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Saber backstab should be removed


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The saber backstab move you can do in multiplayer to instantly kill people should be modified to do either less damage, or a way needs to be made to counter it. There really is no counter to it. If you are knocked down next to someone, typically by them using force pull on you, you are simply dead when they do this move, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it except get lucky because you have a faster connection than your attacker. If they hit you, you're dead.


More and more people are getting the hang of how to do this, and when the rest that don't know how to do it learn, the game will cease to be fun in multiplayer. It's like a super weapon that can be used to kill whomever you want to, and it's retarded.


It looks very cool, but it is just unbalanced. It needs to be modified.


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The ghoul2 setting compensates somewhat for that problem but my suggestion is to make the specials do no more damage than the regular slashes and then raise the damage to more than it is now (this would make backstab just another move in your arsenal rather than the end all of moves). When u factor in the inordinate blocking it actually comes across very movie like while maintaining the skill factor of the game (or in some ppls opinion restoring it)

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I dont know how many times, I have to post the solution against the backstab. When you get knocked to the ground turn Dark Rage or Protection on. You will then be immune to a one hit kill. The instant after they do the backstab turn off protect/rage. Protect uses little force so most the time you can out last all pulls, rage though you only have enough to stop a backstab maybe twice. You could also just turn absorb on, then they couldnt pull you to the ground.

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Originally posted by cig

I dont know how many times, I have to post the solution against the backstab. When you get knocked to the ground turn Dark Rage or Protection on. You will then be immune to a one hit kill. The instant after they do the backstab turn off protect/rage. Protect uses little force so most the time you can out last all pulls, rage though you only have enough to stop a backstab maybe twice. You could also just turn absorb on, then they couldnt pull you to the ground.


Perhaps it is because that's rather naive way of thinking about it. Using rage or protection is no solution, it's a temporary cure and one that cannot even be used by all players.


Backstab is broken and Raven themselves have admitted it was supposed to be fixed in 1.03 but someone simply forgot to add the changes. The source which was released with the new SDK gives a look at what it would have been like had it been fixed.

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You guys are just too much. Backstab is overpowered? laugh, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Absorb counters pull, that's that. Don't give some bull**** excuse about it being a 'temporary cure'. Then I guess absorb is only a temporary cure for lightning...so I guess lightning should be nerfed also huh? And absorb is only a temporary cure for grip, and push is only a temporary cure for grip, so grip should be nerfed more then huh? God, you don't even know what you're saying.


Protection/Rage cannot be used by all players??? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. lightside jedi = protection, darkside jedi = Rage. BOTH sides can use it, any ff server with pull will give the option to use those force powers, so what the hell you mean that not everyone can use it? Ohh..they don't want to invest in it? Well too friggen bad, it's all about sacrifices, if you're a dark jedi right now and don't invest in Rage, you're pretty stupid as that's a VITAL part of the dark side right now.


"Oooohhh..backstab, 1 hit kill..oooh...get rid of it." oh please, that is just gibberish from someone who cannot handle it. It is easy to avoid and easy to counter. I bet you guys also complained about the DFA in 1.02 in the same fashion. Let me lay it out nice and easy for you:


1.02 - variety of saber attacks

*complainers complain*

1.03 - DFA is nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.04 - backstab is nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.05 - rest of the specials are nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.06 - side swinging is nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.07 moving is taken out

*complainers complain*

1.08 - no more swinging the saber

*complainers complain*

1.09 - time to stare at eachother

*complainers complain*

1.10 - your so called 'perfect' game where all you do is stand there and stare until some one randomly dies.


That's what will happen because you idiots will keep on complaining.


NEXT, who the hell do you think brought this problem on? You want to know where assfighting and backstabs come from now?? You want to know? It was your (you complainers) stupid suggestions for 1.02, that MADE backstab so 'uber' as you think it is. They toned down the damage like all of you idiots asked for, and now, people can go around with their backs turned and not die. Yes, this is completely all YOUR fault.


And now you want it fixed. Let's go back to good ol' Raven and get all this 'fixed' and 'nerfed'. What the hell guys, this again goes back to my example above on how this game will end up if you keep asking things to get nerfed.


The answer does not lie in a 'nerfing' of moves...what's got to happen is that something must be ADDED, I repeat ADDED so that these things are stopped. Don't TAKE AWAY from the game, rather ADD some aspect to it so that the 'pull/backstab' combo is not so widely used.


Please stop asking for the 'nerfing' of moves because in the end it will hurt the game rather than improve it.

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the specials weren't meant to be changed. DFA still does 1 hit damage, only the direction has been limited.


As for the rest, Raven could not have simply 'forgot' to change backstab. Because then they also 'forgot' to change backsweep for medium and 'forgot' to change backsweep for heavy. Those moves are specials and that's why they are 1 hit kills. What needs to happen is that it should be more dangerous using these skills.

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Dont flame me im kool


Thats gotta be the funniest thing I've heard all day. I may have to quote that. (and no, I'm not insulting you)


DFA doesnt do one hit damage. I've cut someone down right through the middle, and it hit about a dozen times, but only ripped their 150 shields and about 80 life. But didnt kill.


Old DFA, as I understand it, would just kill automatically.



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The thing is quietsith, the majority of the peepz that play JKII will be playing the "official" version, not the fanmod.

Im a dedicated Saberist, never touched the guns in MP, and i love the game, but at the moment it seems like this young community that we have here is going thru some rough times with the patch changes (1.03). Now ive seen other games or patches come out and their communitys explode with anger about the changes but everyone gets used 2 it and eventually loves it (CS), but this 1.02 patch has been done half-arsed, its silly to lower the damage on all swings but keep the "special" moves the same, they musta known wot would happen, they musta known everyone will be using just the powerful moves and none of the others as they do nowt now :mad:


I just pray that they repair the damage done 2 such a unique game.


Ps. And yes im very kool indeed :cool:

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Originally posted by Dark Begger

You guys are just too much. Backstab is overpowered? laugh, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard. Absorb counters pull, that's that. Don't give some bull**** excuse about it being a 'temporary cure'. Then I guess absorb is only a temporary cure for lightning...so I guess lightning should be nerfed also huh? And absorb is only a temporary cure for grip, and push is only a temporary cure for grip, so grip should be nerfed more then huh? God, you don't even know what you're saying.


Protection/Rage cannot be used by all players??? that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. lightside jedi = protection, darkside jedi = Rage. BOTH sides can use it, any ff server with pull will give the option to use those force powers, so what the hell you mean that not everyone can use it? Ohh..they don't want to invest in it? Well too friggen bad, it's all about sacrifices, if you're a dark jedi right now and don't invest in Rage, you're pretty stupid as that's a VITAL part of the dark side right now.


"Oooohhh..backstab, 1 hit kill..oooh...get rid of it." oh please, that is just gibberish from someone who cannot handle it. It is easy to avoid and easy to counter. I bet you guys also complained about the DFA in 1.02 in the same fashion. Let me lay it out nice and easy for you:


1.02 - variety of saber attacks

*complainers complain*

1.03 - DFA is nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.04 - backstab is nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.05 - rest of the specials are nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.06 - side swinging is nerfed

*complainers complain*

1.07 moving is taken out

*complainers complain*

1.08 - no more swinging the saber

*complainers complain*

1.09 - time to stare at eachother

*complainers complain*

1.10 - your so called 'perfect' game where all you do is stand there and stare until some one randomly dies.


That's what will happen because you idiots will keep on complaining.


NEXT, who the hell do you think brought this problem on? You want to know where assfighting and backstabs come from now?? You want to know? It was your (you complainers) stupid suggestions for 1.02, that MADE backstab so 'uber' as you think it is. They toned down the damage like all of you idiots asked for, and now, people can go around with their backs turned and not die. Yes, this is completely all YOUR fault.


And now you want it fixed. Let's go back to good ol' Raven and get all this 'fixed' and 'nerfed'. What the hell guys, this again goes back to my example above on how this game will end up if you keep asking things to get nerfed.


The answer does not lie in a 'nerfing' of moves...what's got to happen is that something must be ADDED, I repeat ADDED so that these things are stopped. Don't TAKE AWAY from the game, rather ADD some aspect to it so that the 'pull/backstab' combo is not so widely used.


Please stop asking for the 'nerfing' of moves because in the end it will hurt the game rather than improve it.


the dark begger is absolutely right. you can counter everything in this game, there's no unbeatable strategy. if you keep on dying by the backstab, well, you haven't yet encountered ways to handle it.don't complain, try to deal with it.

gets a bit spice in the game. and if someone relies on just one move, well that's his weakness.

"A jedi should be gifted with all abilities"



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Saruman, ur right 9 out of 10 peeps that try the Backstab on me do not kill me, its the new type of ass fighters that are emerging that will cause chaos!!


theres 2 new types, firstly theres the mind trick assfighter.


Imagine this, uve got the flag and your at your base waiting for your teamm8s to do thier job (kill enemy bearer) and suddenly someone appears next 2 u doing the backstab, OR they hang around in your base and watch where u walk, so then they set themselfs up so U walk in 2 THEM! = Cheap kill with no duel or nothing :(


Scripters, they are the second of a new breed of assfighters!


Lets say ur fighting with a few peepz, and 1 guy comes at u spins round instantly and does the backsweep, but not only does he do this but he spins round and round and round and triples the chance that he has of killing u! = 1 button Cheap kill with little or no duel :(


I know these can still countered as i counter them myself, but its the whole feel of the game now, uve got peepz running backwards ffs, its supposed 2 be the starwars universe not gay YMCA dancing competition.


Gah, we are lost if they dont patch it :(

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Originally posted by <>Phant0m<>

The thing is quietsith, the majority of the peepz that play JKII will be playing the "official" version, not the fanmod.

Im a dedicated Saberist, never touched the guns in MP, and i love the game, but at the moment it seems like this young community that we have here is going thru some rough times with the patch changes (1.03). Now ive seen other games or patches come out and their communitys explode with anger about the changes but everyone gets used 2 it and eventually loves it (CS), but this 1.02 patch has been done half-arsed, its silly to lower the damage on all swings but keep the "special" moves the same, they musta known wot would happen, they musta known everyone will be using just the powerful moves and none of the others as they do nowt now :mad:


I just pray that they repair the damage done 2 such a unique game.


Ps. And yes im very kool indeed :cool:


Since it's server side, all you need to do is encourage servers admins to run the mod.


If you check out http://www.gamespy.com/stats you'll find that Quake 3 and HL are popular due to their mods, not the base games.



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Originally posted by QuietSith


Since it's server side, all you need to do is encourage servers admins to run the mod.




I only play on the Games-Domain servers and i havnt seen 1 admin on there all the time i been playing on there...


We would have 2 make a petition or something, and most ppl that play on these servers wouldnt check the forums, alot of ppl just play the game and not join the community so getting the server side stuff changed would b impossible without the ppls vote.



Originally posted by QuietSith

If you check out http://www.gamespy.com/stats you'll find that Quake 3 and HL are popular due to their mods, not the base games.



The mods that have been made 4 the games u mentioned were probably big development mods with dedicated people that have individual jobs like model designer or map maker.

The mod that u have been advertising in so many threads (i c u pimping it :p ) seems more like a simple config change, and wouldnt really warrant being a modifcation of JKII, im no software bod, but it seems that all u do is enable something server side that was included in the game but was left inactive.


Plz post back with more info, bcus id like 2 know EXCATLY wot these config changes accually do?

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i think backstab is cool and i cant even do it yet so they shouldnt nerf anything. look at what happened to diablo2 people, alot of their classes got nerfed like the barbarian with whirlwind or the sorc with frozen orb, nerfing makes things lamer. Just get ghoul2 workin instead of telling people to nerf it.

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