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RGB Saber colors beta !


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ok here it is :



the source code is available at the same site :

game and cgame.zip



if you are intrested i ll write a tutorial on how add it to your mod !

i would apreciate a litle feedback ...

I ll make a in game UI soon (i hope to be able to create sliding bars...)


Tell me what you think of the saber coz i had to create new sprites and i m not a 'picture guy' so ....

(i did my best thought)


I plan on adding black sabers .....(i have a few iddeas, don't know if i ll work)


EDITED sorry for the link !!


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well download the code there is the url ....

and check the modifications i made ...

hint : CTR-F and search "tck" all my variables and comments have it so ...

do a search in files and you will see what i modified ...

but mostly :








cg_local.h it s the same....


and some others ....


i ll write a complete tutorial in 1 or 2 days...

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redownload there is a gui ! now ...

dezip the tck.zip in your GAMEDATA folder not BASE !!

and start the mod with the .bat ...


everything should be fine now ...


you can select the colors in the ingame menu !!

not setup ingame ...

when you are connected to a server or when you created a game not before....

you will see the R G and B boxes...


EDIT btw the gui is based upon ASk one's (i modified what he gave me ...)

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Geez, why didn't you do it the easy wasy...? :)


*Out of date*


I modified the patch, now the sabers look EXACTLY like the original sabers (try for yourself, using 0-255-0 and the green saber, flipping the tcksaber command on and off, or any other colour that's a simple RGB value...like red...)


I also removed the .bat file, I didn't think it was necessary...and updated the readme to illustrate this.


Tchouky, if you don't want me posting this link, just say the word and I'll take it down, or modify it or anything, it's YOUR patch, but I'm just trying to be helpful...


Anyway, GREAT work, Tchouky, the patch is (now) perfect! :)



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I'm going to go try this out now.. Great job guys. This is gonna be REALLY popular. Make sure to post this on the General board when you're totaly done!


Hmmm... I couldn't get it to work... What did I do wrong?


I downloaded Tie's version, and put it in my base folder. The RGB slection was in my menu, and I tried all different numbers, but my saber never changed. :(


Am I missing something?

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You have to open up the console (I think this is in the readme) and type "tcksaber 1"


That turns on the "rainbow saber," so to speak. It should start out white. Then any RGB value you set in the "player menu" will be the colour of the tcksaber.


Good luck,



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dumb question, and a idea for the future


the DQ is: with this mod will other players in MP be able to see the custom colors? common sence says yes, but....


idea is: maybe a way to save fav colors so its in either a list, or a 'add' button so it will place it into the choices with all the other sabers(aka the 'stock saber' list)


i have no idea if the idea is workable, but it came to me as i was reading this thread.



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Sorry, the command to turn on the "rainbow saber" as I like to call it, is "tck_saber 1" then set your RGB values. My bad.


SPY - I haven't tested it with people yet (myself) but since it works with bots, I'm guessing everyone will be able to see your unique colour (granted they have the same patch.)


Also, Tchouky, you may have already noticed this, but when you're in some predetermined vicinity of another player, the saber's glow gets alot more intense, like another layer has been added or something. Then it goes away when you get far enough from everyone.


Any ideas on this?


Great work, agian,



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Other than if its possibly to make it a little more user freindly its pretty bad-as.:D I am finaly able to have the color I was trying to get by recoloring the default ones. Its kinda wacky were you have to click to make the colors changable, but other than that its pretty sufficeint. I imagine there might be some other room for improvement.


One thing I noticed is that on some colors it seems to be maily white with just color around the very edge. Dosent seem to do that with stuff thats either default, or close to default.


Its really makes you wonder why something like this wasnt in game to begin with like there should have been. Could have been done something like changing car colors on NFSIII.:D Now that would have been a great system.:)


The #s will do for now though. If the sliders can be put in, that would just add some more ease to it.:)


I love it. I have been waiting for this since day 1.

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ok i know it s not very user friendly actually but i ll do my best...


But you REALLY should do as i said for the installation....

coz if you put it in the base directory you won't be able to play normal games anymore......

(at leats you shouldn't be able to)

i really suggest you create a folder called tck in the Gamedata and start the game with the parameter +fs_game tck


but what the hell it's your installation so do as you want...

if 2 person launch the game this way and one create a server and the other join then YES he will see your custom color and you will see his .

(if you have tck_saber 1)


i'll try to do my best for the ui ....

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i created a 3 sliding bars and a menu in the setup at the beginning of the game ....


it s working perfectly ...

i ve almost entirerly redonne what you did to the ui


(not released yet thought...)


now i ll try to have a previsualisation of the color and willl add the menu to the ingame_setup...

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Originally posted by ASk

i try now to add a new weapon...with no luck...game errors with C0000005 exception on me at the end of map load :(

So i'm stuck now...


well i m sure you will make it in time.....


I'm sorry to announce that to you but i've replaced all the ui code you wrote and the menu lol :)


i created a menu in the setup configuration...

there is now


more video


game otption...


and Tck Sabers


lol with 3 sliding bars ....


it s cool but i'm trying to add a visualisation of the color cause now you have to return ingame (just press escape)

to have the colors changed ....

i m updating the ftp now

and the source code of course .....

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well you can check by yourself ....

you can try it or check the code .....lol


it s an open source mod !

not very common ! isn't ?


currently i m having problem to display shaders in the menu .....

it s not really easy...

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