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need links to room schematics


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if you want room shematics then go and buy some starwars art books at amazon ie, but knowing those books myself, i can tell you that you'll only find a few room shematics because most of the artwork shows architecture (perspective view) and styles rather than orthogonal room shematics. Star Wars brands, pics, etc are heavily copyright protected, that is the reason you won't find too many high quality stuff (especially material that is captured from additional commercial stuff like books) on the internet. Lucas Films and all its subsidiaries want to make big commerce and therefore they create their own market for all the people, that're looking for room shematics, character art or whatever :)


do yourself the favor and watch the movies, teasers, makingofs carefully and make some scribbles (screenshots, photos..) while you watch them, this will help you to get some usable help for mapcreation





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It's not simply a matter of the images being copywright-protected. I've been working on an accurate Stardestroyer level(s) since Dark Forces, and then added research for the now defunct SWTTC to my list of projects. I've been trying to compile an exhaustive set of plans for every possible SW location, and I can tell you that LFL has released virtually NONE of the set blueprints. Part of the reason is, for the new films, there are no really good architectural plans, as the sets were mostly created as digital matte paintings, with some pieces modelled as CG. You will occassionally find the few scraps that WEG put out a few years back, like the ISD bridge, a Falcon interior, DS2 Throne Room, DS1 Detention block AA-23...but most of that is absolute crap anyways. They did very little research, and produced lazy, fantastically, spectacularly WRONG "plans". You're just going to have to bite the bullet and spend alot of time shuttling back and forth through the video tapes.

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