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avoiding the pull - backstab manuever

the 7th Jedi

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how do you avoid this deadly manuever? I thought your character would supposedly automatically counter the force pull if you have enough mana (force)...yet they seem to be able to do it most of the time with ease.


also I tried using pull close range myself, but it doesn't put people on the ground, it just pulls them closer.

Is there some trick involved in doing it?


the only thing I can do is jam the jump button and hope that i can get up and strafe away before s/he does that 1-hit wonder. is there another way to avoid it?




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Well, if you're attacking or doing any other type of action, there is still a chance of you getting pulled down. Also, if they have more points into pull, there is more of a chance that you'll get pulled down


Your best defense after they pull you down time after time is just try not to let them get a direct look at you, keep moving, and attack in a careful fasion, cause that's probably the most likely time you'll be pulled

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It seems that you only counter push/pull if you're standing still. If you are moving or being pulled by more than 1 person, you can still get knocked down, even with 3 force in the opposing force. However, in a released source code this was changed (I think its referred to 1.03a).


I think the best counter is likely absorb (for light side players) - it seems you still get moved occassionally by pullers/pushers, but not knocked down.

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Yea, how exactly is that move pulled off, backstab i'm sorta sure you just turn your back and hit back and attack right? so i pull them towards me and someitmes they do/don't fall but i quickly turn around and backstab but never works just works on me when other people are doing it :p i'm still such a newb i'm all about the yellow stance 1 hit wonder

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You could use Absorb its a nice thing to have on during duels with Force. a Way I have found effective of getting your enemy down is by running up to them and then using force through a quick key

like bind X force_pull I usualy put quick keys I use often near my movment keys cause I always keep my fingers on my movment keys..



another tip to is to outsmart your enemy if they use heavy hitting moves roll past them turn around fast and strike them from behind..


If they use Fast always keep your front toward him and use Fast stance yourself and try and Catch him from behind..


I dont know why I tell you these Tips cause I dont want someone else being better then me which isnt really all that Good..


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Having Absorb(level 3) on counters the force pull all the time.


If you get caught with it down or someone nails you with a pull just as absorb wears off, do one or both of these: Turn on Protect to reduce the physical damage, and slam down forward+jump+attack. You will flip off your back and leap up over the saber's path, then come down with your own saber in a "spearing" motion that can be a nasty surprise to the would-be stabber.


Often the flying leap alone can get you completely out of the way, but if you're on a laggy or unstable connection it won't always work in time, and there are people out there who can spin a complete 540 or more while performing the red sweeping backstab, so it's best to use Protect as a further countermeasure.


Once you get this down right you will notice a large hole in your opponent's defense when they come to the end of the animation, especially with the red backstab, so do what you will with the opportunity - often you can backstab them right back.

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Backstab doesn't bother me, when you use it to much it does get irritating, but it's a very predicable move, When their back is turned it's bait, when their just trying to do it strike them in the front or use saber throw if ya have some force. 1 move to counter (yes it works) is the yellow air attack (person in front+forward+jump).


But I swear, to many problems, while ago it was the downward hack move, then drain, When will it end???? *sigh*

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