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source code allready altered/patched?


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i just found out that the source code we got ist not the original 1.03 source but an already patched one. if any of you compiled the "game" source (server only) and checked it out..you'll find out that the blue special cannot be done flying anymore, you have to be on the ground. the backstabbs are crippled to lower damage and no turning during the animation. AND there is at least one new CVAR: g_saberDamageScale !!!!!! first i found it in one of the source files and tried it out in the hope to get a new option to toggle saber damage. but it didn't work in the original 1.03 version(unknown command). but now after test compiling the new source files i found it in the config file!!! and it works in the console(g_saberDamageScale set to 1). i'll play around with it and see what it does.

tell me what other stuff you guys discover, serious stuff, not this kissing animations or stupid things like that...

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i am satisfied with my mod now, and it was easy to get it done.

but i'll have to test it on my pub server. it has red stance doing 50-100 yellow 30-50 and blue untouched. now it is more like prepatch but with a dynamical ramp system so it is not so predictable. i'll may change the values to 25-100 if its to hard, but we will see...

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just tell me if u want a free sample(heehee). and i'll toss one to j00 mofos. hmm mabe u can tell me how it works out on your servers. cuz im still asking our game hoster if they'll install it but i dunno when they will answer. so here it is:



unpack it into the \gamedata folder, not in the \base.

start the jk2mp.exe with this parameters:

+set fs_game test0r

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Darth Freak:


yeah if u know c++ and have a lil bit of experience with q3 editing.



A lot of the decisions they made aren't entirely understandable right off the bat, especially the force related crap and the force interactions, they're all over the place and not organized well.


I feel the need to rewrite the whole thing with classes, but it makes me wonder how much overhead that would add, since their code is totally devoid of most oop principles.


Most of the force stuff seems to be in one file, but its really not. Its spread hodge podge everywhere and the just some base stuff for using force is stuck there. However, the good thing about it is that all the force calls get routed thru that file and so its a good place to add shiz.


Makes it a pain in the ass to add a new force power tho, and thats what im trying to do atm.


Tryin to create an alternate force jump that just pops you up in the air like JK1's jump, and leave the variable jump bound like it is. Having a hell of a time with it, mostly cause im not too savy on q3 editing.


Other than that, I've tweaked about 30 different variables and rearranged some code. Prolly spent 18 hours workin on it since I got the source 2 days ago, havin waaaay too much fun for my own good.




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> (g_saberDamageScale set to 1). i'll play around

> with it and see what it does.


Didn't have time to look at it over the weekend, but I'd bet money this toggles whether the damage scaling is calculated or not.


It doesn't appear that the source currently supports the feature (working from memory, at work heh), so it may be a feature that is still under development.

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Originally posted by DarthFreak

Hmmm... nasty stuff! :)

Maybe Raven tested the SDk while testing the new game patch they're gonna release?




I loaded the code and the workingplatform into MSVisualC++ and the project was called MISSION_PACK.

So this could be a hint what raven is working on ;)

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It's in the CheckSaberDamage function. .. one line. Look for dmg *= g_saberDamageScale.value; or something like that. (Also working from memory and at work now =P)


It should be the in the then clause of an if statement that checks dmg > SABER_NONATTACK_DAMAGE, I believe.


So, yeah, all the saber damages can get scaled. But right now I guess they are not scaling it since it's 1.


> > (g_saberDamageScale set to 1). i'll play around

> > with it and see what it does.

> Didn't have time to look at it over the weekend, but I'd bet

> money this toggles whether the damage scaling is calculated or

> not.

> It doesn't appear that the source currently supports the

> feature (working from memory, at work heh), so it may be a

> feature that is still under development.

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no its a server only mod. but the option sv_allowdownload must be set to 1. so the clients can download the pk3. im not satisfied with the damage ramping system and still testing around on my dsl server with a friend. i want damage to be dealt by red and yellow stance

now im testing somehting agressive. red 70-120 and yellow 50-60

i hope this does it...

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Oh, just found this forum/thread so here's a repost of mine:




Ok, the gameplay of the sources is a whole lot different from the current game.. but what if I just wanted to make a small server side mod and not a whole gameplay change?


I've added a little functionality to g_svcmds.c but I dont want the gameplay to change.. Is there a way to achieve that?



Thanks in advance,



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the only difference is the damage curve added to it like all the other moves. they just forgot about it in the first patch...

allthough if pulled off properly it does more than 100 damage.

what i cant understand, why has the blue backstabb to be so useles now? anyway who tried my little mod allready? i tested it yesterday and changed the damage values again, mabe you should download it again. i hope saber fights are more exciting now. but couldnt test it on a large scale jet..

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I've run into an odd problem. I've created a simple admin mod and installed it on my JKII server. But now some actions are lagging. Running and rolling backwards for one. And some other people have reported that some specials are also lagging for them (But the walking/rolling backward happens all the time)


Anybody have any ideas?


Btw, I havn't changed any of the movement code.



To Jasep, I've compiled it to a .qvm file and appart from the proplems I've mentioned it runs fine under Linux.]

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yeah we experience the same thing when running backwards or rolling that direction. its a bug. remember, we have to be happy that raven released the sdk so early. it realy saved the game for me. i hope they release the source for the next patch right after the patch. so we dont have to live with 1.4 which i suppose will not be any good. not after we tasted freedom to change damage and other stuf via cvars in our mod. no sir!

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