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Po'noob Saber Tutorial v2.0


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Well, you open a default.skin with notepad, simply delete all the crap that's there already, and write that line, so that it points to where your skin will be when you pack it up. There is only one line. I'm afraid i don't know any other way to explain it. Also, I don't try to help people with UVW mapping or skinning because 1. i'm lazy, 2. It's just WAY too complicated, and 3. It's already been done by much better modellers than i.

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snakeeyes, i have done everything in the tutorial just as typed, and everything seems to turn out fine all but the skin, it shows up when i aply the .skin file in MD3viewer, but then when i get in the game, its just gray and white.

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Don't have the file point to where your skin is NOW, have it point to where your file WILL BE, when you pak it up. i.e. it should NOT show up when you assign the skin in md3view. it SHOULD give you an error message, like cannot find skin, etc. If you type it EXACTLY like it says, this error will come up, since you cannot have a file without c:/ as a header. If you are linking to where your file is now, change it. I don't see what else could be causing this problem.

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OK. New problem (sorry). I've got my model done and a crappy texture until my friend gets me a copy of Photoshop. lol. Anyway, how do I apply the texture in the material editor thing? IE How do I open it and apply it and stuff. Thanks in advance.

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Ok, I've got a wee problem with creating the triangle tag. I make a plane of dimensions 1 x .5, go into the modify tab, select edit mesh, select vertice mode, click a vertice, hit delete, and it just deletes the vertice without making it a triangle. It just shows 3 vertices, and when I deselect them, they disappear. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

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Originally posted by inbredyokel

Ok, I've got a wee problem with creating the triangle tag. I make a plane of dimensions 1 x .5, go into the modify tab, select edit mesh, select vertice mode, click a vertice, hit delete, and it just deletes the vertice without making it a triangle. It just shows 3 vertices, and when I deselect them, they disappear. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Dude, it IS a triangle. go into perspective view and use smooth shading, rotate around the "triangle". you'll notice that one side is shaded and one side isn't, and it is a triangle on the shaded side.

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  • 6 months later...

Ok.... I have followed the tuts.... I have mastered UVW mapping... Which was an absolute pig.... I have finished my saber in lovely colours....I have turned it in to a GLM.... I have packed everything up... I even did Icons..... And It won't load in game because it has more then a 1000 verts....It has about 6000... Please don't tell me I am going to have to start again.... Or is it just something I missed..... Please please Please help me!!!!!!!!

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Yup your saber is WAY TO HIGH POLY, hack out a bunch of them or start from scratch. Either way will work. If you post some wireframe screen shots of your model I can help you find the areas where you can cut polys.


The most common mistake is with the stacks in the cylinders. If you have a straight cylinder with no bends make it one stack.




having a cylinder with 24+ sides to make it round. When 8 sides will make it just as round.



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Originally posted by Darth-Nasty

I got my saber in game and my blade looks flawless when holding and swinging the saber. However when i throw it the blade is at a wierd angle any ideas why this is??


I would wager to bet something is wrong with your flash tag? Does it stay bent after it comes back to you or does it go back to being straight.



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