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Official Word: NO PATCH


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I keep reading speculation that a new patch is coming. The official word from James Monroe at Raven is: "Lucas is not currently planning to release any more patches."


This comes straight from the e-mail of a dear friend of mine. She and I have been hoping Raven would clean up the patch with a few fixes (especially in light of the changes discovered in the new code release).


This is just not so.


No new patch planned.

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Like I said earlier, Just accept the patch instead of whining about it. If what you say is true, then what's the big deal? Who cares? All the more reason that you guys should have just gotten used to the patch instead of whining about it. If you have an "@ssfighter," find a way around his tactics. Now you're screwed cuz you don't know how to get over it and you'll do badly in the game. Shoulda spent your time practicing rather than whining. BTW, whining and game feedback are not the same. :D

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Originally posted by fitzwilliamd

I keep reading speculation that a new patch is coming. The official word from James Monroe at Raven is: "Lucas is not currently planning to release any more patches."


This comes straight from the e-mail of a dear friend of mine. She and I have been hoping Raven would clean up the patch with a few fixes (especially in light of the changes discovered in the new code release).


This is just not so.


No new patch planned.


Where is you're proof? Until we see something from Raven or some real proof from you, I'll consider this thread bs.


Hey guys, don't believe everything you read on the JK2 forums.

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Originally posted by DannyJAllTheWay Like I said earlier, Just accept the patch instead of whining about it.

Danny, I said, "She and I have been hoping Raven would clean up the patch with a few fixes." Requesting some fixes is not whining; I am not sure what you mean.


And Mr. Revertto102, I thought you were banned? :D


Cussing at Raven will accomplish nothing.


Have a nice day.

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Lime-Light, she wrote Raven directly asking when the patch would be released (I know for a fact, as I was standing over her looking down her blouse while she typed :D


James Monroe told her that Lucas has no plans to release a new patch.


E-mail him yourself, if you like: jmonroe@ravensoft.com


He is the lead programmer on JK; you can find his .plan here: http://www.webdog.org/plans/168/


And folks, don't shoot the messenger. I am just passing this information along as I thought it was relevant to the community knowledgebase.


Oh and Revertto102, do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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Originally posted by fitzwilliamd

Danny, I said, "She and I have been hoping Raven would clean up the patch with a few fixes." Requesting some fixes is not whining; I am not sure what you mean.


And Mr. Revertto102, I thought you were banned? :D


Cussing at Raven will accomplish nothing.


Have a nice day.


Oh, sorry. I didn't mean you specifically. I didn't think that you are whining. I don't see anywhere where you are whining. I meant other people and people in general who do complain about the patch. What you were saying was game feedback, which I talked about earlier. Sorry for the confusion. :D:)

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Just a thought, can Raven release an UNOFFICAL patch?

Is all that offical means that it involves Lucas' hand in it?

If so raven could just release a patch on their own and have it be unoffical (IE: it wouldn't be called a patch but a fix or a mod thus 'optional')

I find it hard to think that RAVEN wouldn't make a patch considerng there have been other posts with mails having one of the devs say how backstabbing was supposed to be fixed. They wouldn't leave the game broken ;P

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Well, let's put it this way, once Raven rebuilds their office after the large barrage of letter bombs they more than likely received from infantile JK2 fans, they might be able to make an "unofficial" patch...

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This is the best news I've heard all day. The bleeding can stop right here and not go on through another entirely different version of the game in 1.04.


Now we've got one choice or the other, my bet is that 1.02 servers will increase a little in numbers and change the 200/900 ratio that ASE reports.


Don't worry, I think the network code is pretty sound, so now everyone can settle into their favorite and play on.


Thank you Raven and Lucas.

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raven released the source code....there leaving it up to a decent coder to fix the problems with the patch..im pretty sure they have alot better things to do that scour the forums to see what everyone is complaining about and trying to fix it, they would never get any work done....they've released a patch already fixing the majority of the problems, im sure it cant be too hard for a coder to fix the rest, so dont get pissed at raven because the people u play with try to find the cheapest ways toget kills and spam that......C++ is rather easy to learn if you get into it, with all the time people spend complaining u could learn to make ur own patches already......


im not posting this to critsize fitz...he was just saying its official no patch...im saying thos to the people who blame raven and lucas for everything and want them to fix every thing with the game.....


there will always be some cheap glitch or move no matter how many times you make a patch...the only way around it would be to sacrifice moves and gameplay..and thats basically bringing us back to jk1 with 2 saber swings =\ ......

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Originally posted by fitzwilliamd


Meanwhile, the poor school children were lead away in tears from the room, with their hands over their ears.

I could go on...


but you get the idea.


If you knew what breasts were made of, you may not find them so appealing. Ick.

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Although I was waiting for an official announcement about any future patches, this will do as well. The wait is over, and I for one am happy that it's so. Do you really think Raven could have made all the changes that would have been needed to make sabers better than guns in close combat?


They never really were that, not even in 1.02.


Me, Spider Al and Lucky are building a mod, and hopefully we will succeed where Raven never really had a chance in the first place. Don't be to harsh on them. There are few key elements that JO must have. I'm not the best person to speak about them, but someone has to. All below is just what I think is right.


Saber combat needs to be fast, lethal, have a high learning curve. Otherwise FFA and CTF will never work. Duels will always last longer because you wont have to concentrate on anyone else, it will be easier to block even if blocking would be manual.


Direct hit from a saber must be lethal enough to kill a person with a gun in one or two strikes, unless he has full shields. Otherwise gunners will own saberists in close combat which is not realistic nor good for game balance.


Force powers and guns must be well balanced and be so with lightsabers taken into concideration. Although building a proper system for saber combat is more difficult, overall balance is much more important for CTF and FFA with guns enabled. Duels by their very nature are difficult to balance in a situation where players can use force, but must make actual choices on which ones to take before they spawn. Using no force in duels is the ultimate equalizer.


The mod we are doing will have the overall balance and it will have saber combat which needs skill yet is fun in FFA and duels alike. I'm myself currently working for our site and after that I will create a forum for the mod. This should not take long, and hopefully I will meet you all there when all is said and done.


Sorry for highjacking your thread Fitzwilliamd, but I don't feel like putting commercials up before the site is ready and online. You have some strong opinions about this game, which is good. It means you're not ready for too many compromises when it comes to gameplay, and either are we. It's all or nothing baby! ;)

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Originally posted by QuietSith


If you knew what breasts were made of, you may not find them so appealing. Ick.




Ok.. so basically, the female breast is composed of a majority of fatty tissue (duh), lobules that produce milk during pregancy, a maze of ducts that transfer the milk to the nipple for lactation, the area around the nipple (medically known as the areola) and the nipple itself.


What's so icky about that?

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Originally posted by Perniciosus

the female breast is composed of a majority of fatty tissue (duh), lobules that produce milk during pregancy, a maze of ducts that transfer the milk to the nipple for lactation, the area around the nipple (medically known as the areola) and the nipple itself.


He said nipple! :joy:

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Originally posted by QuietSith


If you knew what breasts were made of, you may not find them so appealing. Ick.


Would you like to know what your balls are made of?


Anyway, while a second patch not coming out is bad news in my ear, it's VERY good to hear that people are begun making mods!


But something your mod team might want to consider:

Should all the saber stances per se be balanced? Or should the red stance be superior, since you paid a boatload of forze points to get it? Well, that's something i've always wondered about....

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Originally posted by cjais

But something your mod team might want to consider:

Should all the saber stances per se be balanced? Or should the red stance be superior, since you paid a boatload of forze points to get it? Well, that's something i've always wondered about....


Name of the mod is Jedi Outcast Reborn.


With the saber combat system we are going to create, the old stances will be obsolete. Damage will be based on hit location rather than stance, and blocking will be manual. You will be able to block *any* attack if you're good enough. This will make attacks like backstab truly unique as they can actually surprise people and that's their real, and only strength compared to other attacks. You wont see anyone running backwards in our mod.


Many things are still up in the air of course, the SDK has only just been released and we haven't been able to actually test any of our ideas. But it's getting there.


Once the site and the forum are made public you can all take part in the development process, we will listen to good ideas and bad ideas we wont implement.

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That's excellent news Etz!


Although I have absolutely no programming skills of any kind, I'd love to give good ideas...


I really like the idea of manual blocking if it's implemented well.


Well, just give me and the rest a hint when the site is up, and you'll find me there;)

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That guy pretty much doens't know what the hell he's talking about. The patch WAS 1.03a, just as the original version of the game (shipped on CD) was 1.02a. As far as I can tell, there was a 1.02a, 1.02b and 1.02c version of the server release.


Of course, I could verify that if I can get someone to send me a copy of the damn previous versions.

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Originally posted by Areoch

Just a thought, can Raven release an UNOFFICAL patch?

Is all that offical means that it involves Lucas' hand in it?

If so raven could just release a patch on their own and have it be unoffical (IE: it wouldn't be called a patch but a fix or a mod thus 'optional')...


Earlier one of the raven guys said that he would personally work on a mod if there wasn't another patch. ~Good luck

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