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Want a padawan?


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Hello all.

I just purchased this game last tuesday, and find it to be one of the best games I have played. I come from First person shooters such as Unreal, Counter-Strike, and Quake. I have no experiance therefore with a system such as The Force or a light saber. Therefore I am looking for someone who is intrested and to become their padawan. ;) Or perhaps a clan that is looking for members that would be willing to train me. Please just reply to this message.

Sincerely yours,


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You're too old




By the way, for those who really know Star Wars well, according to the books and such, after what age can someone no longer (by right) be allowed to be trained as a Jedi?

The council said Anakin was too old and I think in the movie, he was supposed to be around 8 at that time.

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Jedi candidates are detected, identified and taken into the order as infants. One method of detection is through blood sampling -- those with great Force potential often have high midi-chlorian counts in their bloodstream. A prospective Jedi begins training in infancy. All connection to previous family life is lost. In this early stage of training, a single master instructs groups of Jedi hopefuls.


That's from the SW.com...although I don't know the exact age...

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