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i forgot.. i have the fact files also.. every week a new addition

and i have Ep1 on video (soon ill buy DVD) and the original trilogy special edition.


i have been trying on buying the original.. without the special effects.. but the stupid rental wont sell them.... beacaus e they arent allowed :mad:

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MMm vintage pez = mind altering drug... mmmmm the colors...



anyway My nerdyness is not in quantity but in quality... I have always been what some would call a "nerd." If it's meant in collecting or owning something others don't... Like suits of armor, swords, ETC...


So for me, owning a Lightsaber fromwww.ligtechindustries.com is nerdyness enough for me... My nerdiness training in SW will be complete however when I get one from parks as well, and wear my old martial arts gear with some alterations heheh.


Hell a Jedi outfit is basically one part kimono, one part priest robe right? just gotta get the robe heheh, My sis has a nice black bath robe... maybe I can squeeze into that?


But seriously... Would I go to the opening of EPIII wearing a costume like that? Possibly... but only if I had a buddy to join me in making a fool of myself, and someone to tape it heheh.


I mean I am used to being called a freak and sticking out like a sore thumb... You know that guy with the mowhawk you see now and then? Well I'm not him... I'd be the guy next to him.... I am the rare guy wearing the long black trench coat with long black hair, a chain mail vest under it, spiked gauntlets and the rest of it is biker looking attire... I look like a gothic renegade from a mad max movie or somehting... I even wear sunglasses in the middle of the night!


you haven't lived until parents shuffle thier kids to thier other side as they pass you to keep thier kids away from you... Or when people at shopping malls actually turn around as you walk past them...


I'm 25 years old, and been doing it since I was 16... It never gets old hehehe...


So wearing a Jedi outfit, with a lightsaber that looks pretty real is only a small step over the edge into oblivion of nerdiness for me... :rolleyes:


My next project will be to have a custom sword, and armor set made for me... Know how much it will cost?


How much did you pay for your car... Probably close to that much hehehe... But hey we all got hobbies... some drink, some do drugs... some chase women....


As I used to say... the only thing cooler than guys who get chicks, are guys that scare chicks, and the only ones cooler than them are the guys who scare chicks and STILL get em... I'm working on that last part... the ones I get tend to scare ME more than I scare them... :freakout:


I won't go into details, but no they don't look ugly, and are not fat ETC... they are just uhm... freaky :( heheh


*this comedic reply was brought to you by: Bocardi 151 rum...*

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U wouldn't happen to be from belgium would u? cause i know someone who has stuff like u describe, only thing different is he makes his own chainmail, of course maybe u wanna have plate, which would be hard to make yourself..

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