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Backstab/sweep question....


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If your in a FFA game (lets say sabers only, but it doesn't really matter) and you get jumped by 4 or 5 guys ,all intent on separating your head from your neck(lets say they're in the same clan too) is it acceptable behavior to backsweep as many as you can- 180 on them and let it fly- to even the odds??

I ask this because it happened to me ,and thats exactly what I did. After that little move I was left with 2 opponents instead of 5, 1 was dispatched with a lightning spam and the last finally killed me. Although he was hurting. All this to the chants of " assfighter" ,"lamer" ,and"noob".

I don't think my TACTICS in the face of a gang rape were wrong. I also dont think it's wrong to bstab someone who just tried to DFA you( you have to expect **** like that if you DFA in 1.03). Also ,if your stupid enough to try and attack from behind -Bammo- you get it too.

I agree, running around backwards is an idiotic thing to do, if you run around backwards with your ass in the air- expect to get f**ked.

I'd just like to know how some of the really good players feel about what I just said. Do you agree ? If not, why not ? Was it your clan I hacked up in the above ancedote ?

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I do not backswipe as a rule, save for very particular situations.


1. Getting Gang-banged as you said.


2. Someone does the pull/backstab attempt at me. . I sometimes will fight them, if it becomes a problem I turn the tables on them. They don't like it when you out-cheese them.


3. Someone Tries to DFA. Sidestep to the left.. turn 90 degrees, Back + attack.. saber sticks through their temple. :)


I'd much rather in your situation though, If I had it.. plop down Det packs. *BOOM* Take em all with me. .muwhahaha.



I see no problem with it. They were not being 'honorable' By attacking you multiples at once.. in Team FFA, anything goes, same with CTF. Stop the flag carrier.


Thats just my 2 Cents.

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I have to agree with Crying Dragon here. Backsweep is a perfectly viable move in a situation involving more than 2 to 1. 5 to 1, its almost called for. (hey, they have enough advantages)


My policy is this: I wont backstab/sweep you if you dont to me. (unless you end up behind me) However, if you so much as try to pull sweep me, all gloves are off. (and I generally am better with the backstab than most spammers.)


DFA in 1.03= Asking for it.


If you get gangbanged in FFA/CTF, oh well. It happens in those games, one mans gangbang is another mans teamwork. (erm..yeah..)



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Hehehe...that reminds me..


I was typing, saber down in a corner in Bespin. Suddenly someone starts hacking my back with his saber. I send the message I was typing and backstab the guy behind me. Guess what happened? ---> "FU! LAMER! n00b! BS Whore!"


LOL! Yeah, right..that's me...a lamer.


The thing with backstab is that it's a cool move when not spammed. When someone tries to sneak up on you, they deserve the bs. Same goes for gang-rapes.

I do not like the 180 turn + backstab/sweep-thingy, though. I sometimes feel lame even when doing the blue lunge + backstab. (An intentional miss gives you the bs-opportunity)


IMHO it's lame to manouver in order to get a backstab going. If someone jumps behind you or sneaks up on you, fine. But as an..."attack", backstabbing is kinda stupid and unrealistic. Against spammers gloves are off, naturally. Spammers don't have rights. :D


Oh well, to each their own...damn! I'm late for work! My boss is going to grip me for sure! :(

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Heh, it looks like there is a trend here ^^^.. same goes for me.


I *hate* people that intentionally manouver to backstab in FFA or team FFA, but I don't hesitate in backstabbing when I meet the typical cheap dude that keeps doing the lame pull/sweep combo. Same goes for people that have killed me before sniping or using the alf-fire of the rocket launcher. Still, many times when I feel that I am being trapped and possibly gonna be gangbanged, I just kick someone on the face and roll out of the circle.


CTF is a completely different story though. I am one of those that don't like using guns at all, so except for force powers (that are useless against a FC using absorb) I am virtually helpless unless I use backstab. I don't like it , but there is no alternative.

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wtf, I think you were well with your 'rights' and the 'honor' zone to use that move on them.. cmon, 5v1, whatta ya expect.. good on you for taking out 4 of em before dying.. when it comes to spammers I cheap on em to teach em a lesson.. when I 'decent' fight comes along I go for a decent duel with minimal use of spammed moves..

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Once in a while is cool to use it.


But for those that group togethere and just run or walk backwards the whole map is just lame... Backwards sweep is ment for those instants that are listed.. But just 8 people grouped together walking backwards the whole time or only using this move is lame.


That's the only problem with it. Let say your fighting with just one person .


You been sabering for a while you do a backflip and take one step backwards when landing pulling this move off. I think that player who can do that is skilled.. Not the one's that just run around backwards the whole time.


I played 8 different servers last nite. All eitht 80% of the players where just running around backwards doing this move the whole time. Just lame.....


IF a player just use's it for the only attack or use's 90% of the time for a attack thats what everyone is complaining about.


FFA was fun at one time. Now it's only somewhat fun..

Against bots


{XG} Snape

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This is getting ridiculous. Like it or not, the backstab is an available [and effective] move in the game - it's not a cheat or a bug. If someone is in a sabre fight [even 1 on 1] and an opponent ends up behind them, why not use the most effective move for that situation - such as the backstab?


This is completely different from trying to run around backwards with backstab as your only attack [ie Assfighting] - that is no fun at all for anyone, including the person doing it. Because of all the fuss, I tried it [offline] out of curiosity - and quickly stopped because I got sick of not being able to see where I was going.


Not having played online yet [i only got the game this weekend and have been put off online play by the apparent hostility to 'noobs' on the forums], I'll admit I haven't yet seen the 'Assfighter Phenomenon' first hand, however I would have thought these people would be easy targets as you can't really see that much if you're running around staring at your feet!


By the way, there's a very funny post on Assfighting ['World Assfighting Championships'] on the jedi-outcast forum:


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Have just tried an online game against an Assfighter and a Squatfighter who double-teamed against me. Quite funny really - one was waddling around, the other looking under his armpit all the time. Still got a few kills against them - usually by charging around and through them slashing like a maniac [think I used the yellow backsweep once or twice], but can't beat the Pull+Backstab [yet!]. 2 regular players joined and started to take them apart without resorting to either technique- so those 'techniques' can't be that invincible....


Does anyone know how to counter the pull + blue backstab routine without doing exactly the same thing?

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I will use backsweep sometimes, I consider it a legitiment move if you use it sparsely


but some of the complainers are getting out of hand, some guy kept running away from the lightsaber duel and grabbing health, when he ran away and started throwing rockets i had enough and pull/sweeped him, then he calls me a lamer for the rest of the match. so him and a bunch of idiots from his clan gang up on me 4 to 1 and trap me in a tiny space with a sheild (basicly i'm fighting 4 guys in a 10' by 10' spot, I backsweep and take out 3 (there were all holding down the attack and running in circles) then I take out the last one with simple slashes


I'm sorry but if your gonna gangbang me, or try to run away shootiung me with guns, I'm gonna use every trick I have, gunners have no right to complain about lightsaber tactics

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Backstabbing is a legit part of the game, but personally, if I try it, and have to take even TWO steps backwards, I feel lame! Spammers of any move suck, and the new backstab spins are really wearing thin. The funniest thing I've had happend though was when an assfighter was chasing me around backwards (he was doing a pretty good job of following me too!) So I kept throwing at his back until he died. Then the dead assfighter called me a noob spammer!:) I laughed a long time. I told him that if he had stopped running backwards, I would have stopped throwing. He didn't care. Then he told me to "learn to fight":) It was really funny.


If only people wanted to play the way I KNOW the game designers ment the game to be played. Anyway, that's how I try to play.

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