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Obi Wan ep 1 and 2 model


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Thank you everyone for posting. Here are some replies to your comments.


inbredyokel: About the sleeves, in teh mace windu model yeah they're affected by gravity, but from teh wrong side, but if you think of the model in game teh arms are mostly extended forward because its holding the light saber or a gun right and in teh mace windu model, the gravity is affecting the sleeves when teh arms are extended towards teh sides, which happens almost never in game.


adrian832: I use 3dmax, and learned from tutorials and modeller friends. I think there are some tuts at http://www.polycount.com.


Pedantic: They dont look like obiwan because they need a skin.


I think that's about it, please keep posting guys, it helps a lot.


Oh yeah, for the pack we're also doing a quigon and a mace windu model. ok bye everyone.

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Man the models are great...awesome work really.


Just one thing.. from my experience i'd say you'll find major clipping issues around the shoulders and quite possibly the hips.


If this doesnt happen i'd say you have the best models so far.


Great work dude. :)

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Man am i glad to see some bomb models for Obi-Wan he is definetly my favorite character in the star wars saga are going to do a new hope version too? then your skin pack would be complete. not that im complaining ep1 is my favorite. keep up the good work...

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i'll tell you tex, you amaze me with your modeling talent. i don't know how you do it, well i do know HOW, but i am officially GREEN with envy. amazing stuff, man! keep up the great work!


i really can't wait to see these guys skinned. i can see the resemblance now without the skin ... you even have the padawan braid on the ep1 model ... putting a skin on them is gonna make them INCREDIBLE.


AND you said that you're planning on doing qui-gon and mace models to include with these 2?!



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hey mark, sorry if i didn't acknowledge you in my previous post. now that i look back on it, tex DID mention your name in the original post. no hard feelings?


you gotta love it when people team up to create amazing model/skins ... does the phrase "two heads are better than one" ring a bell with anyone?


as i said before, AMAZING stuff you guys have going on ... keep it up! and please keep us posted on your progress ... moor purdy pixchers pleez!

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Originally posted by Mark_Li

Expect some badass skins by Tex and I for all four models; also, there could quite possibly be saber models to go with every character. :D


It'll be interesting to see how the chrome finish on Obi-Wan's Episode II saber turns out if you do make them :D

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No sweat Adillon; I prefer to remain in the shadows, an enigma...




...or something.



But anyway, most likely, I will be skinning Qui-Gon and Mace, and Tex will skin both Obi-Wans. The base body skins will basically be recolors of eachother since the characters' robes are identical save for color. The faces are gonna be the fun part.


As for whoever it was that said Obi-Wan's face doesnt look like him: Are you on crack? The model looks EXACTLY like Ewan MacGregor...its EERIE how similar it looks. I've never seen a low-poly model with a face that looks so spot-on to the original.

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Originally posted by Mark_Li

As for whoever it was that said Obi-Wan's face doesnt look like him: Are you on crack? The model looks EXACTLY like Ewan MacGregor...its EERIE how similar it looks. I've never seen a low-poly model with a face that looks so spot-on to the original.


I'll believe you once you present me with written proof of your ownership of the entire universe.

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Originally posted by Mark_Li

I wasn't aware that physical characteristics of concrete objects in the real world were subject to peoples' opinions.


Then why did you give your opinion about it?


Anyway, the face just seems too wide, and the eyes seem sort of squashed into the middle of the face.

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WOW!! I can't wait. I been wanting a great model of Obi-Wan ever seince I first played Outcast, and to find out that we will get a Mace and Qui-Gon to go along with it is the best news I've herd in a long time. and with the amazing Darth Maul model beeing made by CheshireKat, it is like a dream come true. you guys all ROCK!! keep up the amazing work! and most importantly, take your time with it, it will be worth the wait.:D


Oh, and by the way, might I just say,, BUMP!! (back to the top you go, where you belong:p )

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Will you guys have any plans to add a few different faces to the Obi-Wan/Mace, or release your 3ds files so others can do so? Honestly these models look absolutely awesome, but it would be nice to have some different faces available with those amazing jedi robes. Like maybe a Jedi with a pony tail and without the beard... stuff like that. Even if you left it for others to skin but just did the shapes in 3ds or whatever.... or released your stuff so others could do so!


Just a thought. Keep up the great work either way!!!

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Ped; it wasn't an opinion. Take a photo of Ewan's profile and stick it next to the Episode 1 model; its quite a damn good likeness. And regardlesss, its still unskinned. But anyway...



Multiple heads for unique jedi would be a great idea, but we'll see...I'll ask Tex about it, if he doesnt reply himself.


I just cant wait to start skinning these mofos.

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