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My Simple Lightsaber Mod beta 1...


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Yes. Source is good. Not only is distributing your source in keeping with the ideal of sharing which led to the SDK being released in the first place, it makes it a lot easier for for people to collaborate. Due to the Q3 engine's limitation that you can only run one QVM at a time, if two mods each have a cool feature, you are forced to choose which one you like best. But if the source to the mods are available, the authors can join forces to create a mod with both enhancements.

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i liked your mod, but i was wondering is it possible that you could make it where you can activate the dual bladed saber by clicking your saber button twice. for instance, you bring up your single blade with one click, then you tap the same button again twice and it brings up the dual blade, tap it once and it will shut off? is it possible to this? if so, could you pull it off? also, could you make it where only dark force powered characters have this option (kinda like a special item for sith)? great job and it is definitley a step in the right direction.

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Originally posted by bugkill

i liked your mod, but i was wondering is it possible that you could make it where you can activate the dual bladed saber by clicking your saber button twice. for instance, you bring up your single blade with one click, then you tap the same button again twice and it brings up the dual blade, tap it once and it will shut off? is it possible to this? if so, could you pull it off? also, could you make it where only dark force powered characters have this option (kinda like a special item for sith)? great job and it is definitley a step in the right direction.


Nice to hear that you liked it :)


That's a great idea you have and I think it will be very easy to implement (gotta check though) and I will sure add it to the mod and give you credit for the idea :cool:


And by the way, do you mean that you would like only those with dark forces to use your suggested feature, or the dual blade in air too? I would like more people to tell me their opinions and suggestions, as I'm short of ideas :p


Originally posted by SingledOut

i cant get the mod to work. i put jk2mp.exe +set fs_game slsmod in the target but it says its not valid. what am i doing wrong?


Sorry about the lack of info in the readme about this. I will put a better description of how to run the mod there in the next beta. But normal posted the correct way to run it. Either that, or go to Setup in the game and to the mod selection menu and it will hopefully be there.

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If you make it a sith ONLY for the dual, then EVERYONE will want to be a sith, and there won't be any Light Side jedi.. you could make it so that you push a whole new key to activate it.. push 1 for the single blade, push o for the dual blade... cuz darth maul used BOTH single and dual... unless you can get the 1 to register a 3 keyed target.. press once: Single, Press 2nd time: Dual, press 3: turn off...


ANd while you are at it.. can you check the coding to see how Desann is able to spin the lightsaber over his hand, cuz that would be awsome to do !!:-D

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well, i think it would be cool if it was only associated with a daul maul skin or model (mainly the ultimate maul skin), but i think it would be best for the community to have the option to use it with any character that they choose. so, make it where you can use it as a single blade (your default key with one tap), dual blade (different key than single blade, will only come up after you holster single blade), and one tap to shut it off (if you use the wheel button for single blade you would tap it to turn it on and tap it again to turn off, same goes if you use the dual blade key). i personally feel that it should be for dark forces, because i believe that jedi don't use this weapon, but everybody has different tastes, so it would be best to make it available to everyone. i would like to be able to use the dual blade in saber fights, plus i would to see my bots use them to when they are engaged in saber fights, but i would like the bots to use it as if they would be using their force powers. they would use the single blade at first, then they would just activate the dual blade and come out attacking. i think it sounds cool and i'm sending you a PM with my email address so we can discuss this further.

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this is thedestroyer code that should do it (edited a bit)

also, it's not a good idea to switch the saber type while it's lit...it could make some strange effects. so it's best for it to be holstered.

else if (Q_stricmp(cmd, "thedestroyer") == 0 && && ent && ent->client && ent->client->ps.saberHolstered && ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER)

	if (!ent->client->ps.saberHolstered)
		if (ent->client->ps.dualBlade)
			ent->client->ps.dualBlade = qfalse;
			ent->client->ps.dualBlade = qtrue;


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Ooh, a Widescreen post ;)


But seriously, thanks for the info ASk, finally I realise why the "thedestroyer" command never seemed to work for me (my lightsaber wan't holstered).


And you're right, one effect changing to dual bladed while the saber's lit is that it doesn't look good, so I'll change that.


And Andy867, when Desann is spinning his lightsaber over his hand, is that in Single Player? I haven't noticed it so I don't know.

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Yes, its when Kyle Katarn firsts meets up with Desann at the level where you first see the AT-STs as well. Its near the end where they are just about to "kill" Jan Ors. he takes the saber out of his hand, spins it over it with just force power, then ignites it. I was like, Holy SH*T. I wanna do that!!! :) so, yea, its when your character firsts meets Desann

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Is there a way by chance to do it in MP, cuz that's what I am interested in mainly... I got it to work in SP, but I would like to see it done in MP.. is the code scripted into MP, or not? Any additional and previous help is/ appreciated:)


**EDIT** ok, I kind of forgot to add what I want in MP, I was asking if its possible to get the spinning saber taunt Into MP.. hope that clears things up

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Changing saber types while the saber is open is fine, but it keeps the animation for the last stance until you move or attack. It's nothing bad. In fact it sometimes looks cool. If you really hate it you should make the saber holster, change it, then unholster it, but making the command not work when its out is just lazy programming and can be confuing to the user. Trust me, when I released my mod there were so many people that had no idea what they were doing. Some people didn't even know how to unzip it or select a mod from the menu! Jesus!

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Originally posted by Super J

please post the source code. i'm new to coding and any new ideas would be a great help. awesome work on your mod :)


It's on the website: http://hem.passagen.se/pbsaint/jk2mods/slsmod/



And I'll probably be adding some new stuff in this weekend. Don't know how much more I will work on this mod though, because I'll be working on another project (not JK2 or Star Wars related) but if I come up with a cool idea maybe I'll do some coding :)


Keep those sabers flying! :cool:

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I'd hate to say it but I found an exploit in your mod. If you use grip until it you can't anymore then you for some reason have enough energy to throw your lightsaber and kill your opponent with ease. Just thought that you might want to try and bump up the mana cost for grip or for saber throw



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