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Should Trandoshans be in the Expansion?

Captain Fett

[color=green]Should Trandoshans be included as a playable civ in the x-pack?[/color]  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. [color=green]Should Trandoshans be included as a playable civ in the x-pack?[/color]

    • Yes! :bossk:
    • No.
    • Maybe, I don't really care.

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There's very few games lately that have more than one x-pac....


I'm assuming more than one just isn't profitable. By the time a second x-pac comes out most people will already have moved on to a new game. More cost effective to just start on the sequel after finishing the first x-pac. Many games are even skipping the first x-pac now.

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Originally posted by General Nilaar

There's very few games lately that have more than one x-pac....


I'm assuming more than one just isn't profitable. By the time a second x-pac comes out most people will already have moved on to a new game. More cost effective to just start on the sequel after finishing the first x-pac. Many games are even skipping the first x-pac now.


I agree, I wouldn't buy 30 x-packs... I just meant many civs would be great, and if they decided to add them, they could do it in those stages...

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Guest crazy_dog

Hey, hey, slow down. It isn't just races in the game. I mean the Rodians and Humans in the game are a single civ.



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Guest crazy_dog

Oh by the way, I have nothing against the Trashodans bieng a civ. :D =:bossk:


Anyway, the devs might do it like this. You know in AoK, in the Mongol campaign you partly fought the Chinese and in the Saladin campaign you fought the Saracens in the first mission? Well, those 2 civs wern't playable in the campains (Chinese and Saracens) but you could play them in skirmish and multi-player.


Same might go for :bossk: and his crew...

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Guest midgetminnie

Umm, hi. I'm not a huge Star Wars fan; I like the movies a lot, but I don't really read the books all that much. I'm a big RTS fan, and think this game will be great. What's so special about the Trandonshans? *ducks his head before a bunch of bullets come at him*


Oh, and crazy_dog, they specifically said there will be 6 playable civs. That implies only 6 civs that can be picked up and played. Read the MFO preview...it says there will only be 6. Yes, there's a slim chance LucasArts is keeping a civ secret from us to throw us off our guard and be elated once we realize there's a 7th, but don't keep your hope up.

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We don't expect the Trandoshans to be included in the first Galactic Battlegrounds but in the expansion. Oh, and by the way, the Trandoshans are very special! Plus, they can't just put half a civ in the game and then just leave it at that! They put them in partially, they need to finish the job!

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Guest ImpStarII

Of course there should be Trandos they are the coolest lizards around.










Supreme Allied Commander Palmer

Commander of Crusher Squadron

Leader of the Zeta Force

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Guest Jedi Prince

Hi I'm new but I've been following SW:GB for a long time.

Who are the Viss and Trandoshans? Also if they do add a civ it should be the....Old Republic! They could make a campaign where verything is wonderful again. They would be the best in Jedi but only average in the rest. But I don't think races like the wookies and the gungans should be added. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to playing the Gungans and Wookies, but the Mon Calamari for example, some are sympathetic to the Empire others to the Rebels, it just wouldn't work.


:thrawn2: The Prince has spoken....

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Link, look, the Trandos just have to be in the x-pak, b/c they are already half-way in, so it would not take up that much room, be that much work, or keep other civs from being in the x-pak! C'mon ah-ready I just have to have them! Any who, I think that the Trandos are definitely a worthwhile and worthy civ for the x-pak and would be a very good asset to the game 'specially for us Bossk fans plus would make the game sell better! :bossk::D:p:cool::rolleyes:;)

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Originally posted by Jedi Prince

Hi I'm new but I've been following SW:GB for a long time.

Who are the Viss and Trandoshans? Also if they do add a civ it should be the....Old Republic! They could make a campaign where verything is wonderful again. They would be the best in Jedi but only average in the rest. But I don't think races like the wookies and the gungans should be added. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to playing the Gungans and Wookies, but the Mon Calamari for example, some are sympathetic to the Empire others to the Rebels, it just wouldn't work.


:thrawn2: The Prince has spoken....


The Mon Calamari would Rock! They would have a cool campaign about defending their planet from the Empire. Any-who I would love to see the Trandos and the Mon Cal in the Game even if some civs are sympathetic to others!


BTW: The Trandoshans are the lizard-like race of Bossk who hunt Wookies for their pelts. Very warrior like and very strong!

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Originally posted by Jedi Prince

Hi I'm new but I've been following SW:GB for a long time.

Who are the Viss and Trandoshans? Also if they do add a civ it should be the....Old Republic! They could make a campaign where verything is wonderful again. They would be the best in Jedi but only average in the rest. But I don't think races like the wookies and the gungans should be added. Don't get me wrong I am looking forward to playing the Gungans and Wookies, but the Mon Calamari for example, some are sympathetic to the Empire others to the Rebels, it just wouldn't work.


:thrawn2: The Prince has spoken....


Welcome Prince! The Chiss are Thrawn's species. The trandoshans Bossk's species. Mon Cal would work, I mean, they are sympathetic but they are a whole civ. Wookiees were Imperial slaves for example.

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Guest Jedi Prince

I think we really need a civ that is good in bounty hunting. They wouldn't have any Jedi or Sith, just bounty hunters. The civ I am talking about is the Rodians. They barely ver apear in Star Wars movies and I would love to see a blue faced Rodian carrying a rifle into battle.

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