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Originally posted by darthfergie

g_saberreaslisticcombat 1


that is a bit better of a dismemberment code. I prefer it over the other because the one your using just has the occasional arm fall of...this has just about everything:D


Hmm, what's the difference really?


I asked about dismemberment just the other day and was told to try cg_dismemberment and g_dismemberment (I set them to 2 and 100 respectively). It does more then just cuts off the arm... I got a leg, torso, and head too!


So is turning on all these options (including saberrealisticcombat) just redundant or do they actually affect more stuff?

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Is there any way i can either enable cheats on my server, or is there a mod that allows the g_saberrealisticcombat 1 command? It's really awesome, but i don't really play single player. I'm a multiplayer nut. If anyone has any info, I would be very appreciative.

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I just realized something...


I think cg_dismemberment (client) and g_dismemberment (server) is for multiplayer and the saber realistic combat option is for singleplayer?


For the person that asked for dismemberment on a server they created... you need to enable the server option to first turn it on and then enable the client option to see it happen.

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