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Disintegration mod???

Cmdr. Antilles

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Hi, let me start off by saying that I am not a coder...


Hmm.. that may have been a bad beginning, as you're all probably frantically pressing the 'back' button...


Anyway, for those of you who stayed, I was wondering if any of you were planning on making a DIS mod... I know there's a mod for Elite Force like that, and most FPS's have similar mods. Basically, everyone has one weapon, and it's a one hit-kill. You have full ammo all the time, and the majority of the pickups are removed from the game.


For JK2, I'm thinking it would be best if you could make the disrupter the only weapon. Then, the primary fire is a blast that instantly disintegrates the person. And the alt fire would just be zoom...


Of course, you'd have to disable the 'seeing' power, since that would ruin the mod.


Anyway, just an idea that I'd really like to see made.

I TOTALLY understand if no one wants to pick it up, though. I'd be disappointed, but I understand how things work. ;)


Anway, thanks for reading this far. :)

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thx, although I know very little about coding.. i'll try and learn as i go along :/


intend to make a one-hit kill style mod, in the theme of a laser-tag/laser-quest/quasar arena. dont know how well it would work out team-wise, with ctf style games.. well, sort of anyway. just gonna see how it goes.

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Originally posted by Vesentac

Ask's Missle mod code actually does this....


If the disruptor is at full charge, you pretty much can kill anyone on the map.. plus his mod lets the blast goes through the walls..


Where can I get this MOD?

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i've finished a basic version of it and sent it to jkii.net. its nothing huge yet, just a basic outline of an insta-kill mod.


don't know how long it will take to be on jkii.net so in the meantime you can download it from,




if it doesnt work try just typing the link into your address bar, i'm not sure if our host stopped you linking to files :/


i guess i should post about this in the general editing or just main forum? i want to get it out to as many ppl as possible! maybe someone could host a server to give it a good test out, i've only got 512kb DSL and cant really host decent games :/



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