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RGB sabers beta !


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originally posted in coding forum :


ok here it is :



the source code is available at the same site :

game and cgame.zip



if you are intrested i ll write a tutorial on how add it to your mod !

i would apreciate a litle feedback ...

I ll make a in game UI soon (i hope to be able to create sliding bars...)


Tell me what you think of the saber coz i had to create new sprites and i m not a 'picture guy' so ....

(i did my best thought)


I plan on adding black sabers .....(i have a few iddeas, don't know if i ll work)


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you don't need the cgame.zip or game.zip if you are not a coder ...

it s the sourcecode...


you just hace to download the tck.zip


and unzip it in the Gamedata\base folder

run the game and goto the setup and mod sevtion ....


create your game and then in game type these cvar (it s explained in the readme..)


tck_saberred x

tck_sabergreen x

tck_saberblue x


where x is the value you want for this color

it s between 0 and 255


you can create all the colors you want with these cvar (well we can t create black but)

for example a dark bblue would be


red 0

green 0

blue 80


or dark purple

red 75

green 0

blue 150


you can try and get the color you want ....

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It's really great. Y'know I was trying to do something like that myself, but you were faster, and you have more experience in programming. What else should I say than "Couldn't have done it better" :) That was exactly what I was hoping for. The sprites are ok, but I am a "picture gyu" and I just HAVE to lay a hand on them, experimenting with them and try to make better ones. That doesn't mean yours are bad.

And there's something I want to discuss here. The width of the sabers. If I want to have a white saber I have to set all values the same. So white is possible from 1 1 1 to 255 255 255, the lower the value the thinner the saberblade. When I set all on 255 the blade is much to big, 1 and it's just a thin line. This is good to have different sabers, but what is the default value for this? E.g. if I want a white saber that is as thin as the normal original saberblades.

Did you find out anything about that?

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well indeed the width doesn't change only the intensity of the colors....

when it s 1 1 1 the trail is so transluent that it doesn t show up and 255 is horrible ....

when i play with a white saber i put 50 or 75 ...

75 is good

Now you can have a REAL Corran Horn ;) (to go along with your skin)

i told you a long time ago (1-2 months) that i was going to create a mod like this remember ???


for the sprites if you want to change them go ahead no problem ...

i ll put yours if they are better (should be ...lol)

(yeah i know i should practice my photoshops skills ...)

just go in the pk3 and find the sabers....

they are 3 jpg....

1 is the core white ...

which will be loaded as it is (no modification)

the 2 others are loaded with the rgb parameters ...

and must be in black and white only ....


by the way it s open source so if you want to know how i did it ....

(i ll write a tutorial when i m done with it so others mod could add it ...)

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Thx Tchouky. intensity 75 is indeed good looking. I already downloaded the code, and sure I remember that you told me you would do this mod. That was the time when I thought "fheew, somebody else is doing it, I can stay with making textures and sprites" ;) I just love paintng, so I will see if I can improve the sabers.

And I already found them in the pk3.

After you added a menu for the sabers are you interested in helping me make a menu for saber hilts and change the code, so that people can choose their saberhilts like the playermodels?

I made some HUD images for a lot of sabers and there are loads of good saber hilt models, so this would be cool.

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of course i downloaded your (and the other i can't remember his name) anakin's saber hilt and dooku's ....


yeah shoudn't be too dificult ....


actually i m working on the player ui ....so we could change the rgb values from a menu ...

but everything *should* work but the cvar isn't modified so ....

i guess there is a mistake somewhere...

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Originally posted by King Jezuz Pie

Well somehow this does not work for me. I always get a white trail no matter which rgb colors I use. Besides that the saber itself maintains the color of origin.


Can you tell me what I did wrong?


firts make sure that tck_saber = 1

by typing :

tck_saber 1



well if you have a white saber that s a start !

the mod is loaded ....

now press dhift and ~ to bring down the console and type :

tck_saberred 150


when you typed tck_

press the tab key ....and

tck_saber will replace it ...add a 'r'

and repress tab ...

this way the cvar will be written exactly how it is supposed to be...

and then write 150 and press enter ...


should work ...

the saber should be like red-pink ...

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Love the mod...but its kinda wiggin' out on me. Whenever I enable tck_sabers and enter my custom coloring...the saber core appears with a bunch of black boxes all around it and it looks all funktified. Any possible causes.


I installed this mod like any other. Any help would be awesome. Thanks

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well this kind of bug only happens when you try to load a sprite or a shader that the program can't find so there must be a problem with the pk3 ....


try to redownload it ...


well what do you call 'i did like for the other mods...'

do you mean you put the pk3 in the \base

because you MUSTN T DO that !!

unzip it in the gamedata folder so it should create a folder called

tck in your GAMEDATA\tck

so in gamedata you should see 2 directories ....

base and tck ....

and to load the mod either go to SETUP load tck

or create a shortcut with jk2mp.exe +set fs_game tck


sorry the package isn't great and i didn't put the information ....

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well it shouldn't work that way but ....

anyway redownload it there is a small gui !!

very small but ... you don't have to use the console anymore.


extract everything in the GAMEDATA folder and start the mod with the .bat provided ....


the gui is when you are ingame not the setup screen; INGAME !

when connected ...

then press esc and select player and you wil see 3 small boxes R G and B ...


et voila !

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Originally posted by delquar

Nice fricking mod! i love it! just one question, i am having a lan party this weekend, if we all load it up, will it display all of them correctly? anyone know, i want my nifty blade in the game


If all of you guys install it corectly :

ie dezipping in the GAMEDATA folder and start it with the .bat !

YES everyone will see the other's color !


(i had to change many things for that to work but ....)


IT S WORKING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i ve updated the ftp and you can try the r g b slidebars.....

hope you'll like them ....


when you are in game or at the main menu goto :


and to



yo will see 3 slidebars ....

have fun !!


yeah i know no visualisation of the color yet...

but when you are ingame you only have to pres ESC and change the colors and press ESC again so it shouldn't be that hard .......

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I noticed that every time you leave the player selection menu ingame you get a "tck RED" displayed from the console.

Ok, and now something for the sabers. I tried some values, and I think the glow looks best when the sum of all 3 values is around 255. Just want to mention it here for those of you who think the saber is too colorful.

And I am currently testing some different sprites, so that the saber is looking a little bit more like the original one, and maybe I make them after the image from my anakin poster.

I'll post some pics when I think it looks good.

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the tck red in the console was for debug soryy

i removed it ....

for the rgb values you are right ...

and as soon as you give me a good sprite i will replace mine with it no problems


make sure to redownload i added slidebars ....

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