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favorite civ

bill r

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I don't really have a favorite. I love destroyer droids, even before the game ever came out, so I'd chalk TF up there just because of them. I also love the Gungan healing abilities and mobile shields. I'd probably rank these the highest amoung those I enjoy playing (surprising actually since I love air so much and these civs have really weak air... well except for Gungans being able to heal air), but I usually just play a random civ anyway.



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Gungans all the way still. The good thing about gungans is that they are so different. They actually look like an alien civ. Most of the other civs are just humans and their units and structures are too similar looking. Even wookie architechture looks like rebel and such to an extent.

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Best civs are definitely the Republic and the Empire. Both have powerful armies and the Republic has the most asthetically pleasing buildings. Yes, I know it's war and not the time or place to think about the look of things but dammit, we all need our comforts...;)








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My favourite pre-CC was Naboo :amidala: for their air. :naboo:

in CC my favourite is Republic. They just rock.

in CC i like the Rebels though. Go A-Wings! :awing: :awing:


Simwiz, Windu, you guys just can't stop. Gunship... gunship... gunship........ what can i say. lol! :lol:

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I want the gunship to be part of a whole new unit class, the armed transport, every civ should get a very different armed transport, with differences in speed, shielding, weapons and the like, this would also increase the difference in the civs without unbalancing the game, if done the right way off course

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Empire and Trade Federation......TF is the civ I learned on and is still my best civ for use against human players in RM. Empire I do better with against the computer.


Sometimes I use Naboo, though, cuz they're pretty.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the Confederacy. I love the animals that they can build and the Geonosian warriors. The Republic is pretty cool, but If they're so much better why did they lose the Clone Wars???


Jethro, they had no good Generals:bdroid2:

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Guest DarthMaulUK

The Jedi were killed off by the Emperor who made both the republic and Confederacy start the war against each other. With the Jedi out of the way, the Republic/Empire will be unstoppable.


Remember, the Jedi believed that they are fighting for 'the good side' of the republic and to protect it. There is one moment in Episode 2 where Palpatine mentions about the vote.


Now, we all know that Senator Padme would never have allowed the building of the clone army but yet with her away on Naboo - Palpatine and others are debating it in his chambers and says infront of JarJar Binks ' if only senator padme was here, she would know what to do' - and Jar Jar, as we all know, falls for this line and gives Palpatine the powers needed.


I thought that was brilliant. George Lucas mentioned that Jar Jar was the key to the clone wars - and he was. When it is on video/dvd look out for this.



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