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Jedi Sports continued...

C4 Radical

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In addition to Elvis Maximus's post on Jedi sports I've come up with one of my own:


Force Tennis


This sport will require that cheats be enabled, specifically god and give all.


The best map for this in my opinion is ffa_yavin (the Massasi Temple), but any map with a large open expanse and a marker of some sort for a 'net'.


-Players stand on either side of the marker 'net'

-One player is chosen to serve

-This player equips his rocket launcher

-Stands at a designated serving point (reminder that this sport is supposed to represent Tennis is as many ways possible)

-The server fires a guided rocket (secondary fire) or a primary fire rocket for the elite players!

-The other player must wait until the rocket has crossed the net before he attempts to force push it back into the opponents side

-The play continues until the rocket lands on one side of the net which is a point to the victor

-The scoring system could be your own or you might want to follow the system used in real Tennis


I recommend that a referee be present to see that the rocket has crossed the net line, and believe me this will give rise to arguments!


Any good?

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Yes, I suppose the idea would be much better off as a fully-fledged mod but I've never been very good at making maps or mods.


Perhaps if this post and Elvis's got enough attention then a mod team would take notice and start on a project. Jedi Soccer, golf and tennis with custom maps and altered settings!


I'm excited about people making good mods like this because I feel that JK2 offers somewhat limited appeal, the community needs to keep it alive.

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