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Another Idea for the next Jedi Knight game!


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Have u ever heard of Nomni Sunrider? well he was a Jedi 1,000 YEARS BEFORE EPISODE 1! now i see that there is NO game based on him! and with all the old fasion light sabers and stone age troops I think that having the next Jedi Knight game based on Nomni Sunrider would be a GREAT idea! everything would be new with new saber styles and stuff! I seriously think Lucas Arts should create a game about Nomni Sunrider, i just havent found a book about him! i have heard about him in many places and even in a website! but wouldnt you think a game based on Nomni Sunrider would be awesome? with all the new gadgets and sabers and FORCE POWERS! jeez they MUST have some forces we never have... I hope... well just tell me what u think

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First, Nomi Sunrider was a WOMAN.


Second, Knights of the Old Republic is a game that takes place 4,000 years (should be more like 1,000 for the graphics to fit in), and is coming out this fall for the Xbox and next spring from the PC.

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Also, I take it you know jack **** about Star Wars, since there are no specific Force powers. Force powers are just a way that game designers map using the Force to a key on your keyboard. Jedi don't run around saying, "Force Push Power Engage!" and wave their hand.


Also, it's Nomi not Nomni, and there are no books, only graphic novels about her and other TotJ characters.

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Dude, yeh dude, like dude, awesome, totally bodacious. Like...dude, wheres my saber...














Now the totally moranic bits out of the way, if you want this so badly then go out and mod it!

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Originally posted by Tenibo

JEEZ! calm down! im not THAT HUGE OF A SW FAN im only 15! like DAM dude take a chill pill i didnt know Nomi was a woman and WHO CARES! A GAME BASED ON HER WOULD BE AWESOME!




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Sorry, but I get pissed when people come on here and act like they know everything about something they don't know about.


And you don't need to be old to know a lot about Star Wars, I'm 16 and I know a ton.

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I would like to take the time to coin a term, that will maybe become mainstream with any luck.




what is GGWAAH? you ask? it stands for "good god, what a air-head(yeah thats it;) "



this can be applyed to either a thread or a post.


in this case its a thread GGWAAH.:D



ok all you people, lets make this the standard reply to all the moron posts we see;)


edit: spelling

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or maybe some people dont devote every minute of their lives to reading/watching or talking about star wars?


i bet you are the kind of person that went out and bought a friggen toy light saber just to re-create some of the battles.


all guys raggin on him because he might not know sh-it about it should really re-examine your lives..could it be you know too much and have spent way too much time on this?



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Originally posted by Tenibo

oh yah? well im not nerds like u guys atleast i have a life! i dont spend 2 hours searching for star wars **** i just got into this thing so **** off!


Oh yeah (yes spelled "yeah", you illiterate hillbilly)? At least I can form complete sentences and spell words such as "you", "at" and "least". And Because I dont know jack-sh** about Star Wars, I dont go making idiot posts and flamming poeple who do. Get some respect and a f***ing spellcheck.

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thx dude like some ppl spend too much time on SW but hey check this **** out does this remind u of anything?



this is what i wanna do when SW nerds talk like they know everything





this is what i wanna do when SW nerds yell at me




this is what i wanna do when SW nerds piss me off


:ion::c3po: <---- SW nerds

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Originally posted by DannyJAllTheWay


I did, but I don't anymore. I have begun to find myself enjoying healthier cereals. Odd...:D



yea, I guess im startin to be a cheerios man myself.

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yo Lime light ass HOLE! I DONT GIVE A **** if ur a nerd in school DOES IT LOOK LIKE i give a ****? NO look at me does it look like i give a ****? :rolleyes:


oh and plz STFU! u make me wanna :barf:


dont reply in my posts unless u have a good reply or else im gonna


:ion::c3po: <--- you

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

I like Frosted flakes.


I really do.


Anyone else like frosted flakes?


oh yeah! with 2%milk its even better:D


ever feel like after eating them you feel like you have lvl3 force jump and speed?:D VAVOOM!:D

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dude bs, tenibo=n00b, but stop takin knocks at me (i know u r so dont even try to get out of it) i just cant spell good, SO WHAT IM A HUNTER NOT A ENGLISH PROFERSOR, so to som up my msg



STFU LIME LIGHT U FRICKIN N00B i know u suck the amerikan ppl no u suck and bob dole nos u suck so shut it up and sit it down

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I know there was some pretty bad stuff said, but that was just.............................mean.



*eats frosted flakes, watching Jerry Springer Lucasforums style*

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Originally posted by icefox98




dude bs, tenibo=n00b, but stop takin knocks at me (i know u r so dont even try to get out of it) i just cant spell good, SO WHAT IM A HUNTER NOT A ENGLISH PROFERSOR, so to som up my msg



STFU LIME LIGHT U FRICKIN N00B i know u suck the amerikan ppl no u suck and bob dole nos u suck so shut it up and sit it down



icefox... forgot to change users.... i recemend baning for this dip****....


edit: to make sure itss understood, icefox98 posts many idiot topic, but under many names as to get away with it.....

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