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Republic Gunship, second Republic unique unit?

Darth Windu

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Im sorry I've kinda been absent from recent events. There's a little cable internet provider named Comcast who, for more than a week, neglected an entire street's cable woes. They sat mercilessly spewing remedies like boost the signal and fix the wire, but all they were really doing was stalling their fat sorry @$$es. DAMN COMCAST TO HELL


Ok back on topic. Windu, are you a moron? You have the indecincy(sp?) to flame me on another post about not being able to win an arguement, but it still seems, despite my absense (damn comcast to hell), that you are this stupid idea's only supporter. Thank you simwiz for keeping this poor child's imagination in check. God only knows what stupid ideas could have escaped on to these forums


They could also be used as a recon asset, much like the current US Army M-3 Bradley is. Fly around, crush any oposition, and if you come to an area with good AA, drop off your infantry.


Are you in remedial English? Recon=intelligence gathering. What you are thinking of is a little word called "attacking". Please could you explain how a slow, expensive, unsheilded, nonstealth unti could spy on the enemy.


Also, please explain how unloading 2 troopers is going to make any difference in a battle or going to conquer an enemy town. This is a aside from the fact that how in the world is a gunship gonna clear aa? Windu think before you post, not after. Furthermore, it is stupid to have to have the gunship do both parts. It would be much quicker and economical for the republic to have fighters attack while the much fuller transports land. The lacking of strong aa attack makes it fighter (or even a-wing) food while they are attacking and still carring their massive cargo of 2 whole troopers:D


there is no need to resort to peronal insults in order to make your argument.


Are you aware of what you are typing or do your hands go into random spasms that end up looking like words? I believe you yelled at me on the "before you post check" thread so you didnt expose your true idiocity.


The gunship in the movie is a lot closer purpose-wise to the fighter than it is to your lacking idea. It provides strong air and ground cover for the clones and AT-TEs. It also can strike behind enemy lines and injure/cripple/destroy advancing armies.


A toybox unit


Thats what Ive been telling this first grader from the start. I used to say it at the end of every post, but it was obvious that he wasnt getting the hint, so i gave up.




I know this is a long post so i will summarize for lazy people like myself:


Gunship UU=stupid


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Originally posted by Darth Windu

I was just thinking of something, the Gunship is effectively a flying assault mech. It has the twin lasers (the pods on the side) could carry the same amount of troops, similar speed/cost etc. Would be nice...


In case you did not read LucasArt's description of the air cruiser, it is a flying assault mech. You would be making a beefed up air cruiser. Remember way back when, when I posted those examples? Example number 1 was a beefed up air cruiser. You copied an example of could NOT be done without reducing gameplay. I was afraid this would happen. Btw your idea violates guildelines 1 and 3. Please read them carefully in the future. Ignorance is not an excuse.


And it pains me to say this but your idea with the same troop capacity, twin lasers, flying assault mech is almost as rediculously overpowered as Natopo's idea. I need not say any more about it here because I have ripped it apart many times already. You did change your tune rather quickly, as soon as I destroyed the including an overpriced bomber argument, you switched to an overpowered air cruiser/mass transport that is rediculously unbalanced. You don't know when to give up, do you?

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"I was just thinking of something, the Gunship is effectively a flying assault mech. It has the twin lasers (the pods on the side) could carry the same amount of troops, similar speed/cost etc. Would be nice..." - of course, i couldn't have possibly been talking about the gunship in the movie...


I didnt say that the gunship would have the same strength as the AT-AT, that would be insane. I also didnt say what sort of attack/hp/armour/speed etc the gunship would have, you are all working on assumptions. The point of this thread was to discuss if people would want the gunship in the game as a second republic unique unit, and from the results of the poll, they do. The specs of the gunship would be up to lucasarts to create and balance, and personally i think they would be able to do it very well.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

By all means, argue with me as much as you want, but leave the insults off the board.


I find it very amusing that although you insulted him first, you are now pretending to be the mature one who doesn't like insults. If you are going to use them, then kindly don't whine like a baby when they are used on you.

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I tried to put it more sophistically futher up in the post but it obviously soared way over your head. It adds a nice ring to the summary to. Dont worry, i think your only mildly stupid, not nearly at the same level of stupidity that plagues both the gunship idea and Comcast. Also, pray what you preach. I was only flaming in response to your attack on me on the other thread. I was fully intending to be civilized when dealing with you up until that point.

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