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LOL, someone actually said this to me tonight


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i dont like to set rules. but i enforce at least a few rules to keep a leet athmosphere, without any lamer to bother decent people with their skills and stuff. i made clear to my players that kicks suck and now nobody atempts to kick all the time. but when i have to make rules for saber sombat regarding what strikes and moves are allowed....this is going to far, and im not cutting everything out just because raven messed up. but this is over now, it looks like raven gave out somehow patched source code. check the coding forum!

if u wanna check the new features out tell me and i'll post a link to my test mod. its actually not modified(except u want me to) but there are many changes allready in! backstabbs are useles it seems and the annyoing blue special is a ground only experience. some new cvars are included too...

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you know its some stupid kid whos gunna get his ass kicked by the police when he starts the whole "free speech stuff when hes tellon the cop to f-off" ... I wish i could see it happen....question for you aerys.. is there a way to set up a server so that say clan members cant get kiked or voted. On by buddies server i was voted out. I have rcon rights so i came back n banned the m''fer. but still i would like to know if hteres a way to set up parameter somewhere were certain ip's or something cant even be voted off.


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No, I'm afraid there isn't to do the things you wish.


However I strongly suggest you set up a # of passworded Private slots so that if the server is full you and your friends can always get back in.


Don't forget to vote someone off a server you need to have the majority of active players vote for kicking someone...

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Man the q3 engine compared to the tribes gaming system sucks some butt. I've been running q3 type servers awhile now, and one time I ran a Tribes 2 server. Let me tell all you guys that haven't you would all jizozz in your admin pants after dealing with the capabilities tribes 2 gave you. Almost all the admin stuff was all GUI based, you could really fine tune the voting system, give different access levels to admins. Admins and players we're identified by they're WON_ID which is specific to only them. So you could set that won_id in a config and everytime a certain player joined he would automatically have admin rights, you would not have to first explain how to open the console. :)


Anyway I'm ranting.... I stop now.

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Actually I kinda doubt we will, unless someone comes out with a really good server side admin mod.


I've ran servers for 3 different q3 based games, and none of them every did anything. ahh well It's all good.


At least the q3 config files are a whole lot easier to figure out. :)


Tribes 2 was just nuts config file wise.

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lol, what an idiot



heh, somebody was advertising their clan on my clan server (leelink set it up and gave me admin because i'm the clan leader and leelink joined the clan) and i told them not to advertise and he called a vote to kick me....it was a duel server and he was against me....gee...am i gunna vote yes? i voted no and then i said goodbye and kicked him;)

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Some idiot that kept spamming his Bounty Hunter Clan got the boot from me, too. I mean, I'm more than happy to let people advertise a little but this jerk was literally asking EVERYONE to join his clan every 30 seconds. Eventually I asked him to stop spamming and when he wouldn't... well he got the old heave-ho!



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