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Ep2 Sabers


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dude your dumb or something, can't you see that its two screens with two diff. characters holding the sabers? if you look closely, both pics have 2 hands holding each saber. duh. very nice job by the looks of the sabers though. when will they be available? i LOVE the saber hilt.

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Again that word... hilt ? what does it mean ?


I don't what that word means and neither

does my dictionary (is it saber handle ?)


Anyway if yes that saber handle is not made

by me i have downloaded it BUT Yes it is great

...best i have found (best anakins saber)




and yes there are no saber in each hand...

(i just took those screen during fast

style horizontal sweep...)

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Well.......thanx.......for.........posting your own mod on my topic!

I still need help on my one??


The trouble I've got , and it appears the other guys got, Is that the blade still appears to be pointed. Where as in the film it's straight and rounded at one end.


Does anyone know how to create this?


Do I need to start fiddling about with codes?


(My actual .JPG's are the right shape but when put 'in-game' they appear pointed)

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How i did it ??


Sorry but in my ears that question is a bit

hmm... weard (don't want to insult... for

me it is just so obvious..)


You know that those sabers have two JPG

files per color (for blue saber they are

blue_line.jpg and blue_glow2.jpg)


And in those files colors are colors but

brightness is at the same time brightness

and transparency (black = transparent/

white = opaque)




So if you want to make your blade wider

then open that ****_line.jpg and draw

wider blade


In my blade texture that blade (almost

white area) is at the bottom of that image

about half of that whole area and at the

top about 33%....


And that glow... well like you already know

it comes from that ***_glow2.jpg file so just

draw it as wide as you can in it (but keep it

smooth and be sure that there are pure

black everywhere around that color

area or...)


Anyway in my saber that glow is as wide as it

is possible to paint in to that file (making that

image file biger doesn't make difference...)

so if you want to make that glow biger then

you must edit cource code somehow

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"The trouble I've got , and it appears the other guys got,

Is that the blade still appears to be pointed. Where as in

the film it's straight and rounded at one end."


Ok i am not sure what you mean but i quess that

you want that saber blade is as thick from tip as

it is from root and that tip of the blade is not

sharp but like ball ??


Soo if you want that whole blade is as wide then

just draw it so in that ****_line.jpg (but member

that brightness is transparency)

you may want to change it to greyscale to

check if it looks like it should...


And when you doesn't want that your blade is sharp

then draw it blunt... and member that your blade is

going to be longer and thinner that it seems in that

file so you must draw it wider and you must draw

tip of it more blunt than you really want it to be...

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The sabers are looking great. I wonder if you could sent them to me. I am trying to make such sabers for Tchouky's RGB color mod, but the sprites are different than the ones from the original sabers. Your blades are good looking, and I'd like to try something like that for Tchouky, because all the standad jpg look some kind of ugly ingame.

It would be nice if you could help me and send the sabers to me at terrence20@web.de


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No i don't want to give those textures (or that mod)

yet... its not ready...


But there are one thing which may help you guys to

paint your sapers so that they look more like you

want also ingame




Do this (if you use PSP):


Open some saber line (***_line.jpg) file and select

all and copy and paste as new image


Then scale that whole image so that width=100%

and height=200% and then save that new image

in PSP format so that all layer,... settings remains...


(and from now paint your saber in that file)


Then when you have edited your saber and it is ok

just copy it using "copy merged" to clipboard and

paste as new image and then scale that image so

that width=100% and height=50% and then save

it as some ***_line.jpg (what ever color it is)


That way you always have that biger picture with

different layers and ... where you can easily

modify it

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I'd really die to have that mod you made looks excellent. You shuold talk to Tchouky and throw it into his saber mod, because i think his current sabers in that mod don't look too good. I think yours are by far, the best ones ive seen so far, maybe make the white area more visible though? Thats my personal opinion, other than that , they look just like the movie. Release it soon, and if possible, in case i lose this post, email me your mod - transcom@optonline.net get back soon!

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any chance to see one of these saber mods released soon?


Jedi_Knight_UK: i'd like to see some screenshots of your mod.


ALIEN_JL: your sabers look so damn good, there is no need to change any more, is it? well, what would it be, and any chance to get your mod?

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Originally posted by cjais

Thank GAWD someone is making these new sabers.

The default ones look like ****e and bears no resemblance at all to the movies.


Looking good....


I love ya guys.


I would agree. They definitely could have put some more thought into the saber design. The hilt looks kind of ridiculous, as well, like a baton when the saber is not activated.:D




Alien_JL, what saber is in your photo? is that the Anakin saber or the Darth Vader saber?;)

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