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Silliness from Tavion.


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I don't know if this has been posted, but on the last level of Bespin in the top room that you go to so you can press a button and it shows the door to the platform as open, you can see Tavion below. But here is the weird and funny part. If you zoom in with your disruptor, she has a freaky, bug-eyed expression on her face. Go try it out, and see if it works on your comp.



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Originally posted by TheMadDoofer

I don't know if this has been posted, but on the last level of Bespin in the top room that you go to so you can press a button and it shows the door to the platform as open, you can see Tavion below. But here is the weird and funny part. If you zoom in with your disruptor, she has a freaky, bug-eyed expression on her face. Go try it out, and see if it works on your comp.




This is nothing new, it happens a lot when you zoom with disruptor and with all models. When you're zoomin there's a bug that causes you to see through the head (or any other part) model (partially) so you can see the whole eye models sitting there isntead of just the part that's normally visible.

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