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Ep2 Sabers


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Originally posted by CraZy_B

I agree with Garik. The glow should be bigger like

the menu cursor's. A pity you dunno how to.


YES I do agree... but i don't know how to do it...


Or hmm... Yes i do know.. i know that it is hard

coded SO it is not even possible to make it biger

in SP because there are no SP Code out there


And for MP hmm... well thats not my area (i am

not intrested of building MP mods for game

which "doesn't support" MP mods...)

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the glow is hard coded so you can't really change it ...

you can try to modify the xxx_glow2.jpg

but thats all you can do just editing the saber's jpg.

but you can easily make it bigger with a slight modification to the source code.

(thus making it a mod and not an addon.)

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Originally posted by ReIIiK

lol well then, are you planing on a EP2 Saber mod???


No i am not (i didn't really make my sabers as

EP1 sabers but i just tried to make them like in

star wars movies "overall" AND SO that they

looks good ingame)


If i make them like in EP2 they would look most

of the time too "strong" or like they would have

been added afterwards and they doesn't really

fit in... Hmm... i don't think i can really explain...


Anyway they looks different in EP1 and EP2

and mine are closer to EP1 sabers so they

are "EP1 Sabers"

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Originally posted by ALIEN_JL


I know that this is EP2 Sabers topic BUT hmm...


my mod doesn't make those sabers to look

more like they looks in EP2 but more like

they are in EP1




In EP2 sabers blade (core) is white

In EP1 it is colourful


And in my mod it is also colorfull

and a bit translucent




In EP2 saber blur (core) is white

In EP1 it is colourful...


And in my mod it is also colorfull

and a bit translucent




In EP2 saber blur is usually clear square

In EP1 it is square but usually it looks

like a triangle


In my mod it is trying to look like

a triangle




So i quess it should be


ALIEN_JL's Ep1 sabers





It doesn't matter, they are great sabers anyway!!

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