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Kung-Fu mod.... Darth Maul???


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I have started a mod and need a coder, modeler, and mapper. If you interested in doing any of these please email me or IM on msn mssenger at: CademiaX@hotmail.com...... If you have any questions about the mod please feel free to ask. I also think that Darth maul should be included in the mod with the double bladed light saber. oce again if your interested in helping with anything please IM me on msn messenger or email me!!!!



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I will be working on the website and anything 2d/animation for the mod...........



As of right now these are my ideas.


Darth Maul--Doulble Blade Saber(new moves of course possibly a diff character)


Other caracters-- the other charaters names and such have not been thought of yet im working on that.


There will be new weapons based from real Kung-Fu which I know and am learning more of, the teacher is my dad helping with the animation for some of the moves and what not. All the weapons will be alted from reality just enough to make the game interesting. The force will not be called 'The Force' instead it will be Chi (means energy... kinda like force).


The Chi, this will give diff. abillities like fly for a short distance, and make you faster and stronger as needed and not just all in one big burst. It will also be able to make your weapons move diff and combine with other weapons...... more will come later.


If you would like to help out with ideas and such just post them... If your interested in being on the team please email me with what you would like to do and any work that you have done in the past.




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well D@rth M@ul the chi thing is a bit off... I had thought that it would not go along with things so I have decided to keep it as the force. So if your interested in helping now I really need it. This mod is way to big for 2 people. and as for the alt-attack there will be some but Im hoping to change all the moves and make the whole thing diff... like Anikan fighting Count with two sabers...

that would be cool... that is if I can pull it off.

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Wow one full animation is really good! How long did it take you? The main thing I want in this game is the ability to use a Double Lightsaber (with new animations) and Duel Lightsabers (with of coarse new animations). You are fulfilling my dream, good job and keep it up.

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The key to getting more people is to post screen shots of your progression to let people know this mod is going some place. The problem is that lots of mods say they will be doing a lot of things and never go through. You should make a new topic with posted pic of your progress and ask for help, I'm sure you will get it.


I would also like to know if this mod is possible in both MP and SP. I would hope it is possible in SP.

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thanks for the tips... If your asking me if i know how to use softimage... no i dont i use 3ds max 4 and export to softimage and save for the game from there... as for the copy it would be nice... mines cracked... like a said a few postes ago images will be up as soon as I get internet back... thanks for your interest.

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Sounds interesting. You could integrate some kicks or special moves with the Force Pike (double-bladed saber to everyone else :p ) by removing the Saber Throw (never liked it anyway) and replacing it with kung-fu. You could have all sorts of moves you could do by pressing 2ndary in conjunction with jump and/or movement keys, just like doing moves with the saber. This would make sense, because Darth Maul does have a habit of kicking people suddenly in mid-saber fight. Or alternatively you could have an Unarmed weapon slot which would allow for punches too, but personally I'd prefer the 2ndary fire replacement.


But it's your mod, so I'm just giving you my thoughts..:)


If you can figure out how to replace the SP saber with the Force Pike, maybe you should release a seperate mod which does the smaller job of just replacing the SP saber, without the new moves. There's many people who'd kill for an SP Force Pike!

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