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New Rgb Saber Mod


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alright beta 3 or 4 . i didn't count ....




extract in the GAMEDATA and ru the


to load the game !


the configs are in the setup screen ...


the source code is here :




any feedback will be apriciated....

and i know that the color in the box and in game are slightly diferents.....

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Well, is there anyway to get your saber previewed like it would be in-game? Thats all I can really think of. :)




Now what would be really sweet is if you could somehow call up the windows pallette color picker thing and select your color through that. :)



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well arn't the sliding bars enought .....?


because it was really hard to make and even more difficult : the previsualisation ...

you know the horible box that shows you aproximately the color of your lightsaber ....


It was really difficult .....



for the windows palette well even if i used the windows API it wouldn't be in-game ....


i would have to create an exterior program which would give you the rgb values....


But the color might not show up exactly the same in jk2 so i don't plan on doing such a thing ....

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thx for the idea ...


now in the tck menu the is a switch


Activate Custom Sabers on/off


when it s on the old saber selection's doesn't exist anymore and the rgb sliders show up ...


and when it s off the sliders and the colored box disepear and the old saber menu comes back...


but all the options aren't on the same page =

old raven selection = player page

my customs colrs = tck mod page ....


but it s much better now ....


i ll post this menu soon !

any other ideas ?

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well actually the limit is one ...

and it *might* be considered as cheating ....

but if you want to have a cool saber like dark purple you will need to put the green at the lowest possible you know like 1 !


i know it won't really change the color but ....


and a 5 5 5 blade has almost no blade too....


And another thing that might be considered as cheating is for TEAM games.


coz you an still change your saber color's even in team ffa or capture the flag....


i may create a cvar to block it ....


and i added a server cvar : g_allowdoublesaber 1


that allows the server to allow the clients to have the double bladed saber without cheats enabled ...


it s a servercommand so the admin can control it ...

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Modifying saber colors in team games is NOT cheating. You can still see their clothes. Now modifying saber colors in team games to look like the other team is worth getting booted... but that's up to the host.


Best mod for JK2 so far. I just wish someone knew how to make it work for SP...

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i don't know if you already downloaded it because it was available since 6 hours on my ftp but here it is :


new menu the old saber selection won't show up if the customs sabers are ON and the sliding bars won't if it's off...


and there is a new server command :


g_enabledoublesaber 1


that allows the players to have the double bladed saber without cheats....

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well do you mean the source code for the cvar i included :

the g_enabledoublesaber ????


or the menu ??

cause the menu is just a .menu in the pk3 file....


and the code hasn't really changed since the last version ....


(except the game for the cvar )


well i ll do it in a few hours (not at home...)

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Ok this would probably be hard to do, but here it is anway.


I think the way to make this be the best it can be, would to do something like this here. If I were able to code, and all what I would do would be to try to add in another saber selection. When one of the default ones are selected the mod would be off, like how you have it that it can be turned off now. But clicking on the sabers as usual and have one more thats just white would show that the mod is turned on. When its on you would click the saber mod words, and it woudl bring up a menu just like configuring the force powers, and you would handle the sliders,a nd all there. Plus you could toss your name in the bottom corner of the window for that.:D That way it can all be throught the palyer options like it should be idealy.


I know it would probably be pretty hard to do, but I think that would be the best route to take.


Im fine with the way its done now, but I just think it could be better this way.


By the way awsome touch adding in the ability to use the destroyer.;)

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allright i ve updated the source ....


and for you Darkhold X

it seems to be a lot of work for almost nothing...

isn't the menu in the setup good enought ???

i really worked hard on it and scripting these menus sucks big time!


And when you are in game and press ESC the player menu don't show up by itself ...

you still have to click the PLAYER button so..

*instead of player click on setup*

no ???


and a last word i m going to modify theddestroyer code a bit so you won't have to have the saber holstered to make it work ...

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I didnt say I didnt like it the way it is, I just think that the way I said would be a better way, but far from needed. It would just seem more natural mainly. Its fine now.:)



And I have a key bound to automaticly switch the saber. It holsters it, and all. So you are able to do it while the saber is out. Dont know if it will help since its a console command. Its bind = "sv_saberswitch; wait 75; thedestroyer" Of coarse its set up to be bound to the = key there. the wait 75 is a variable, but if its set faster than that the code dosent work half the time. I have found that to work every time, at atleast that length.

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i tried to change the saber code with the destroyer and it s not showing good ....

i wanted to light off the saber and then light it on again but

and i can't really delay (can't put wait in the code lol) so the animation looks crappy.

i ll leave it the way it is ....

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i know it was hard to code the beging of it, but is there some way you could copy the code and make the core mod, instead of changing the outside color, alter the white core, would add allot more colors people could do that would look good.

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