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Performance help


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I just purchased JK2 and would like to know how to maximize the game's performance in MP. I've downloaded the newest drivers for my video card, but need to know if there are some graphical settings that will hinder my performance. Also, I've read about altering a number in the game code that will increase the memory usage by the game. I would appreciate your comments, thanks.

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Hmmm...nifty command I never knew about that. Like I need it much, I got 511 megs of RAM. My processor and vid card are decent enough. If that command he gave you doesn't work, I'd suggest closing any of your programs you might have open that you don't need. Not just what's on your taskbar, but the little icons next to where it displays the time. If you still find it running a bit slow, take the graphics settings down a few notches. Run the game at a relatively low resolution and mess with some of the other settings. But I'd first try and see how effective that little line of coding is that he gave you before I sacrificed my good graphics.

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I have a P4 2GHz with 256 DDR and a AGP Geforce 2 MX 200. This can play JK2 but is being repaired right now.

I use my crap comp: Caleron 566 128 MHz SDRAM and a PCI tnt2 32MHz, and a SB live 5.1 Plat. This is a little over the min requirements. But i can barely play the game. The grapgics are OK, but the sounds is sluggish and really seems to slow the game down. How is this? My sound card is better than my graphic card?

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