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Kung-Fu mod.... Darth Maul???


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Sorry, a doublebladed saber is just that: a doublebladed saber. A Force Pike, on the other hand, is a semi- to fully-lethal weapon employed by, among others, Palpatine's Imperial Guardsmen. They are technically capable of stunning an opponant, but more often than not inflict enough pain to kill.


Besides seeing them sitting unused in the movies, I'm sure you could probably find them in Crimson Empire [though I've never read the series] and definately can find them in Rite of Passage, the current story arc in the soon-to-be-retitled Star Wars: Republic comic series.

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Ahh right... lol... gone around calling db-sabers force pikes for god knows how long, only to find they're something different :mad:

Oh well, thanks for pointing it out. Seriously, there really should be a decent name for them... the current one is a bit sketchy.


Anyway back to the subject.. any progress on the mod? I hope it hasn't been canned...

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I dont think that the mod will get canned... but if you would like to make some weapon models the concept artist is drawing some up right now... so if your interrested and can make good quality models then we would be more than happy to have you on the team...

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Do you all realise that Max Payne and JK2 are totally different games, based on totally different engines and using completely different file formats (well maybe tga for both textures, but all others are different).

JK2 is built upon Q3 engine with GHOUL animations and collisions system. The only games that ever used GHOUL were SOF1+2 and JK2.

Max Payne's animation were quite easy to make, IIRC the developer even released the animation editing tools.

Don't say: "Max Payne has custom animations, lets import them into JK2". Not going to happen. Unless someone in the mod team is willing to learn SoftImage, which i highly doubt, the mod will flop. Also, remember, Max Payne is SP only, so that the mod makers didn't even tried to make it efficient...no LAG no problems. I highly doubt that If this mod will be released, it will be ever playable.

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it'll flop because of the animations? What you mean they'l be too good and be outlawed? They'll grow sentient minds and take over the world? IF you going to post some negative critisim then at lest make sense :rolleyes:


What makes you think the mod will flop? the guy already has made some animations?

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hey bro, i got some experience wiht pz3 3dsmax3 and acad, but as far as how mods work, no. so i dont know if i could help you any. but what youre dong is pretty sweet man. i also think that Siryawnalot had it right, it should be a secondary fire or even a force power, it just coundnt take up that much force. hope it works out.

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Shame... I could have been a concept artist, but skinning & modelling are too complex for me! Oh well, there's plenty of folks round here who could fill in those positions, just ask around.


These folks who are saying the idea of porting stuff from Max Payne is impossible... well duh. What do you take us for? I don't recall anyone mentioned porting anything from Max Payne except for the concept and some ideas-- and the concept fits into JK2 far more snugly that it ever did in MPayne.


On the subject of animations, yes it probably will be a problem, but the idea of this mod will rally people from around the community, I think. It's probably impossible to change the animations for straight MP, but with a mod? If there's a will, there's a way. Although needless to say you guys are going to need some very talented and dedicated coders: I imagine animating JK2 is a very complex task what with the GHOUL system.

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