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Well, here's the big things I noticed:


- No light stance lunge in midair, though sometimes you do part of the animation without doing the actual move. It's hard to describe, see for yourself.

- You cannot rotate while doing the backstab/backsweep. You can try, but your screen will shake as the game moves you back to your original position. I suspect that a very high mouse sensitivity could get around this but I haven't tried it.

- Backstab/backsweep damage apparently reduced, I don't know by how much.

- Ammo for flechette/repeater secondary fire reduced (15-16 per shot, don't quite remember).

- For those who wanted saber throw out of FFA duels, you got your wish, for those who thought it was fine you have another thing to complain about.


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Originally posted by Blamer

Well, here's the big things I noticed:


- No light stance lunge in midair, though sometimes you do part of the animation without doing the actual move. It's hard to describe, see for yourself.

- You cannot rotate while doing the backstab/backsweep. You can try, but your screen will shake as the game moves you back to your original position. I suspect that a very high mouse sensitivity could get around this but I haven't tried it.

- Backstab/backsweep damage apparently reduced, I don't know by how much.

- Ammo for flechette/repeater secondary fire reduced (15-16 per shot, don't quite remember).

- For those who wanted saber throw out of FFA duels, you got your wish, for those who thought it was fine you have another thing to complain about.


Add your corrections or additions on to here...

Number 2 and 3 make sense, but I don't like the other ones at all.

I'll go play there and see for myself.

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me too


What did you do to set up the server in 1.03a?

I did it accidentally, I started a game minutes ago and realized I was playing with 1.03a :confused:


I don't like the way they fix you while doing the the backstab, I think it should be done, but the way it's now you are still fixed after finishing the move


I wouldn't like the mid air lunge absolutely removed either

I also want throw in FFA duels, I hope there is a command for that


Overall, I think fights last too much now, maybe blocking should be reduced a bit.

I managed to pull someone to the ground, but I don't know how many points he had in push/pull

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I won't comment on the force powers, I am no expert on the balance issues of the force. I play only no force duel games.


I liked the saber duels, but I thought the saber blocking was excessive and blurred the skill of my opponent.


I found the inability to back flip and blue lunge a HUGE mistake that needs to be corrected NOW. This is a practiced skill that deserves to be kept in the game and is an essectial part of a skilled players tool bag.


I found that the blue back stab was not able to spin, which seemed to lend it more for what it is designed to be. The backstab is NOT a primary tactic! It is designed to get your opponent when he is behind you, that is all. It's increase in power over normal moves is understood to be used as a close quaters finish move and it still works as such. However I found it took 2 backstabs to kill a full health opponent instead of the normal one hit kill. This is PERFECT! The move is not nerfed to oblivion! It can now be used for what it was meant to be, and it is still deadly! I often thought the backstab should be as powerful as the blue lunge which I found took 3 full hits to kill a full health opponent. I would have preferred to make it a 3 hit kill and keep the spinning, but this is just as good. Very well done! No longer will you see ass fighters running backwards. I tried it, it no longer works.


I wish I had something to offer about the use of force, but I don't. I am curious to here your force opinions though.


Please fix the code for the back flip blue lunge, its a skilled move that must be kept in the game!


I also can't comment on the weapons, I never use them, please comment on your opinions of any changes in the guns.


I found kicks and saber locks to be the same.


I still think the saber blocking is extremely excessive! My opponent was blocking swings they couldn't see and didn't expect. I was driving him back constantly with alternating diagnol blue swings and he blocked half of them running backwards. This manuver of alternating left and right diagnol blue swings always was usefull to penetrate defenses. It can no longer get through effectively. This is another skilled tool for your tool box of tricks that can no longer be used.


Please maintain the effectiveness of legit combination strikes to encourage skill in player's fighting styles, while decreasing the blur of skill by the excessive saber blocking.


I imagine raven will read this topic with interest, so please take these saber suggestions seriously for upcoming patches. Thank you for your time, Gadget.

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The lunge/backflip was disabled cause you could previously lunge in the air and severly decrease your descent fall.


This was bad, for a lot of reasons. Was really bad in CTF cause u could catch yerself on upward slanted ledges and stick. Good way to hide flag, but it looked and was ridiculous.




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I don't care about CTF....


I only play duels. This depends on balace and skill. The whole duel community just took a huge blow by loosing this combo.


What are you talking about anyway? You can still lunge right? Do you mean you can't use it as a parachute? Although I found it usefull to save myself or to surprise oppents from high up, I can live with out the parachute. (not excited about it) But please code it a different way for duel games. You should be able to excute this powerful swing in a combo without being on the ground. This just makes the game even more 2 dimensional.


This is NOT the proper way to fix the problem. Add downward velocity to the move so we can still use it but at the same time deny the parachute affect. There has got to be a better way than to nerf the last remaining effective saber special.

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cant spin while doing backstab that is BS.


You have a saber in your hand and you see your opponent... you should be able to turn... If they implement that... man o man.. what a load of crap and no saber throw pfftt... what the hell are they doing... Theres improvement to be made but giving into every whine and whimper is Horse Manure..


Theres already a way to stop people from useing the saber throw thru force restriction thru a server command.. why in the hell would they want to totaly disable it in some game types..


For crying out loud make some of this stuff optional to turn off thru server commands instead of getting rid of it completely.


I get a wierd feeling there gonna destroy this game thru patches if there not careful.


as it is right now I like it..


I can understand the light lunge and decreasing the damage of the back attack but not the saber throw or the stationary backstab.

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Gidcon I want you to rotate 360 degrees while keeping your legs spaced appart and not moving them at all. Anyway not spinning while backstab make you open to an attack which is a good thing, the 1.02 DFA was spammed so much because people could spin while in air and in ground to hit any attackers that might be getting up behind to hit them. And with backsweep this was an exploit as spinning made your saber hit the person earlier than expected (ever wonder why the move was so slow? It was slow because it was meant to be powerful and take time to execute , not to give you time to roll your mouse and spin yourself like a gyro). If you like Backstab then feel happy because if they put this in the game you'll get to use it alot more without being called a whore or whatnot because it requires skill ;P

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Sounds good, except for the blue lunge as some mentioned.

It was a great move to master, and I agree with what someone mentioned that it should still be able to do in midair, it should only been changed so it doesn't slow your fall, so you still would loose health. The game turned really 2d now... How do they want us to fight anyway? Twirling randomly with blue stance around each other?

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-A question: Why did the mid-air lunge take skill? It *didn't* take skill to execute, it was horribly easy to pull off. I think Raven is going to take the focus off "special" moves and focus more on normal attacks. And they start by "nerfing" the spammable attacks.


Have any of you tried fighting a lungist? They do the (mid-air) lunge all the time, and you can't defend yourself properly against them without resorting to lame "moves" such as saber throw.


The mid-air lunge defied gravity in the extreme. Of course the wall-run also does this, but the lunge had you standing still in the air. Look at the animation closely, I'm almost a 100% certain that the mid-air lunge was an oversight of the programmers, not an intended move. The animation of the mid-air lunge wasn't made, and it looked ugly, incomplete and fake.


It wasn't a tool box trick, it was an unintended move and also unfortunately spammable as hell.


To the people complaining over the non-turnable backstab:

What if the backstab animation was made as short as a regular blue swipe but kept it turnable? Would you people rather want this version, or the old one? I guess the above version would be the realistic one, but no one would like it, because they couldn't hit sh*t with it. With the blue backstab and the yellow "finisher", you shouldn't be standing pointing your saber at your foe for 3 hours after the move has finished it's animation. Making the backstab non-turnable is a good way to fixing it, but the real flaw lies in it's ending "spear-animation". Make the backstab and yellow special much shorter and everything will be balanced IMHO.


BTW, the "descending lunge" is utter idiocy, I can't believe someone actually want to keep this serious flaw of a move.

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Originally posted by [LsR]ViperEye

Dear God, if they take out FFA duel saber throwing with the next patch, I will personally walk over to the Raven HQ, march up the stairs with an uzi, and remove the left eye sockets from every employee there, starting with the janitors.


And saber-throwing is also being abused right now, I might add.

Make the saber throw like single player, or better yet, like the movies! In TESB, Vader threw his saber, but it was only to get luke down from his elevated position and it certainly *didn't* bommerang back to him like in this game. And let's not forget how many times the saber was thrown in the other 4 movies... Throwing your lightsaber is completely stupid: It's almost a sure way to lose it, something people don't want to. JK2 has developed it's own bastardly style of "saber-throwing" completely ignoring its movie reference.


What I want to see is that you actually have to PULL your saber back again after you have thrown it, or walk over it and pick it up. And that's *regardless* of whether it hits your opponent or it hits the floor.

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would cause too much lag, from looking at the code. It's purposely not affected by the client at lower levels to reduce lag.


Its handled like a projectile and it creates a 'dead sab' if u die or get it stuck impossibly. Think it would impart too much cost network wise for whats essentially a 'nerf'.



Gadget: Saying things like 'I don't care about ctf' makes me think to myself 'I don't care about duels'.


I've got news for you big guy, I'm a programmer, I'm working on a mod, do you want me to bother into include any balances or even any THOUGHT in relation to duels or u want me to stamp the mod with a big FU to u and everyone who is too narrow minded to respect what other people in the community enjoy.


Rethink your position, yer not caring about CTF doesn't change the fact that they changed the lunge prolly in part because of it. On top of the fact that it was stupid and unrealistic.


You can still execute an upwards thrust in the air, but without the 'lunge'. So you can effectively use the move, but without the recovery and without the benefits. It's just another swing. Which is how it should be.


BTW, special moves are silly and are going to unbalance the game no matter what. The idea behind them is that they are SPECIAL. I didn't complain when they nerfed the DFA, and I won't complain if they leave the backstab nerf in the next patch.


Simple fact is that i used both those moves incredibly heavily, but with the knowledge that it wasn't right and it was keeping me from using the other 3000 frames of animation for the saber.


IMO, all those moves should be precisely the same as any other swing and have no recovery time and no benefits. Then you use them tactically and not just because they do enough damage to shorten duel times. Be nice if people used backstab to change directions quickly instead of because it did the most damage of anything in the game. Only other fix is to nerf it into sillyness, much like the DFA. DFA requires *really* specific circumstances to use now, meaning it prolly wasnt even worth animating in the first place. It's still neat, and its definitely 'special', but more in the short bus kind of way that it used to be.





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A few thoughts:


1) Don't take away saber throw from duels just make it do slightly less damage and use slightly more force.


2) Make kicking a bit more difficult or risky


3) And for God sake make the saber more powerful if you're going to keep nerfing the special moves. The longest a duel should take is like 2 minutes (not 15 minutes). Regular saber strikes (where you hit someone clean) are too weak. If the goal is realizm then if you hit someone clean with the saber it ought to do big damage. As it stands now it feels like your using a wiffle ball bat unless your doing a special move. And how about more special moves to ADD something to a already good game. Taking away is usually not a good thing without adding something.


Hello? anyone paying attention???

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I find it funny when people talk about realism in a game where Lightsabers and blaster pistols and rifles are even possible.


I do agree that they should make the saber do one level of Damage (varying of course between the head arms legs and torso) and up the blocking accordingly.


realistic tho? please... star wars never has been "realistic"

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FU too Lucky....


I was trying to emphasize exactly what you were talking about. There are many different communities because of all the games types. A programmer needs to be very careful when making changes becuase they may effect the other communities negatively. I do think the parachute was a bug that needs to be fixed. The current solution is unexceptable for the duel community. My advice would be to add a downward velocity that prevents the slowed decent.


Thanks for being such an ass that you had to personally tell me to f*ck off. This community is worse than the CS community. I hope your mod rots with bugs.

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Originally posted by G0G0GadgetForce

I don't care about CTF....


And that is exactly what's wrong with this community. I play CTF, but I think everyone else that plays this game should enjoy the particular aspect they like. Because of people like you we had the 1.03 patch.


Originally posted by digl

me too


What did you do to set up the server in 1.03a?

I did it accidentally, I started a game minutes ago and realized I was playing with 1.03a :confused:



Ok. Let me clarify. There are two (2) 1.03a's. One is the server binaries released last month (or the month before). The source code that was released last week had the version number 1.03a. The source code has many, many changes over 1.03 (which the 1.03a server binaries did not do). Yes, our server is running the binary 1.03a, but it is also running the code version 1.03a which is something completely different.

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