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Jedi Knight II Lingo/Cheap moves help?


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OK, I'm brand new (as of yesterday) and need to know all the Jedi Knight II Lingo.


Such stuff like DFA (I think was the acronym) confuses me. And what's a backstab (and what's so cheap about it)? And a script monkey? A spam attack? Are there any other "cheap moves" I need to know about? What about other JKII specific lingo?


Oh, and btw, how do I do that "Jump/downslash" thing that I see people do alot, and always seems to kill me in one hit (usually they knock me on the ground first).


Thanx for helping your local newbie out guys!

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well the funniest thing you'll see in this game is a bunch of people walking backwards, frantically pressing the attack button hoping to land a backstab using a lot of luck and very little skill. these are called "a$$stabbers" for obvious reasons. they probably just found out how to do the backstab move (which is back+attack, with your back facing your opponent) and look for large groups of people fighting so they can just run backwards into the middle of the group and hopefully kill everyone. a skilled backstabber would never be found doing this.


a spammed attack is just something thats done over and over again, like someone only using backstab or kicking.


a "script monkey" (dont hear that term a lot) is someone who has bound a series of moves into one key in order to perform a special move with just a simple press of one button, instead of using skill. the funniest thing about scripting is that some people think you are a total retard if you dont know how to script. they think its common knowledge but the truth is half of the people who buy this game dont even know that you can open the .cfg files in the base folder in your game directory with windows notepad.


DFA means "death from above". its the red stance move in which you do a regular attack and as its about to end hit jump+forward+attack at the same time.


the cheapest moves in this game are the backstab and kick. backstab is cheap because its easy to do and it can kill you in one hit. and if you manage to kick someone, you can keep on doing it one after the other until your opponent dies. it is possible to protect yourself from these moves or to avoid them entirely, but sooner or later you'll have to attack and a good backstabber/kicker will always get you. thats why if you want to win against these types you'll have to learn to be cheap as hell too.

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kicking = not cheap.

if you dont want to be kicked, either: get out of the way, stop bumrushing me, or stop trying to do that idiotic yellow somersault move that leaves you wide open for a boot to the face.


Every move has its counter.

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kicking is capable of being quite cheap.


admittedly it requires a bit more skill (and a better ping) than backstabbing but even a moderatley skilled kicker will be able to hit you for 18 unblockable damage every time two people get into melee range.


This sucks on NF servers because melee is your only way to inflict any damage.


To answer the original poster:


backstab is attacking someone behind you, using a special unblockable attack.


DFA is the strong stance special attack, stands for death from above.


Script monkey would be someone who automates their game playing via q3 scripts.


Spammers would be someone who uses the same attack, over and over, until they get lucky and score a kill.


The 'jump/downslash' thing is the aforementioend DFA.

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I've used lunge on kickers before. Doesn't work all that well in my experience. For some reason, I still get kicked and lose health. If you continue using the lunge against kickers, they tend to try to do the pull/backstab or backslash combo. If you're smart you'll have points in absorb and be able to counter that. At this point, spammers usually wuss out and run off. I like it when they do this in NS_Streets, and to get away, they jump off the current ledge, and I force pull them into their falling, screaming death. It's amazing how affective, though as little it is, pull can be against absorb while someone's in the air.


In my opinion, some moves that people spam are very cheap. There are two type of spammers, those who are skilled with it, i.e. they don't go running around just trying to rack up frags, they use it strategically; and those who hide behind it, i.e. absorb + kick or pull + one hit kill, or mind trick + one hit kill + running around just pulling people down. The latter is cheap, because they don't have any skill, they have to become basically invincible in order to win a fight. Yes there are counters to all cheap moves, but come on, it's ridiculous for one person to just run around chasing a guy until hey can pull him down and kill him. If they can't succeed, they leave that fight and try to find another simple enemy, and then after killing them, they stalk them for the rest of the game. I've seen this over and over again spectating.


That most important thing I can stress to the person who posted this string, be patient in multiplayer, you will run into a lot of annoying idiots who play this game, but you will also find a lot of really talented players that deserve nothing but respect. You can learn to be good by watching both. Good Luck, and have fun, that's all this game is about.

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forward+primary while touching your opponent. it seems that its much trickier to use in 1.3 but it might be because i was playing humans b4 i patched it and played some bots. bots are very erratic and almost never stay in one spot long enough for you to do anything to them. all they do is run away.

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The correct, POST PATCH way to kick is forward + double tap of the jump key. If you are close enough to your opponant at the LAST tap, even if they (or you) are in mid air, you'll kick 'em for 18 shield piercing points of damage. You can also strafe left or right into your opponant and SINGLE tap jump to give them 20 pts of shield piercing damage (shield piercing meaning the shields absorb NONE of the kick damage). In fact, forward+primary was never the way to kick. Before the patch, it was forward+jump (single tap).

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Hey does anyone know what that spinaround move is? it always gets me, i'll be fighting some guy and he pauses for a second, (sometimes i take advantage of this pause), then does this spinaround lightsaber attack that i can rarely block. it is usually done in a crouching stance. anyone know how to do this?

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