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Uranium - 235

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There's three kinds of people in these forums.


A) Those that complain.


B) Those that help others out peacefully (Think Buddhists)


C) And those who enjoy insulting everyone else. (Usually disguising it with 'I hate whiners')


It tends to go like this.


Type A posts a thread on problems with the game. Type C is immediately drawn to the post that blatantly says 'This Sucks' in the subject, despite Type C's constant insistance that they hate to read posts where people whine. Type C immidiately begins to bitch and moan about how much they put up with and seem to think that everyone gives a flaming **** about them. Type A responds and a flame war breaks out, usually Type A's vs Type C's.


Enter Type B.


Type B is neutral. They offer a constructive solution and put both teams in their place. Type A usually will concur and exit the fight. Type C will immediately attack Type B, as Type A has left.


Type A's usually are the lazy people. They want solutions but dono't want to wait. Don't worry, 90% of everyone is like that.


Type B's are usually the people who want a quiet enviroment, and real discussions.


Type C's are usually the people who think they more they say '****', the more people will bow before their awesome flaming, and think that they should be forum moderators.


If you don't think you're a Type C, ask around. You may be a bigger ******* than you thought.


In conclusion, here's some rules to follow.


- Complaining is okay, but don't bitch too much, it grows tiresome.


- No one cares about YOU, they only care about themselves, so stop saying 'I hate whiners' and 'Whiners ruin my day'.


- It takes two to make a fight, and Type C's don't seem to post their own flame-starting posts: They use someone elses to put the other down, so shut your mouth.


- It takes approximately three minutes to post a so-so reply. Those are three minutes in your life you'll never get back. If your post contributes nothing productive then save yourself three minutes and post on something useful.


- And go ahead and call people losers; we're not the ones with 600 posts on these forums :D.

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I suppose you consider yourself a "B" right?


Hah. Well, so do I. Oh, and, by your own arument, no one else's opinions matter, so niether do yours, so shut up and "mind you own business" as you "B"s do. And I'm not being an ass becuase I enjoy it, its because I've played to mutch JK2-mp today and I need something else to do.

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I've noticed that the guys over at the Jedi-Outcast.com forums are really nice and helpful. Rarely any flame wars or bitch fests. It's a nice forum with some experienced programmers on there as well. And the loading/uptime is far superior to this site. Just wanted to share that with you, since you appear to have had it with the attitude here as well.



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Originally posted by Uranium - 235

A) Those that complain.


B) Those that mind their own business.


C) And those who enjoy insulting everyone else. (Usually disguising it with 'I hate whiners')


What about:

D) Those that help others out.


Forget that one. Those sorts of people do exist.

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Originally posted by Uranium - 235



There's three kinds of people in these forums.


A) Those that complain.


B) Those that help others out peacefully (Think Buddhists)


C) And those who enjoy insulting everyone else. (Usually disguising it with 'I hate whiners')


It tends to go like this.


Type A posts a thread on problems with the game. Type C is immediately drawn to the post that blatantly says 'This Sucks' in the subject, despite Type C's constant insistance that they hate to read posts where people whine. Type C immidiately begins to bitch and moan about how much they put up with and seem to think that everyone gives a flaming **** about them. Type A responds and a flame war breaks out, usually Type A's vs Type C's.


Enter Type B.


Type B is neutral. They offer a constructive solution and put both teams in their place. Type A usually will concur and exit the fight. Type C will immediately attack Type B, as Type A has left.


Type A's usually are the lazy people. They want solutions but dono't want to wait. Don't worry, 90% of everyone is like that.


Type B's are usually the people who want a quiet enviroment, and real discussions.


Type C's are usually the people who think they more they say '****', the more people will bow before their awesome flaming, and think that they should be forum moderators.


If you don't think you're a Type C, ask around. You may be a bigger ******* than you thought.


In conclusion, here's some rules to follow.


- Complaining is okay, but don't bitch too much, it grows tiresome.


- No one cares about YOU, they only care about themselves, so stop saying 'I hate whiners' and 'Whiners ruin my day'.


- It takes two to make a fight, and Type C's don't seem to post their own flame-starting posts: They use someone elses to put the other down, so shut your mouth.


- It takes approximately three minutes to post a so-so reply. Those are three minutes in your life you'll never get back. If your post contributes nothing productive then save yourself three minutes and post on something useful.


- And go ahead and call people losers; we're not the ones with 600 posts on these forums :D.


¤"You know, there is a microscope at Harvard university that is so complex and advanced it lets us see the bulid of an atom. The building block of our entire physical world. Uranium, if I was looking at your thread with that microscope, I wouldnt find a single shread of interest in it."¤

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El


¤"You know, there is a microscope at Harvard university that is so complex and advanced it lets us see the bulid of an atom. The building block of our entire physical world. Uranium, if I was looking at your thread with that microscope, I wouldnt find a single shread of interest in it."¤


You wouldn't? Sheesh, you, my friend, lack in imagination. There are so many interesting things on the sub-atomic level!!

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Originally posted by Uranium - 235



There's three kinds of people in these forums.


A) Those that complain.


B) Those that help others out peacefully (Think Buddhists)


C) And those who enjoy insulting everyone else. (Usually disguising it with 'I hate whiners')


It tends to go like this.


*blah blah blah*


- And go ahead and call people losers; we're not the ones with 600 posts on these forums :D.


OKAY! let's take this one apart shall we? I'm not trying to be a 'c' here..but just want to point out some downfalls in your post...


You start off your post saying..: I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!


So either you are complaining *cough*type A*cough* ..or you are angry at people complaining and flaming.. *cough*type C*cough*(or in other words, "disguising" it with "ENOUGH ALREADY!!!"


Then you go ahead and say : And go ahead and call people losers; we're not the ones with 600 posts on these forums :D


I see that as an insult to those with many posts...I don't know, inferring that they are losers...seems like an insult...*cough*type C*cough* ....sooo...yeah..and what type are you? it seems the only 'good' one is Type B...but you already showed that you are not in that group...hmmmmm...

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