

3 - if all three


so like GSD


G = Ghoul 2:


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


S = Saber 1.02:


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0


D = Dismemberment:


seta g_dismember 300


All you would have to do is have it so servers that run these settings have it in their name...




QuietSith's Darkside GSD


Or GS if I only wanted Ghoul 2 and Dismemberment.


Whatchya think?

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The following info is not available for the server info, if a client wants to know:


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


seta g_dismember 300


Please check the factuality of your responses before you respond.


Stop trolling, thanks.

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