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The Balance of Power relating to population with in factions... Will it happen?


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Interesting topic: I have just started posting on these forums ( please excuse being behind with the news) and have a question.


1.Will the balance of power between the 3 factions, (REBEL, EMPIRE, HUTT), be of actual players or AI and will they be equal? Or will they start the storyline as it was written during the time period of SW's.


2.Is there a worry that peeps will populate one faction more then another? Has there been any talk about these issues?


Sonterra :fett:

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Damn, hit us with a doozie why dont you....


Well here goes nothing.


There will be a balance as far as I know it despite continuity. this is only based on the assumption and feelings gotten from Dev chats.


I think the balance of power concerning AI will shift depending on the particular area you are in. (ex. Tatooine might have a predominate criminal AI, and Coruscant might have a predominate imperial AI.) But the overall balance of power within the galaxy will depend on the strength of players within a faction.


Onto your second question...


That is definitly a danger, but only time will tell. It appears that the majority of players are leaning toward remaining neutral however I am not aware of those particular concerns being addressed as of yet.


(takes a breath)


Nice questions though.....


What ever happened to the easy "I want to be a jedi and how can I be one?"

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well i think corellia wil have a stronger imp than rebel or hutt.


lets see them all shall we :D.. this is what i think:


Corellia: Imp, Hutt. Mainly Imp

Tattooine: Hutt, Imp. Mainly Hutt

Naboo: Rebel, Imp. Mainly rebel

Rori: Rebel. Mainly Rebel

Dathomir: Imp. Mainly Imp

Endor: Rebel, imp. Mainly Rebel

Talus: Imp, Hutt. Mainly Imp

Yavin: Rebel. Mainly Rebel.


But this is what i think... it can very well be different.


-Wraith 8-

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