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Po'noob Saber Tutorial v2.0


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Ok, i searched Lord's site and i couldnt find tempest anywhere, can you please supply a direct link, sorry


It says on the site discreet that i need the following:


gmax 1.1 installed on your system

id Software's Quake III Arena

gmax tempest game pack [540KB]

gmax tempest Installation Guide [PDF format]


It says right there that i need id sftware's QUAKE III ARENA, y does this sa i need if i dont

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adrian832: its not all that hard. you arent looking for Tempest on my site, ur looking for the tempest plugins, which interface with gmax and let you import/export as .md3 and .map, which is the only difference (other than the **** interface) between gmax and tempest. as u asked, the tempest plugins are just here: http://www.btinternet.com/~howe_alison/brothers/files/gmaxPlugins.zip

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Originally posted by lightsaber6458

Okay, I got the model in one piece. Now i'm stuck on the tags. I create a plane 2x as long as it is wide, but I can't get it shaped like a triangle. When I delete one corner vertex, the entire thing is deleted!


i think what you're doing is selecting one corner of the rectangle and pressing delete right? you gotta go into vertex mode first.. go to your modifiers, select Edit Mesh, choose Vertex mode, and select one of the corners, then press delete.. look in your perspective view window to check if one side is shaded and the other isn't. if it turned out that way, you got it right. =)

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Still having skin problems. Here's the exact steps I've been using:


Model saber in GMax. Throw on a cylindrical mapping gizmo, then do the UV Unwrap Edit. Move things around in there, print screen, open create my skin in Photoshop, save it as a 512x512 jpg. Go back into GMax, open the materials editor, add saber.jpg as a diffusion map. This is where I get a little confused. Is the diffusion map what it's supposed to be applied as? Or does it even matter whether I apply anything in GMax?


Next I select my w_saber and tag_flash, click Export Selected, save it as saber_w.md3 in my saber folder, and specify frames w_saber and tag_flash, and uncheck everything. I then open it in MD3View and apply the .skin file, which contains the following:




I get the error, click ok, then Export as GLM. I then pack saber_w.glm and saber.jpg into a models/weapons2/saber/ folder and pk3 it. I pop it in my Base directory and load up the game, but the saber is just varying shades of grey.


Any thoughts?



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Are you putting your .jpg where the skin points to? in this case c:/models/weapons2/saber/saber.jpg before you pak it up? it needs to be in the location the skin says. If that isn't the case, i don't know what it is although it's almost certainly a .skin file problem.

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B. BIG FAT EDIT #2: You must create a .skin file that is used in conversion. Simply copy a model_default.skin from a player model, put it in your saber folder, and rename it saber_w.skin. This file must contain only 1 line (unless you have more than one skin) this line is


"w_saber,models/weapons2/saber/saber.jpg" without the quotes.



can you explain a little more on it needs one line? where do i go to edit the line, what program do i open it up with, if you even open it with a program, remember this tutorial is for noobs.

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Grr, all the posts we added got deleted!!! Oh well, anyway, I got my saber UVW Mapped, but its this huge indecernable jumble of vertices and lines, can someone tell me what im doing wrong with this so I can fix it and skin this baby!


-[JO]Master Shawn Kenobi :yobi:

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